"Master, let me handle this woman, right?" Qin Yi asked.

Wang Lao had no objection, he had no interest in dealing with such trash.

However... seeing Qin Yi asking him this question with a playful look on his face, he was curious about what this disciple wanted to do.

He hooked his finger, and Shadow Thorn was moved directly from a distance to the feet of the master and disciple.

Qin Yi's Kaitian sword energy was still on this person, and the strange black skin on the outside that was used to cover the breath was tattered and lost its effect, revealing strips of snow-white skin.

Qin Yi was not interested in this erotic scene, he leaned down and stretched out his hand to grab the artery at Shadow Thorn's wrist.

At this moment, Shadow Thorn suddenly widened his eyes and woke up from his coma.

She stared at Qin Yi, her eyes covered by the black skin filled with shock and disbelief.

As the person who made the move, she knew very well how lethal her moves were to Qin Yi.

I thought Qin Yi was either dead or useless, and at most he would be saved by the True King who was guarding him. But when I opened my eyes, I saw him squatting in front of me in high spirits.

I must not have woken up yet!

Ying Ci wanted to close her eyes again, but she felt a warm touch on her right hand. She looked up and saw that Qin Yi was holding her meridians with his fingers like an old Chinese doctor.

Strands of hot blood and qi penetrated her meridians through her skin. She felt extremely painful and wanted to resist, but she couldn't muster any strength.

What does it mean to inject blood and qi into my body?

Are you torturing me?

Ying Ci didn't understand.

Her body began to react violently. The remaining blood and qi in her flesh and blood fluctuated wildly, fighting against the invading blood and qi, trying to expel the blood and qi injected by Qin Yi.

Unfortunately, the remaining blood and qi in Ying Ci's body was too weak. In a breath of time, it was wiped out by Qin Yi's killing aura, and not even a slag was left.

After that, there was no more obstruction in Ying Ci's meridians, and Qin Yi could pour a large amount of his blood and energy into it unimpeded.

Under his exquisite control, the blood and energy he poured in gradually flowed from Ying Ci's aorta to the other meridians and blood vessels, and finally even the capillaries were controlled.

Qin Yi's blood and energy slowly penetrated into Ying Ci's flesh and blood through the meridians and blood vessels. Then, he had a thought, and Ying Ci, who was originally dying, suddenly shook, raised her right leg, and kicked herself!

Her limbs seemed to have their own ideas, and they were extremely uncoordinated. She struggled crookedly for a long time before she barely got up from the ground.

However, just as she got up, her right foot and left foot fell flat on the ground, and she was covered in mud.

"You are... using your blood and qi control at the micro level to allow your own blood and qi to penetrate into this woman's flesh and blood, achieving control like a puppet?"Old Wang's eyes lit up, and he understood his apprentice's idea.

It must be said that it was very creative and unconstrained.

Old Wang had only heard of using divine thoughts to control outsiders, but had never heard of using blood and qi to control them forcibly.

Qin Yi's attempt this time could be regarded as the prototype of an original technique, but he was still not familiar with it at the moment, and had not figured out the purpose of each piece of flesh and blood, which was why his limbs were not coordinated just now.


Such a fine and large-scale control requires the blood and qi to be divided into millions of streams. Can it really be done with just the micro-level control?

I'm afraid it's not possible!

Old Wang also has micro-level control, but he believes that he can't do it.

To be able to control warriors with blood and qi like Qin Yi, it must be at the [God-like] level!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Qin Yi a few more times, and was shocked.

How many surprises can his apprentice bring him?

"Your method of controlling people with Qi and blood threads can probably be rated as a B-level technique after you write a systematic text."Old Wang exclaimed:"It's a pity that ordinary warriors can hardly reach your level of Qi and blood control. Even if this B-level technique is written, few people can use it."

Qin Yi was delighted after listening to his master's story.

The little game he made up casually could actually become a practice?


After an hour of trying, he finally roughly figured out the functions of the various parts of the human body, and was able to control Ying Ci to stand up from the ground and do some simple movements, such as walking, running, and standing in place.

In this process, Ying Ci's mentality gradually changed from confusion to astonishment, and finally only panic was left.

She didn't expect that she would become a puppet, manipulated at will according to Qin Yi's thoughts.

Even if she resisted desperately, she could only watch her legs and hands make various movements uncontrollably.

So much so that after more than an hour, Ying Ci's mouth and tongue began to be controlled by the blood and qi, and made vague sounds.

This sound was not what Ying Ci wanted to say at all!

What kind of evil magic is this?

Why does it feel that Qin Yi is more like a villain than our Alien God Society?

""Master, after I am fully familiar with how to control Shadow Thorn, can I control her to return to the Alien God Society and control her remotely to be my undercover agent?" Qin Yi asked. The biggest problem with this idea he proposed was that his spiritual power was not strong enough. Once he was too far away from Shadow Thorn, the connection would be disconnected.

Now Qin Yi has a total of 1,100 points of spiritual power (automatically increased by 100 points during the death battle with Shadow Thorn), which means that his spiritual power covers a range of 11 meters, and it cannot reach farther away.

Old Wang thought about it carefully for a while, then shook his head.

Qin Yi's method of controlling blood and qi threads cannot be controlled remotely if his own spiritual power is not enough, and those who have enough spiritual power do not have enough control level. The only way is to wait for Qin Yi's spiritual power to increase again.

Seeing that the knowledgeable master shook his head, Qin Yi shrugged and was about to stop fiddling with it, but suddenly he had a new idea.���

"Can I leave a [program] in the blood and qi of Ying Ci's body, so that they can act according to the program after leaving me, just like robots?"

Qin Yi did what he said and tried again, and finally succeeded in part.

He reserved a small simple [program] in Ying Ci's body in advance, and then asked the master to send Ying Ci out of the True King Realm.

Immediately, the master and apprentice also walked out of the True King Realm and returned to the supermarket.

The two stared at Ying Ci's back and saw her walk out of the supermarket step by step, turning left and right, and successfully left the block, and didn't know where she went.

""Where will your planned procedure take her in the end?" Old Wang asked curiously.

Qin Yi smiled slightly and replied,"Nowhere. She was instructed to turn herself in to the East Suburb Police Station and explain that it was Mr. Qin Yi, a three-good citizen, who caught her and influenced her with love for many days, so that she came to her senses and finally turned herself in."

Old Wang:...

Suddenly, his mind emerged the incomparable shocked reactions of the police officers of the East Suburb Police Station when they saw this person come in to turn himself in and speak.

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