"I took Lin Sheng's sword energy with my bare hands."

"The physical strength of the Supreme Golden Body has reached such a level."

The sword energy emitted by Lin Sheng was caught by Lu Ming with his bare hands.

He squeezed it lightly, and the sword energy was instantly shattered and turned into nothing.

Even the Fourteen Southern Sons who were watching from a distance couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

It was difficult for them to withstand such an attack with their physical bodies.

Not to mention Lu Ming

's bare hands. Lu Ming's Supreme Golden Body gave everyone a deep shock.

No wonder this is an extremely difficult realm to achieve.

Facing Lu Ming, Lin Sheng frowned even more.

He had to admit that his imagination of Lu Ming's strength was too shallow.

No one could have thought that an eighteen-year-old boy could be so strong.

But at this time The arrow is already on the string.

Lin Sheng had no choice but to continue to control the long sword and continue to cut towards Lu Ming.

His wave-breaking sword technique was wave after wave, and one sword was better than another.

But no matter how wonderful the sword was, it was all caught by Lu Ming's palm.

He was originally a supreme golden body.

After using Jie Yin Tian Lin, the power of the blue dragon he obtained strengthened every inch of his body.

Now Lu Ming's body is far superior to that of warriors of the same level.

And this is when he has not yet activated the state of Blood Spirit Prajna. If he really goes all out, Lu Ming's physical strength can reach an even more terrifying level.

But there is no need to show it at this time.

"Are you done with the fun?"

Lin Sheng didn't know how many times he had chopped, but he still couldn't stop Lu Ming from moving forward.

After hearing Lu Ming's words, he smiled bitterly.

He tried so hard and attacked with all his strength, but in the eyes of the other party, it was just a joke.

After all, Lu Ming caught all his attacks with just one palm.

The word"play" just describes it appropriately.

After a bitter smile, Lin Sheng also stepped back.

What was left in front of Lu Ming was the open door.

So far, the entire road in front of the school gate has been cleared by Lu Ming.

Everyone looked over and saw the tall figure carrying a suitcase.

The boy has left a deep impression in their hearts.

The thousand-meter road was blocked by many obstacles.

But it couldn't stop his footsteps at all.

What's more, he arrived at the end in such a crushing manner.

At the same time, on the top floor of the office building.

The teachers who were secretly watching all this could only sigh

"This is a true genius."

The thousand-meter road, walking unstoppably.

Lin Heng thought his expectations were good enough.

But he never thought that Lu Ming gave him a big surprise.

He actually walked directly to the school gate.

Now, Lu Ming stood in front of the school gate.

He looked through the school gate at the fourteen people opposite with complicated expressions.

He had done his homework before coming.

In front of him were the fourteen sons of the south.

The fourteen most powerful geniuses of the three southern universities.

When watching the battle between Lu Ming and Lin Sheng, they all asked themselves a question.

If it were them, when facing Lin Sheng, could they be as strong as Lu Ming?

The answer is no.

Looking at the fourteen people, Lu Ming smiled slightly and opened the small bag on his back.

The heavy Youlong Spear was assembled by him.

"What is he going to do?"

"Wasn't his trial over?"

"Could it be that he wanted……"

Seeing Lu Ming take out his weapon, the crowd outside the venue could not help but boil.

He raised his weapon in front of the Fourteen Southern Sons.

Everyone knew what Lu Ming was thinking.

The Fourteen Southern Sons had expected this scene.

"I heard that you are the fourteen strongest people from the three major universities."

"Then, let's go together!"

Lu Ming held the spear in his hand and raised it fiercely. A sharp sound of breaking through the air suddenly exploded.

The spear stretched out and pointed directly at the fourteen people opposite.

He was going to fight against the fourteen southerners on his own.

Many people thought that Lu Ming was too arrogant, but then they thought of the crushing scene just now and stopped talking.

The fourteen southerners did not dare to be arrogant.

If someone else said this, they would only sneer.

But it was Lu Ming who said this.

He had just walked through the road and was invincible.

They were on full alert and raised their weapons.

The onlookers on both sides of the road were also excited.

Originally, they just came to see the style of the genius.

But they never thought that they would see such a wonderful scene.

The fourteen most outstanding geniuses from the three major universities in the south are now joining forces to fight against a freshman who has just entered the school.

"I heard that at Tianjing Martial Arts University, Yun Tian, the son of Yunliu Martial Saint, swept all challengers."

"Chu Jue, the son of the Mad Dragon Martial Saint, challenged Ouyang Qiu, the top player in the Northern University, and also won"

"Lu Ming, are you trying to emulate the two sons of the Martial Saints?"

No one knew what Lu Ming was thinking.

But when they met those golden eyes, the fourteen southern sons all took a deep breath.

In those majestic eyes, they saw a strong fighting spirit.

The burning fighting spirit was burning in Lu Ming.

He leaped up, his spear stretched out like a dragon, and he rushed directly into the crowd.

The fourteen southern sons reacted very quickly and immediately fought back with weapons.

The martial arts true meanings of the fifteen people collided in chaos.

Among them, Lu Ming's martial arts true meaning was the most terrifying.

With the blessing of huge dragon power, the true meaning of ascending high suppressed the martial arts true meanings of the other fourteen people by himself.

The fourteen southern sons all felt the pressure like a mountain.

The people around Although they were not on the battlefield, they could still feel the tremendous pressure.

The strong wind from the collision of true meanings kept whistling in their ears.

The ground sank due to the pressure, cracked into lines, and turned into a pile of rubble.


Lu Ming, who was in the center, was like a tyrant.

Fourteen people attacked him, which was already extremely dazzling to the people around him.

But every attack was responded to by his Youlong Spear.

The sound of weapons colliding was endless.

The spear is the king of all weapons.

Lu Ming's Liuhe Gun, even played the group attack to the extreme.

Even if he was one against fourteen, he was not at a disadvantage. He even took the initiative and pressed the fourteen southerners to fight.

"How strong is his real strength?"

"It's not unfair to lose to him."

Looking at Lu Ming, who was like a demon god, invincible among the Fourteen Southern Sons, Lin Sheng couldn't help but feel a little comforted.

The sword lights flashed and the sword energy surged.

The battlefield where the fifteen people were located was full of murderous atmosphere.

The true meaning of martial arts collided fiercely.

The earth trembled and dust billowed.

Some of the Fourteen Southern Sons had already shown signs of decline.



Someone couldn't bear the huge force of the Dragon Spear, and two figures flew backwards, and the blood sprayed all over the air.

Lu Ming's brute force destroyed their bodies and temporarily cut off their ability to continue to attack.

Taking advantage of this change, the remaining twelve people also hurriedly distanced themselves from Lu Ming.

They were breathing heavily, and their eyes were extremely solemn.

Only by really fighting with him could we know.

The young man in front of us was really like a mountain, insurmountable.

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