"Why did Lu Ming put down his weapon?"

In the monitoring room, Chen Che stood up from his chair anxiously.

Even Lu Yue was puzzled at this time.

A warrior put down the weapon in his hand, how could he defend against the enemy?

Not only two people thought so, even Sanjiu's CPU was a little overwhelmed.

After analyzing Lu Ming's actions, he couldn't help but pause.

Could it be that Lu Ming chose to admit defeat?

But it doesn't make sense. With the ability shown by Lu Ming, how could he choose to give up because of this little accident.

Sanjiu's guess was not wrong, Lu Ming did not give up.

After dropping the Youlong Gun, he clenched his fists.

His eyes were like a scope, aiming at Sanjiu.

It's a pity that Sanjiu is just a bionic man, not a real human.

Otherwise, being stared at by Lu Ming's eyes, he would have an incomparable palpitation

"Since you can see through my shooting skills"

"Then try my extreme boxing method."

Lu Ming flashed out and came in front of Sanjiu, and with him came a heavy punch.


A dull sound���It was like steel hitting steel.

Sanjiu lowered his head in disbelief, and was immediately knocked away by Lu Ming's punch.

"Warning! 54% damage to the chest area, please repair it in time."

Sanjiu finally stopped after bumping into a big tree.

His martial arts chip popped up an alarm. Lu Ming's punch directly made his chest dent.

Moreover, something weird happened.

He couldn't catch the trend of Lu Ming's punch.

Looking at the bewildered Sanjiu, Lu Ming smiled slightly.

As he expected.

Although Sanjiu can analyze the moves, Lu Ming's extreme boxing is not even a martial art in the strict sense.

After all, there are no moves in extreme boxing.

There are only one force technique after another, which is hidden in the moves and can be performed with any moves.

In this way, Sanjiu can't catch the routine of extreme boxing at all, let alone respond.

"It seems that you are no longer able to do it."

Lu Ming smiled slightly and tilted his head.

The next second, he flashed in front of Sanjiu.

With his powerful and heavy fists, he attacked Sanjiu with all kinds of strange punches.

Sanjiu was like a sandbag, allowing Lu Ming to be beaten.

But even if he didn't want to, it was useless.

Lu Ming's punches were all kinds of strange, as if they were thrown randomly. Every punch seemed to be drunk, and no one knew where it flew out.

But every punch contained extremely powerful power.

"Warning! 65% of the brain area is damaged, please repair it in time"

"Warning! The arm area is damaged by 70%, please repair it in time"

"Warning! If the damage to the whole body area exceeds 90%, the system will automatically shut down."

In Sanjiu's brain, various mechanical prompts kept ringing.

Lu Ming activated the self-preservation mode of the bionic man, and Sanjiu's eyes darkened, and then he fell to the ground.

Lying on the ground, Sanjiu's condition could be described as horrible.

His whole body was full of dents caused by Lu Ming's punches.

Some places even had big holes, revealing the parts inside, scattered all over the ground.

Seeing that Sanjiu had lost his reaction, Lu Ming retracted his fist.

However, he had passed the S-level trial, but the bracelet had not responded for a long time, which made him confused.

"He, he blew up the bionic man?!"

Chen Che was shocked and stood up.

Lu Yue also had a deep look in his eyes and was in shock.

They all thought that Lu Ming could survive this trial.

But what they didn't expect was that Lu Ming actually won in this way.

That's a bionic man!

When fighting with a bionic man, all the moves will be read by them, and they will use chips to analyze and calculate and give countermeasures.

Therefore, the longer you fight with a bionic man, the more disadvantageous it will be.

Because the bionic man will understand everything about you.

Unless you break through to a higher level, the bionic man is almost invincible.

But now, Lu Ming has broken this cognition.

When he was still a beginner, he used a pair of flesh fists to smash the bionic man to pieces.

"What kind of boxing technique is that?"

Chen Che was extremely curious.

Even Lu Yue, who practiced the super martial arts, the Cangxuan Sword Technique, could not defeat the android in this way when he was in the Soul Refining Realm.

How powerful must the boxing technique that Lu Ming just used be?

Chen Che found it hard to imagine.

"No, it's not boxing."

Lu Yue interrupted Chen Che and shook his head.

"If it was boxing, even if Ming'er used it for the first time, it would not be possible to make the bionic man so embarrassed."

"His boxing style is very strange."

"It's all about skills, no tricks"

"Therefore, every punch can be thrown at will, yet it can burst out with such powerful force that the bionic man cannot analyze it with ordinary routines."

Lu Yue has a sharp eye and saw the key at a glance.

Even so, he couldn't help but sigh.

What a monstrous son he gave birth to.

He can see that the Extreme Boxing Way definitely incorporates the essence of many boxing techniques.

Obviously, Lu Ming also gained insights from it during the military trial.

Counting the essence of the Cangxuan Sword Art that he integrated into his spearmanship, his understanding of martial arts is so profound that even Lu Yue can only say that he is far behind.

"It seems that he has to go to the martial saint's apprenticeship."

Lu Yue shook his head, then stopped watching and walked out of the room.

"Hey, the trial isn't over yet, why don't you continue watching?"

Chen Che turned his head and looked at Lu Yue's back, shouting at him

"I'm going to apply for an outing"

"Ming'er is going to Nandu, and as his father, I have to support him."

Chen Che also reacted after hearing this.

Lu Ming's points are now the first in Huainan area.

And no one can surpass him.

Obviously, only he is qualified to represent Huainan to participate in the martial saint's apprentice assessment.

"It's just a grand show."

Watching Lu Yue walk out of the room, Chen Che was in a daze, and after a long while he snorted softly.

"Bionic Man No. 39 is severely damaged and needs to be recycled."

In the exam room, everyone looked at the warning on the screen and was speechless.

They were so shocked that they didn't know how to explain it.

After a long time, Ma Qianlong came back to his senses.


Originally, if they could pass the S-level trial, Sanjiu would personally give them points.

But now, Sanjiu was beaten into such a mess by Lu Ming, and even the system was automatically shut down, so how could he possibly give Lu Ming extra points?

Ma Qianlong had to give the order himself.

The staff only then reacted and quickly tapped the keyboard.

Ma Qianlong stared at the boy on the screen in a daze.

Lu Ming had brought him too much shock.

"The appearance of such a genius is truly a blessing for the human race."

"We are honored to witness the emergence of such a genius."

Ma Qianlong's words caused everyone to nod.

Lu Ming, who was standing in front of Sanjiu's body, finally felt the vibration of the bracelet.

The points for completing the S-level trial were counted.

At the same time, the students in the entire examination room also saw the information on the bracelet.

"Congratulations to Lu Ming for defeating the first S-level trial site."

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