
The sound of the iron cage being closed rang in everyone's ears, making them tense.

For a moment, everyone was like a frightened bird, feeling that every tree and grass was an enemy.

"Let me say a few words first."

A voice broke the silence.

Jiang Yuanlong stood up, his expression calm and his temperament indifferent.

"I know you might be thinking of teaming up to defeat me first."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Jie's face turned pale.

The same thing happened to the people who had just discussed tactics with her.

"The idea is nice, but it does threaten me."

"But, I won't give you this chance."

Jiang Yuanlong has already made up his mind. He will defeat everyone present one by one as quickly as possible.

He won't give them any chance to join forces.

His speech undoubtedly cast a gloomy shadow on the hearts of everyone present.

Except for Lu Ming.

Listening to Jiang Yuanlong's words, he felt his blood boiling.

The rising will to fight was burning even more fiercely.

Yes, that's it!

Jiang Yuanlong's idea excited him, and the crackling sound of his bones became more and more intense.

But something he didn't expect happened.

Jiang Yuanlong turned his head and looked at him with a sharp look in his eyes.

"Let's start with you!"

Outside the iron cage.

Because the iron cage is sealed, the scene inside cannot be seen, and the principals don't know what's going on.

"Principal Lin, don't worry, who among them can be Yuan Long's opponent?"

"When Yuanlong passes the preliminary exam, Principal Lin must not forget us."

There are still people flattering and kissing Lin Cheng's ass.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At the same time, there was a shocking thunder in the iron cage.

The iron cage was not soundproof, and the thunder exploded in the ears of the principals.

"It is so magnificent, it seems that Yuanlong is not only a high-level cultivator"

"His attainments in martial arts are incredible."

Even though they were separated by an iron cage, the thunder still roared with full force.

Many principals could not help but sigh.

It was not difficult for them to imagine how heroic the figure who showed his might in the iron cage must be.


With a loud noise, everyone looked over and saw a human figure emerging from the iron cage.

Obviously, someone was knocked away by the huge force and hit that position.

And in the iron cage

"You, what kind of monster are you?"

Jiang Yuanlong's figure was trapped in the iron cage, coughing up blood from the corner of his mouth, looking at Lu Ming in front of him in disbelief.

Bone Refining Realm!

Ten Thunder Fists!

In one encounter, he was severely injured and had no power to fight back.

Why had I never heard of such a strong man before?!

"It feels so good to defeat a genius."

"Next, it's your turn."

Lu Ming ignored Jiang Yuanlong.

He turned around and looked at the crowd that gathered together subconsciously, his fighting spirit rising.

The crackling sound of his bones continued to come out of his body.

The aura on his body was still rising.

The people on the opposite side looked at Lu Ming, their legs trembling.

Among the crowd, Jiang Yuanlong, the most powerful, was seriously injured by the opponent in a single encounter.

Let alone them!

Lu Ming did not hesitate and rushed directly into the crowd.

The fist wind whistled and thunder continued.

He performed the Thunder Fist and was like a god descending to earth in the crowd.

Even Jiang Yuanlong was not his opponent, let alone these people.

With just one punch, he could knock a figure away.

As the thunder sounded, figures flew out and hit the iron cage heavily.


A student lost his mind and took out a knife from his pocket.

He roared and rushed towards Lu Ming, trying to stab him with the knife.

Lu Ming was not afraid at all. He twisted his right arm in a weird posture and punched out suddenly with a thunderous sound.

The student was knocked away and hit the iron cage hard, fainting in disbelief.

He saw with his own eyes that the knife scratched Lu Ming's arm, leaving an almost invisible scratch.

The next second, the scratch disappeared and returned to normal.


Who can refine skin to be invulnerable to swords and guns!

Of course, Lu Ming was no longer refining skin at this time.

He just discovered it.

As the fighting spirit surged in his body, this fighting spirit was tempering his body while defending against the enemy.

After a battle, most of Lu Ming's bones were also tempered.

"No wonder, the [Martial Arts God] fate guides me to choose the battle tactics."

Feeling the powerful force growing in his bones, Lu Ming twisted his neck and looked at the geniuses lying crookedly in the iron cage.

He is really strong!

"Yuanlong's strength is simply invincible among his peers."

"Principal Lin, I have a feeling that he may become a legend in No. 2 Middle School"

"Not only that, he is even a legend in Jiangcheng."

The principals sighed as they watched the fluctuations in the iron cage.

The sound in the iron cage had not stopped since the beginning.

From the outside, human figures appeared on the surface of the iron cage.

This meant that no one inside was Jiang Yuanlong's opponent.

Even just by listening to the sound, they could imagine what an overwhelming battle was going on inside.

"Everyone, when Yuanlong comes out, please don't praise him so much."

"Young people should not be arrogant and should be modest."

Lin Cheng could not hide his joy, but he was still serious.

While everyone was happy, Bai Zhiqiang was worried.

Lu Ming had just broken through the limit.

He was about to take the martial arts college entrance examination, so he must not get hurt too badly.

"It's time for him to come out."

The vibrations in the iron cage had stopped for a long time.

Lin Cheng looked at the door of the iron cage and couldn't help but feel a little expectant.

Many principals were also looking forward to it.

They were ready to say nice words to congratulate Jiang Yuanlong when they saw him.


At this moment, the door of the iron cage was suddenly kicked open and fell to the ground.

A figure walked out of it. The expectation on Lin Cheng's face suddenly twisted.

The principals who were ready to say nice words opened their mouths and swallowed the words on their lips.

Bai Zhiqiang rubbed his eyes, looking confused.


Being stared at with such strange eyes, Lu Ming felt a little awkward.

"Sorry, I just broke through and couldn't hold back."

"I will pay for the broken door."

Is it the door's problem?!"

Lin Cheng reacted and rushed into the iron cage.

The students were like fallen leaves, scattered in every corner of the iron cage.

Among them was his favorite student, Jiang Yuanlong.

Outside the iron cage, the man in Zhang's martial arts uniform was also a little surprised.

He moved his expression and made a gesture of invitation to Lu Ming.

""Student, Master Zhang invites you to the third floor to talk."

As soon as the voice fell, a special person came over to lead Lu Ming upstairs.

"No, he can't leave."

"How could this guy be a match for Yuan Long? He must have used some shady means."

"I demand a thorough investigation!"

Lin Cheng rushed out of the iron cage, shouting at the top of his lungs, unable to accept this result.

The man reached out to stop him, preventing him from moving.

Bai Zhiqiang was about to speak for his students, but the man spoke first.

"Principal Lin, don't worry. The owner has already retrieved the video footage from the cage. Let's go check it out now."

"Everyone will know what is going on in the cage after seeing it."

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