Bang! ~

Gu Bai punched the table hard, and the brewed tea on the table fell onto the tea set.

"I can't stand it, can you?"

"Of course I can't stand it, after all, I'm a dying man, what can I stand!" Zheng Pinggui cleaned up the fallen tea leaves and put new tea leaves on them.

"It's just that I'm afraid of affecting the people related to me, especially Pingfu and others..."

"Let's not talk about this, the past is over, just pretend that it never happened~" Zheng Pinggui brewed tea and filled the cup in front of Gu Bai.

Indeed, Zheng Pinggui is not the same as himself, he has his own family and his own children.

Unlike himself, he can support himself, not drag Gu Yue down, and his family is worry-free.

"What is the name of that base?" Gu Bai thought about it and asked.

Zheng Pinggui waved his hand, his face serious, "What do you want to do? You don't want your sister to help me save face, do you? No, there's no need. Those people have unusual backgrounds and may affect your sister's future!" Gu Bai shook his head and denied Zheng Pinggui's guess, "If you don't tell me, what if I want to go out for a walk during this period and then step on a landmine!" Of course, Gu Bai couldn't tell Gu Yue about these things. He thought that he had an infinite life span, and perhaps in the distant future he might dig up the ancestral graves of those people and do something bad to their descendants. Gu Bai admitted that he was not a bad person, but he was definitely not a good person. Repay kindness with kindness and remember hatred with hatred. It's not that I won't repay it, but the time has not come yet! The most important point is... I am not capable enough now. Zheng Pinggui paused, "Guangming Base City!" He said again, "But I feel that there is more than one such base! If you really want to go out, try not to go to remote small cities!" Gu Bai nodded slightly. "Light? How ironic! Cockroaches appear under the light, which means there is no place to hide in the darkness..."

"What are you going to do after returning to the base now?"

"What else can I do? Just retire!" Zheng Pinggui smiled.

Gu Bai no longer talked about the topic of Guangming Base City.

The years returned to peace.

The two old men, Gu Bai and Zheng Pinggui, went fishing in Qiuluo Lake as they did in the past.

Qiuluo Lake did not disappear with the passage of time. Instead, it expanded a lot, and the fish in it also increased a lot.

The number of people who came to Qiuluo Lake to fish also increased significantly, and the two also met many new fishing friends.

On this day, Gu Bai received a message from Gu Qingfeng, the captain of the medical team.

Gu Bai was shocked when he saw the message, as if he was electrocuted.

Gu Qingfeng: My father passed away the night before yesterday at the age of 214. The memorial service is scheduled to be held at 10 o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, and he will be buried on the side of the Gu family's ancestral tomb in Lincheng Cemetery. Hereby invite all my father's friends and relatives to attend!

"Is Captain Gu gone too?"

"Time is not only a butcher's knife, but also a murderer's knife~"

Gu Bai sighed, speechless.

The day after tomorrow, Gu Bai came to Lincheng Cemetery.

Attended Gu Qingfeng's memorial service.

Gu Bai knew that in a few decades, his old friends might not be around anymore.

Not long after attending Gu Qingfeng's memorial service, Gu Bai's old team members, Sister Hua and Brother Tao, left one after another.

Both of them had average talents and died before reaching 200 years old, which means that their cells had normally declined to the limit.

Gu Bai said to himself with a smile that was uglier than crying.

"They all died of old age, with happy families, but their lives have reached the end. This is their blessing and their way home! I should be happy for them!" But as he spoke, two lines of tears appeared on Gu Bai's face, and he muttered: "I seem to be that alien, and I don't know when I will die of old age..." Time will not stop because of the departure of several people. Lincheng Base City is developing at a high speed like a highly efficient machine. They are like fragments of the old times, being eliminated, disappearing, and then no one cares. But fortunately, their lives continue in other ways. For example, their descendants, and Gu Bai, who will remember them forever. Time flows and rushes. It has been five years since Zheng Pinggui returned to Lincheng Base City. Zheng Pinggui's wife is fine, but Zheng Pinggui has been forced to be hospitalized due to the severe decline of cell strength, and he may die at any time. Lincheng Central Hospital. After knowing that the hospital issued a death notice to Zheng Pinggui, Gu Bai rushed to the hospital. "Uncle Gu, you're here!" Zheng Pingfu, the son of Zheng Pinggui, stood at the door and greeted Gu Bai. Gu Bai entered the ward and saw Zheng Pinggui lying on the bed with several tubes inserted into his body. In the past five years, the drastic decline of cells made him look like he had aged by dozens of years. Tong Anlin also looked much older, but his complexion was still good. It was obvious that Zheng Pinggui's injuries in Guangming Base City were much more serious. Zheng Pinggui's daughter-in-law, grandson, granddaughter-in-law, and great-grandson were all here. There were also some relatives of Zheng Pinggui. Fortunately, the ward was large enough, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate so many people. "I have explained everything I should explain to you. You can go out. I will say a few words to your uncle Gu for the last time!" Zheng Pinggui's voice was a little hoarse. Gu Bai slowly walked to the side of Zheng Pinggui's bed. Tong Anlin wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and asked everyone to leave the room. "I finally waited for this day, Brother Bai. It's a few years earlier than expected." Zheng Pinggui looked at Gu Bai and spoke slowly.

