"What? Grandmaster? You didn't lie to me!"

Liu Qing's movements froze.

When Jiang Chen left, he was still a top martial artist. How come he is as powerful as a grandmaster now?

Jiang Chen stroked Liu Qing's hair and smiled,"How could it be? Although I haven't really nurtured the true qi, my combat power is indeed comparable to that of a grandmaster. In this mission, I also defeated a grandmaster from the Ten Thousand Races."

"All that money was rewarded from above, and a lot of points were also awarded. I exchanged these things back."

The amount of information Jiang Chen spoke out in one breath simply shocked Liu Qing.

In just a few days, her husband's strength was comparable to that of a master!

There were also so many beast meats and cultivation resources that they had never dreamed of before.

Thinking that her children would get a better education and cultivation resources in the future, Liu Qing cried with joy.

Her husband was actually a master. In her life, these two words always meant those who were like the moon surrounded by stars.

She never thought in her life that a master would have a relationship with her, and this relationship was a husband and wife!

Seeing Liu Qing crying with joy, Jiang Chen couldn't help but hug her in his arms and patted her on the back.

Behind every successful man, there is a good woman who is silently contributing.

Although she doesn't have much power or a loud voice, without these efforts, Jiang Chen would not be able to get to where he is today.

"I'll cook for you guys tonight!"

"What? My cooking is not tasty?"

After Liu Qing calmed down, he started to play with Jiang Chen.

"No! My dear wife, you are usually too tired, so today it’s my turn? You just take a rest and watch!"

Jiang Chen also cooperated with Liu Qing in playing.

Liu Qing knew that Jiang Chen was the most tired one.

However, seeing Jiang Chen so excited, she did not reject Jiang Chen's mood.

When she married Jiang Chen, her parents looked down on Jiang Chen.

They thought that Jiang Chen would never be successful in his life. He was just a guy who retired from the front line. Not only did he have no strength, but he also got himself injured.

In such a society, this kind of incurable injury almost classified Jiang Chen as the lowest level of people, so when getting married, her parents were unwilling to let her get married.

After so many years, perhaps her parents... What her mother said back then was right, but it would be totally wrong today.

Although their life was hard, they could not compare to those powerful people who lived a luxurious life.

But she was willing, because she and Jiang Chen loved each other.

After so many years, this feeling has not changed.

Jiang Chen was busy for several hours, and it was getting dark. It was almost time for Jiang Wenxiang and Jiang Tao to go home.

Jiang Chen also prepared the beast meat and put it on the table.

The side dishes were the medicinal herbs that Jiang Chen bought to improve his physical fitness. After cooking, they were specially matched with the beast meat and tasted very fragrant.

""Ding Dong!"

The doorbell rang. Jiang Chen and Liu Qing looked at each other and smiled.

Because they all knew that Jiang Wenxiang and Jiang Tao had returned. When they saw the table of meat, they didn't know what their expressions would be. As soon as the door opened,

Jiang Wenxiang rushed in, staring with wide eyes and searching everywhere, and finally locked his eyes on the dining table!

"We smelled this aroma right outside the door! It's beast meat again... No! These green vegetables are……"

"Ah! These are actually Tongxin Grass and Babao Flower! Aren’t these medicinal herbs used by warriors?"

"This... beast meat stewed with carrot soup, beast meat fried with garlic sprouts and diced carrots, and shredded beast meat with green peppers! This table is actually full of beast meat!"

Jiang Wenxiang was already stunned. She couldn't imagine how much this table would cost!

In addition to the beast meat, each of those medicinal herbs was also very valuable. She rarely saw them in the hands of the teachers in the academy, which shows how precious they are.

But they used them to eat with rice?

Jiang Tao was also stunned, and his saliva began to slide down the corners of his mouth.

This table was really too rich, everything you want! For warriors like them, the temptation is extremely strong.

At this moment, they can feel the blood in their bodies is restless, eager to eat this table of delicacies!

""Mom? Did our family win the lottery? How much did we win?"

Jiang Wenxiang was stunned. This was completely different from her memory of her previous life!

Liu Qing knew how much effort Jiang Chen had put in to get such generous resources.

When he heard Jiang Wenxiang say that she won the lottery, he immediately scolded her,"This is not earned by winning the lottery."

"This is what your father bought. He worked hard to earn this. You must eat it well and become stronger."

"And this."

Liu Qing took out two bottles of blue medicine.

"This blood-raising medicine can increase the strength of your qi and blood. Take it and practice well."

Jiang Wenxiang and Jiang Tao were shocked. Although they knew that their family would never win the lottery, they didn't expect that all these were earned in a short period of time.

It must have been very hard.

Jiang Wenxiang and Jiang Tao took the potion heavily. This large table of beast meat and potions must have been obtained at a great cost by their father.

As a reborn person, Jiang Wenxiang thought much more than Jiang Tao.

Because she knew what kind of strength her father had, it was almost impossible to exchange for such a huge amount of practice resources.

Jiang Wenxiang couldn't imagine how much Jiang Chen had paid to prepare these for them.

And all this was to let them practice well and become stronger in the future!

Jiang Wenxiang secretly clenched her hands. She had vowed to protect her family after she was reborn, but now she was still so incompetent! She was unwilling!

After such a sumptuous dinner.

In the room, Jiang Wenxiang and Jiang Tao sat together again

"I heard before that my father was a high-level warrior, which should be true, but even a high-level warrior would find it difficult to earn these"

"His new job must be very dangerous."

Jiang Tao sensed the obvious improvement of his blood and qi in his body. This dinner was so delicious that it greatly improved his strength!

Jiang Wenxiang was the same, with a determined light flashing in her beautiful eyes!

"The only thing we can do is to live up to their expectations, become stronger, and aim to be number one in the academy!"

"No. 1 in the academy? No, we want to be the strongest among our peers!"

Jiang Tao's eyes were burning with blazing flames, and he couldn't wait to start practicing!

On the other side, Jiang Chen sat down cross-legged.

He longed to become stronger. Only when he became stronger could he better protect his family and let them live a safe and worry-free life.

In Jiang Chen's hand, there was a piece of beast meat.

He planned to devour this piece of beast meat!

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