The bald man was Jiang Chen's friend Zheng Hean, and the one who was cursing was his wife Wang Fang.

Zheng Hean looked so sad that he obviously didn't live a happy life.

Zheng Hean was a few years younger than Jiang Chen, but now he was bald, skinny, and looked listless.

"Especially that guy named Jiang Chen! How much does he owe you? Didn't you say it was 200,000 last time?"

"Two hundred thousand! This is enough for our children to go to school! You should ask him to pay the interest as well, at least you can get the principal back!"

"You prodigal son of a bitch has been borrowing money from everywhere, and now you can’t even get your principal back. I don’t think you can even get half of it back!"

"What good brother who has risked his life for you? If he really has a little love for you, he should have paid you tens of thousands of yuan by now, right?"

Wang Fang's mouth was like a string of cannonballs, and she couldn't stop once she started.

She cursed Zheng Hean all over.

When Zheng Hean was in trouble, he would say a few words.

"There was nothing they could do! Jiang Chen was injured on the front line, and it was already difficult to just maintain the family expenses. They really couldn't come up with any money!"


Wang Fang slapped Zheng Hean's bald head and cursed,"You useless thing!"

"It's hard for him to maintain the family expenses, but it's easy for you? Why don't you think about our family!"

"Our children don't go to school? Our family doesn't have food? Do you know how much better our life will be if we take back the money? You are such a careless guy!"

As long as Zheng Hean said a few words, Wang Fang would accuse him more fiercely.

After all, Wang Fang was in charge of all the big and small things in the family, and she had accumulated a lot of resentment over the years.

Zheng Hean had no choice. He owed Wang Fang, and there was no reason for him to tell Wang Fang about this.

If there was no problem with his work, it would be fine.

But now his work is also very difficult. As a junior warrior, he really has no advantage.

If you want to make money, you almost have to work hard.

The most annoying thing is that he has worked so hard, but the company hasn't given him the money yet!

Now his family can't make ends meet, so Wang Fang is so anxious.

His family didn't have a good life, but he lent money to others. This is almost irresponsible behavior in the eyes of any wife.

If Zheng Hean had discussed the loan with her back then, it would be fine, and she also had a share in this matter.

But the problem is that Wang Fang didn't know that Zheng Hean had lent the money at all!

The atmosphere between the two was very solidified. Wang Fang looked so disappointed that she didn't even know how to continue scolding.

"Ding Dong……"

Suddenly, someone rang their doorbell.

The two people who were in a tense atmosphere needed a step down, so they both wanted to open the door at the same time.

Both sides took action, and in the end, Zheng Hean ran to open the door.

No matter who was outside the door, even if it was the property management staff who came to chat casually, it could ease the current situation.

Zheng Hean never expected that the moment he opened the door, he saw a familiar face!

""Brother! Why are you here so suddenly!"

When Zheng Hean saw Jiang Chen at the door, he smiled subconsciously and gave Jiang Chen a hug.

He couldn't forget the memories of the front line. If the relationship between them was not good, he would not have lent so much money to Jiang Chen.

"I just happened to come here to do some work, and I thought you were here too, so I came to see you."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, and gave Zheng Hean a warm hug.

Meeting good friends is always a pleasure.

However, seeing that Zheng Hean's family conditions were even worse than his own, Jiang Chen felt a little sorry, and at the same time, he was even more grateful to Zheng Hean!

He was obviously unable to make ends meet, but he was still willing to lend him money!

When Wang Fang heard that he was Zheng Hean's brother, she immediately came up and asked,"Which brother are you?"

Because of the money issue, Zheng Hean had never dared to let Jiang Chen and Wang Fang meet. The two only knew each other, but this was the first time they met.

"My name is Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen extended his hand in a friendly manner.

But when Wang Fang heard the name Jiang Chen, her suppressed anger immediately rose up when she saw the stranger!

Especially when she saw Jiang Chen coming over wearing new clothes, how could this mean that he was not living a good life?

"Are you Jiang Chen? How many years have you owed our family money? Isn't it time to pay it back?"

"I see you are not badly dressed. Our family and An sincerely treat you as a brother and lend you money. You can't treat him as a fool and cheat him!"

Wang Fang was still restrained and polite at first.

The latter sentence was really targeted.

Seeing the irritable Wang Fang, Jiang Chen completely understood why she was like this.

When his family had no money to make ends meet some time ago, although Liu Qing had not been like this, his own state was very similar to Wang Fang's.

"I came here this time, firstly to meet a friend, and secondly to pay back the money."

"It was my fault that the two hundred thousand yuan was delayed for so long, so I brought four hundred thousand yuan, which is enough to cover the principal and interest."

Jiang Chen said to Zheng Hean,"Give me your card number and I will transfer the money to you now."

On the way here, he asked Liu Qing for money. Liu Qing was grateful to Zheng Hean, who had saved their family from danger, and agreed with Jiang Chen's approach.

"Four hundred thousand? Brother, that's too much! What will your family do? Don't the children have to pay tuition?"

Zheng Hean blurted out, making Wang Fang, who had just been happy, look ugly.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen spoke quickly and blocked Wang Fang's mouth.

"It's okay. I've found a new job. I won't be short of money in the future. I should pay you back.

Jiang Chen's eyes were firm. There was no need for them to be so shy.

Seeing Jiang Chen's serious look, Zheng Hean thought about his family's situation and gave Jiang Chen the card number.

Jiang Chen immediately transferred the money.

Zheng Hean saw that the money had arrived, and a huge stone in his heart fell. He showed the phone interface to Wang Fang.

After Wang Fang confirmed it, her expression also eased a lot.

"Brother, this is too much money. I'll keep the rest for you, except for my share. If you need it in the future, come to me."

Zheng Hean was still worried.

Jiang Chen was really amused when he saw this. Anyway, he would not ask Zheng Hean for money.

"Just accept the money that he gave you out of kindness. If he doesn't come to pay back the money today, I wonder how this family will live in the future."

Wang Fang shook her head repeatedly and was speechless to Zheng Hean.

Jiang Chen frowned slightly when he heard this and asked Zheng Hean:"What's wrong? Are you in trouble? I can help."

Jiang Chen came here with the mentality of helping.

Hearing that Zheng Hean's family was in trouble, he felt obliged to help.

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