"I... forget it, I don't want to say much..." Zheng Pinggui opened his mouth.

Gu Bai's face darkened, "Are you kidding me?"

Zheng Pinggui smiled with a shriveled face, "I am kidding you! But there is nothing to say, because we have already said everything in the past!"

The room fell into silence, and Gu Bai didn't know what to say. There were obviously many things to say before, but now he didn't know what to say.

Zheng Pinggui's eyes slowly closed.

"Don't die!" Seeing this, Gu Bai gently shook Zheng Pinggui.

"I'm very energetic now! I'm just a little sleepy!" Zheng Pinggui opened his eyes again.

"Thank you, Gu Bai..." Looking at Gu Bai's old face, Zheng Pinggui smiled slightly.

"Thank me for what?"

"Nothing, I just think you deserve thanks. Thank you for knowing each other in the first year of high school, being deskmates in the second year of high school, being best friends in the third year of high school... and being good brothers since graduation."

"I have no regrets in my life... Gu Bai!"

"I'm here!"

"If you were to do it again, would you take your current path or my path?"

Gu Bai shook his head, "I... I don't know!"

"I just follow my inner choice!"

Zheng Pinggui turned his head, stared at Gu Bai, and slowly said: "Sometimes I envy you for being able to live for yourself all your life, but I... am also very satisfied with my life. Happiness cannot be defined, we just happened to take different paths!"

After Zheng Pinggui finished this paragraph, his voice became very light.

"I'm so sleepy... Gu Bai, but I feel very... energetic!"

"Gu... Bai, I seem to see... I see that your life is so... vigorous."

"Follow... your own heart, brother, I will..."

Zheng Pinggui's voice became smaller and smaller, but it seemed that he had used all his strength to make the sound. He slowly closed his eyes while speaking, and the breath of life completely dissipated.

There was a harsh dripping sound from the medical testing equipment next to him.

Gu Bai rubbed his blurred eyes hard.

"Goodbye, my good brother~"


Gu Bai sat in his seat and looked at Zheng Pinggui for a long time without saying a word. Not long after, the doctors from the hospital and Zheng Pinggui's family and relatives all rushed in.

Gu Bai slowly stood up and retreated behind them, and did not leave until Zheng Pinggui was pushed away to arrange the funeral.

A few days later, Gu Bai attended Zheng Pinggui's memorial service.

Gu Bai's face was very calm during the whole process. After the meeting, Gu Bai went to the teahouse where the two used to go alone and stayed there until late at night. He didn't come back to his senses until the staff came to remind him.

One year after Zheng Pinggui left, his wife Tong Anlin also passed away in depression.

Tong Anlin was buried next to Zheng Pinggui, and the two seemed to live together like this.

Life and death are both vague, and you can't forget them without thinking about them.

Time will not stop for someone, nor will it show mercy to life.

The rapidly developing Lincheng Base City seems to lack a bit of human fireworks and a bit of human touch.

Lincheng Base City is making progress, but some people are not. They are eliminated as expected and forced to enter retirement life early.

For ordinary people, life can only go with the flow, full of helplessness and a little bitterness.

Gu Bai carried a light blue special three-level bag on his back, looking at the familiar living room in front of him, the table and chair in the room, and the refrigerator in the kitchen that has been used for decades and is a bit old, Gu Bai showed a bit of reluctance.

"I have lived here for more than a hundred years!"

This house contains too much. There is my childhood, my dreams, my sweat, and my years.

Gu Bai walked to Gu Yue's room. No one has lived in this room for a long time, but the furniture inside is still very clean, without a trace of dust.

Put an envelope on the edge of the pillow on Gu Yue's bed, think about it, and then take off the space ring given by Lin Liuxin in his hand and put it on the envelope.

Walked over and over again in the house, every corner was deeply remembered by Gu Bai.

