After experiencing this sudden attack, the school was closed that afternoon.

Ling Feng was about to go home, but before he left the school gate, his collar was grabbed by someone.

"I should have told you that you had to come to my place before the big exam."

Ling Feng turned around in horror and found that it was Zheng Hongji.

"Zheng...Mr. Zheng, I'm going home to have a meal first." Ling Feng immediately smiled flatteringly, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Don't smile at me." Zheng Hongji said coldly, "I heard that you were injured because of what happened today?"

"Yes, look at my arm, isn't there a plaster on it?" Ling Feng gestured, "The doctor said that you shouldn't move around these days."

Zheng Hongji glared at Ling Feng: "Don't try to bluff me, I asked the doctor, and the doctor said that you are alive and well, nothing is wrong!"

Ling Feng's face turned pale immediately.

He pointed behind Zheng Hongji: "Look, there is a mantle beast there!"

After saying this, Ling Feng turned around and wanted to run, but was grabbed by Zheng Hongji's shoulder.

"Come with me."

Ling Feng resisted violently, but was still dragged away by Zheng Hongji.

"Help, Zheng Hongji is eating children!"

As soon as this was said, almost all the students looked over here.

After they found out that it was Mr. Zheng who did it, they looked nervous and left quickly.

Ling Feng was disheartened.

He was taken directly to the small courtyard outside the office by Zheng Hongji.

This was the land specially approved by the college for him, so that Zheng Hongji could train some students here, but in recent years, Zheng Hongji has been too lazy to teach students on the grounds of poor health.

Until Ling Feng appeared.

"How many people begged me to teach, but I didn't let them, and you still didn't want to."

Zheng Hongji threw Ling Feng aside, turned on the faucet and started washing his hands.

Ling Feng said bitterly: "Mr. Zheng, I want to be a student with special talents in cultural subjects, and I won't be a world master in the future."

Lin Feng's cultural subject scores are SSS, which is also due to his status as a top student in his previous life.

In this life, if he does biological research again, even if he can't make any achievements, he will definitely have no problem making ends meet.

"What's the use of research?" Zheng Hongji said angrily, "This world will eventually be protected by powerful world masters! How many of those researchers can go to the battlefield?"

The path of researchers is completely different from that of world masters.

Grassroots researchers are no different from ordinary people. Only researchers who have opened a small world in their bodies through research methods can have the same strength as world masters.

But there are too few, ridiculously few.

If there are 100 world masters in Jiangnan City, there may not be even one awakened researcher.

"Your world power level can reach 1.6, which means that your talent is still better than most students in the college." Zheng Hongji wiped his hands and said lightly: "There are still some days before the big exam. If you learn something from me seriously, maybe you don't have to go the way of a special student, and you can also go to college!"

Zheng Hongji put on gloves and took out two iron whips from the warehouse, one of which was thrown to Ling Feng.

"You kid are not qualified to learn from me, but I can't stand your noise." Zheng Hongji said indifferently, "Pick up the weapon, I will teach you a set of whip techniques, which was figured out by my senior brother named Ma, and is quite suitable for newcomers to learn."

Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, but still picked up the iron whip.

He was afraid that he would be beaten if he was slow.

"Now, I will demonstrate it."

Zheng Hongji's Qi flowed to Dantian, his eyes were calm, and he quickly swung a whip.

"One whip."

He continued to pump his arms and swung his hands across the air.

Ling Feng was stunned suddenly, because he just saw a trace of electricity at this moment.

"Two whips."

Zheng Hongji jumped up suddenly, and the whip quickly whipped in the air, and it actually drew a thunder and lightning, which hit the ground.

Ling Feng's scalp was numb, and he quickly stepped back.

"Three whips!"

Zheng Hongji stopped and didn't continue.

He said calmly: "This set of whip techniques has five whips in total, and each whip can draw lightning, so it is called the Lightning Five Whips."

"The iron whip given to you can release electricity according to the strength, change the user's physical fitness, and achieve a goal of rapid improvement."

"With your current physical fitness, one whip is the limit. I will show you three whips, which is enough."

Ling Feng's current boundary power level was knocked down by 0.1 by him, only about 1.5. Forcibly using the second whip may cause the body to be paralyzed by the current and cause internal injuries.

Zheng Hongji looked up and was about to teach Ling Feng the details, but Ling Feng was already in the courtyard

He jumped up and down.

He imitated Zheng Hongji's method just now and actually swung out lightning.

Ling Feng said excitedly: "Mr. Zheng, is that so! I think I learned it!"

One whip, two whips, three whips.

Three electric marks fell clearly in the mud of the yard.

Zheng Hongji was stunned.

"This... is impossible!"

Zheng Hongji knew very well that without the physical fitness of a one-star realm person, it would be impossible to withstand the electric shock brought by three whips so easily!

But what about Ling Feng who was electrified in front of him?

It's haunted!

Zheng Hongji quickly asked Ling Feng to stop, and then checked the value displayed on the iron whip.

"It is indeed the current intensity that can only be stimulated by three whips..."

He couldn't believe it, turned his head to look at Ling Feng in astonishment, and then grabbed his arms.

"Do you feel any discomfort?"

"Or is there any pain?"

Ling Feng shook his head blankly: "No..."

Zheng Hongji was confused, and he immediately said: "Swing it again for me to see."

Ling Feng took action again, and three whips were thrown cleanly, connecting a large area of ​​electric arcs.

"Are these all fake arcs?"

Zheng Hongji hesitated for a moment, and suddenly grabbed one of the arcs, but soon a numb feeling invaded his whole body.


Zheng Hongji's few hairs exploded directly.

He opened his mouth and exhaled some smoke.

"The arc is real, the whip is real, is this Ling Feng fake?"

Zheng Hongji couldn't believe it at all, Ling Feng could learn three whips in an instant.

Zheng Hongji narrowed his eyes, he took off his gloves, and a flash of electricity appeared on his right hand.

"Ling Feng, come here, I have something to tell you."

Ling Feng instinctively sensed something was wrong.

"Mr. Zheng, I won't go over. Just tell me directly."

"I asked you to come over. Don't force me to do it!"

Under the coercion of Zheng Hongji, Ling Feng reluctantly walked over.

Zheng Hongji's right hand began to flash with electric light.

Seeing this, Ling Feng turned around and ran!

Zheng Hongji was stunned and roared: "Why are you running!"

"You want to use something to shock me, I won't be fooled!"

Ling Feng ran out of the courtyard and immediately shouted in the school: "Zheng Hongji eats children! Zheng Hongji eats children!"

Some students who were still in the school immediately looked downstairs with curiosity.

Zheng Hongji was immediately furious and jumped out.

He did want to try to shock Ling Feng, but he didn't expect Ling Feng to be so cunning that he chose to run away as soon as he found out his purpose.

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