"Whirring whirring……"

It lasted for several minutes.

When the thick dust gradually dissipated, the teacher dispersed the spiritual barrier in front of him.

While breathing heavily, they looked through the gradually dissipating dust and saw the figure standing proudly in the dust, and smiled bitterly.


"After so many years, I will once again go all out."

"It was to resist the aftermath of the fight between two students."

The teachers sighed, and only a few people who were close to them heard it.

More students were concerned about the situation in the dust.

The dust was blown away by the cool wind, and the scene in the dust finally appeared in front of everyone.

A deep pit appeared in front of everyone.

At the bottom of the cone-shaped pit, a person was lying.

It was Lin Xingqiang who was punched by Lu Ming and directly embedded in the ground.

Unlike his embarrassment.

At this time, Lu Ming naturally stood on the ground.

He had released all his other states.

With his upper body naked, he looked down at Lin Xingqiang, whose head was only exposed.

It was as if the difference between heaven and earth was

"I lost"

"From now on, you will be the new number one in southern martial arts."

Lin Xingqiang broke free from the ground, jumped out of the huge pit, and came to Lu Ming.

When he said this, his face was bitter and full of emotion.

He felt that the dominant position he had established was handed over like this.

What was bitter was that it was taken away by a freshman who had just entered the school.

The people around, including the teachers, were also stunned to see the two standing side by side.

The alternation of the new and old overlords

"There is still much room for improvement in your boxing skills."

"Do you want me to teach you?"

Hearing Lu Ming's words, Lin Xingqiang's eyes were slightly surprised.

But in an instant, he thought of the boxing improvement that Lu Ming had just made for Su Yu.

He was moved, and finally nodded.


In the evening, the student dormitory

""Teacher Lu, this is your residence."

A slim girl helped Lu Ming push the suitcase and pointed to a villa in front of him.

As a student who was specially approved to advance directly to the senior year, Lu Ming's living conditions were naturally extraordinary.

This villa alone was extremely luxurious.


"If you have nothing else to do, go back first."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Lu Ming took his suitcase from the girl with a smile.

This girl was one of the Fourteen Sons of the South.

Lu Ming couldn't remember her name, or maybe she had said it, but he didn't care.

After Lin Xingqiang and Su Yu had a taste of success, the other twelve followed suit.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to fight with Lu Ming, they asked Lu Ming to point out their shortcomings.

With the fate of [teaching and learning from each other], Professor Lu Ming could also benefit, so he naturally would not refuse.

So he has been teaching until now.

I don't know who mentioned the name of Master Lu.

Anyway, it has been recognized by the Fourteen Sons of the South.

Now, they are convinced of Lu Ming and respectfully call him Master Lu.

Even sending Lu Ming to the student dormitory, they all rushed to do it. If Lu Ming didn't want to be too ostentatious and only left one person to help show the way, I'm afraid all the Fourteen Sons of the South would come to clear the way. Lu Ming naturally didn't want to see such a scene happen.

"All right"

"Then Master Lu, I will leave first."

"If you need anything, you can always call me."

Hearing Lu Ming's order to leave, the girl couldn't help but show a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

In this high-level martial arts world where strength is respected, everyone admires the strong.

Besides, Lu Ming's wonderful performance today has convinced countless people.

This girl is naturally no exception. It's just a pity that Lu Ming didn't have this idea. Although the girl gave up, she also emphasized the word"need".

Even when she turned her back and left, she didn't forget to sway her body and show her attractive curves.

Lu Ming just took a look, turned his head away without interest, and went into the villa.

He is naturally not frigid.

It's just that women, It will only affect the progress of his martial arts training.

Lu Ming walked into the house and took a look. The configuration of the villa was roughly similar to the villa prepared by the Cheng family during the assessment of accepting disciples.

Speaking of this, Lu Ming suddenly remembered that Lei Ling had said on the ring at that time that he would choose a day to announce the matter of Cheng family martial arts saint accepting disciples.

But now, it has lost its ending.

I am afraid that the Cheng family wants to keep things quiet and let time smooth everything out.

After all, people will only remember the winner. If the Cheng family really announced that Cheng Sheng was accepted as a disciple by the Cheng family martial arts saint, it would probably cause unnecessary trouble.

The best way is to deal with it coldly.

Of course, Lu Ming didn't have time to help the Cheng family think about it. He just Suddenly thought of it.

The Cheng family martial saint had already given him comfort and compensation.

After putting away his luggage, Lu Ming immediately went to the training room.

After today's battle, he also had some insights and needed to practice in time.

Nandu, the tower that reaches the sky.

The edge of the tower is so deep that it is almost in the clouds.

Looking down from here, the houses below are so far away that they are like ants in the eyes.

A figure is sitting cross- legged here. He is in high spirits, and even with his eyes closed, there is a domineering aura that looks down on the world.

This person is the Cheng family's divine son, Cheng Sheng.

After being defeated by Lu Ming in the apprenticeship assessment, he did not become depressed, but began to practice more diligently.

He He no longer insisted on the Supreme Golden Body.

After three years of immersion, he did not slack off in martial arts.

Coupled with the huge investment of resources from the Cheng family, Cheng Sheng's strength has now advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching the peak of the fifth level. He is only one step away from the fourth level of Guiyi Realm.

Now, his body's secrets have been opened, and he has realized his own little magical power.

Lu Ming is making progress, but he has never stopped.

Sooner or later, Lu Ming will look at his back from afar.

Cheng Sheng opened his eyes, and his eyes shone with brilliance.

Lu Ming is just a bump on his martial arts journey.

But the road of martial arts is inherently rugged.

Even if there are constant bumps, it will not affect his ascent to the final peak.

"How are you prepared?���"What?"

A steady male voice came from behind.

Cheng Sheng turned around respectfully and bowed to the man who spoke.

He was the Cheng family's martial saint, Cheng Wuji.

"Grandpa, I am ready and can go north at any time."

Going north is the path Cheng Wuji set for Cheng Sheng.

Among his peers, the one he really has to face is not Lu Ming, but the sons of the two martial saints in the north.

"Today, the two sons of the Martial Saint have already made a name for themselves at Tianjing Martial Arts University."

"Remember, they are your ultimate enemy."

"A genius like Lu Ming is destined to be a flash in the pan."

"On the road of martial arts, the momentary glory is but a moment, and only when you reach the pinnacle can you be truly glorious."

Cheng Wuji earnestly counseled Cheng Sheng.

As the most brilliant person in the Cheng family, he had put in a lot of effort to train Cheng Sheng.

Naturally, he did not want to see Cheng Sheng fall into despair because of Lu Ming.

"I understand, Grandpa."

"This trip north will surely bring glory to the Cheng family.

Cheng Sheng knew the responsibility he shouldered.

He promised Cheng Wuji in a sonorous and powerful voice.

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