Then closed the doors and windows and locked the door of the house.

Leaving this home of more than a hundred years.

Gu Bai's back is getting farther and farther away, leaving this building and leaving the community.

After calling a taxi with the communicator, Gu Bai left Linming Community.

The road is smooth, and in less than an hour, Gu Bai arrived at Lincheng Airship Station.

After Lincheng Base City became a large base city, the Lincheng Airship Station was also renovated and upgraded. The circular airship station stood in the base. Although it was only hundreds of meters high, its architectural style was more magnificent than those hundreds of floors of high-rise buildings.

After passing the security checkpoint, Gu Bai came to the lounge of the airship battle and looked for a suitable position to wait for the arrival of the airship.

Dozens of figures looked around, and it seemed that they had been here for a while.

"Gu Bai!"

"Team Bai, this way!"

Gu Bai saw that they were a little surprised, but they smiled the next moment.

When he decided to leave a few days ago, he told Wang Baolin, the former captain of the medical team. After all, it was not good to leave secretly. At least one or two people should know, so as not to find him in the future.

Now that so many people have come, it seems that he leaked it.

"Why are you here!"

"Captain Bai, you are not righteous, aren't you? Not only do you not look for us, but you didn't even tell us when you ran away!" A middle-aged man pretended to be sad.

The man was Liu Junming, a member of Gu Bai's previous medical team. In addition to Wang Baojia and Wang Baolin, the people who came also included members of the previous medical team. They all looked a little old, and time had obviously left deep marks on them.

"Junming, so how is your company?" Gu Bai did not answer Liu Junming, but asked.

"You are still exposing my shortcomings, right? What else can I do? I just barely avoided bankruptcy!"

Liu Junming spread his hands. Liu Junming left the medical team before the alien beast tide, but he did not retire, but went out to make a living.

"Captain Bai, where are you going!" Xiao Huohuo asked curiously.

Xiao Huohuo worked for more than 20 years after Gu Bai left the medical team and became the captain of the medical team, but he also retired a few years ago.

"I just want to go out for a walk before I die. I haven't been to other base cities in my life!" Gu Bai smiled, with many wrinkles between his eyebrows.

"Then will you come back?" Wang Baojia and Wang Baolin standing behind asked.

"I don't know, maybe I will, maybe... I won't..." Gu Bai paused and shook his head.

"Take care of yourself outside. If you die, no one will collect your body!" Wang Baojia walked up to Gu Bai and patted Gu Bai's shoulder gently, as if they were meeting for the first time.

"It's okay. The most important thing is to be alive. I don't care what happens when I die!" Gu Bai smiled frankly.

"Goodbye, brother Bai!" Zheng Baolin also came forward and patted Gu Bai's shoulder.

"Don't pat, don't pat, I'm weak now, and you will beat me to pieces!" Gu Bai pushed the two people's arms away.

Then, the members of Gu Bai's medical team came up and patted Gu Bai's shoulders.

In Gu Bai's "life is hopeless", Gu Bai said goodbye to everyone one by one.

At this time, a huge shadow covered half of the rest area.

The airship has arrived!

It announced that it was time for Gu Bai to leave.

"Goodbye, if I don't see you when I come back, I will go to your grave and say bad things about you!"

"Don't hang out outside!"



Gu Bai waved goodbye to them from afar.

After checking the ticket, he lined up to board the elevator and came to his resting position. He put the third-level bag on the storage table above, and then looked out the window. There were passengers all around, and it was very noisy, but at this time Gu Bai felt very peaceful.

"Attention, passengers, the Moon Shadow 1536 airship is about to depart. Please sit in your seat. Please don't move around before entering the invisible state. Don't make noise, pay attention to order, and obey the instructions of the crew! Passengers who have not yet entered the airship, please hurry up, the airship is expected to close the cabin door in ten minutes!"

A light electronic sound came from the airship broadcast.

Gu Bai sat by the window and looked at the scene outside the window, his face was extremely calm and indifferent.

He finally decided... to leave Lincheng Base City before Gu Yue came back, so that Gu Yue would not worry and would not be a burden to her.

He knew that if Gu Yue knew that he was an immortal, she would be more worried about him, and worried about what would happen if he was too weak outside...

Faking an accidental death was obviously a better choice.

Without this burden, it would be better for Gu Yue's future.

Unfortunately, Gu Yue did not see him for the last time...

Gu Bai's vision gradually became wider, and the airship slowly took off. With a slight vibration, the airship entered the stealth state and headed towards the target base city.

"Goodbye, Lincheng..."


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