"Dear students, welcome to the Huainan examination room"

"Please stand at your respective positions according to the ground markings."

When Lu Ming and others got off the plane, other planes also arrived one after another.

Under the guidance of the host, they quickly stood at the position of the No. 3 training camp.

After standing in order, a special person came and distributed items to them.

Lu Ming hung the nameplate with his name on his chest, and raised his hand to look at the bracelet on his hand, wondering what it was for.

While Lu Ming was fiddling with the bracelet, other training camps also stood one after another, and after the corresponding items were distributed

""Everyone, please be quiet."

The man stood in front of everyone, and his voice spread with spiritual energy, like thunder.

The noisy students quickly quieted down, and the scene was silent.

"First of all, welcome to the Southern Trial"

"I am the person in charge of Huainan region, Ma Qianlong"

"He is also the director of admissions at Nandu Martial Arts University."Nandu Martial Arts


One of the three major universities in the south, one of the seven major universities in Daxia.

The students who reacted exclaimed.

Ma Qianlong smiled slightly, controlled the situation and continued

"A total of 495 people from Huainan region participated in this trial."

"I know that everyone present here is the elite among the elites."

"However, our three major universities only need true geniuses."

"Only the top 200 in this trial can enter the three major universities."

"And, you can choose any university."

Ma Qianlong's words made the students present gasp.

As long as you are in the top 200, you can choose one of the three.

As we all know, the three major universities in the south are Nandu Budo University, Junnan Budo University, and Nanfang Budo University.

No matter which one, it is the dream school of students.

Being able to choose where to go by yourself can be said to give students enough freedom.

"Don't worry, everyone."

"This Southern Trial has another purpose."

All the students listened quietly to Ma Qianlong's words.

They only knew that the Southern Trial was jointly held by the three major universities for the purpose of recruiting students, and they had not heard of other purposes.

Since Ma Qianlong mentioned it, it must not be a small matter.

He did not keep the secret, and his voice was like a bell, ringing in everyone's ears.

"Cheng Wuji, the martial arts master of the Cheng family, wants to recruit a disciple"

"The first place in each province of the Southern Trial will be eligible to go to Nandu to participate in the apprenticeship assessment!"

After Ma Qianlong's voice fell, the whole audience was boiling.

The Martial Saint is accepting apprentices!

The Martial Saint is the ultimate in the world, an invincible existence that can reach the ears of the heavens. It is a supreme honor to be his disciple.

Moreover, the Cheng family Martial Saint is the youngest of the three Martial Saints of Daxia.

He has countless disciples, but this is the first time he has recruited a closed disciple.

Many people looked expectant, but their eyes quickly dimmed.

They naturally wanted to get the identity of the Martial Saint's closed disciple.

But they also knew their own weight.

Among the 495 people in the audience, only one person could stand out and go to participate in the apprenticeship assessment.

Compared with others, Lu Ming's eyes were burning.

"First place in the Southern Trial?"

"I will take the examination for this disciple."

No one in the world can refuse the identity of the martial saint's last disciple.

Becoming the martial saint's last disciple can also help Lu Ming avoid many detours in the process of reaching the peak of martial arts.

While his thoughts were flying, Ma Qianlong also called them to stop.

"Well, fellow students, you have to fight for your own opportunities."

"We won’t talk too much, let’s start by announcing the rules of this trial."

All the students also listened to Ma Qianlong’s explanation seriously.

"Now, the bracelets on the hands of all students have been activated."

"After the bracelet is turned on, a map of our examination room and the trial venue will appear."

"The trial sites have different ratings and different levels of danger."

"Ratings are divided into S, A, B, C, D from high to low."

"S corresponds to the peak of Spirit Refining, A corresponds to the middle of Spirit Refining, B corresponds to the early stage of Spirit Refining, C corresponds to the peak of Qi Refining, and D corresponds to the middle of Qi Refining."

After the words fell, the whole audience was in an uproar.

You know, most of them are at the Qi Refining stage.

And the distribution of trials given on the map is most dense in A and B.

Asking them to fight against opponents at the Spirit Refining stage with Qi Refining stage cultivation is not a death wish?

"This Southern Trial adopts a points system."

"Completing the D-level trial will reward you with 500 points. For each level you upgrade, the points you get from the trial will increase by 500."

"In group battles, the bracelet will intelligently distribute points according to combat contributions."

Everyone was slightly relieved when they heard that they could fight in a team.

Otherwise, this trial would be a waste of time.

"Everyone, do you have any questions?"

Ma Qianlong has made the rules very clear, and no one has any more questions.

Seeing that everyone is so quiet, Ma Qianlong said no more.

He took out a remote control and pressed the button on it directly.

Suddenly, everyone's wristband vibrated.

Lu Ming raised his hand, and the virtual screen of the wristband instantly projected a number 13.

Dadada... Dadadada...

Lu Ming, who didn't know the meaning of this number, heard a violent propeller sound.

He cast his eyes towards the source of the sound and saw a shocking scene.

Ninety-nine helicopters flew in from a distance and landed on the ground.

On the fuselage, there was a number printed on them.

"Dear students, please board the corresponding helicopter according to the number randomly assigned on your wristband."

""The Southern Trial is now officially starting!"

As soon as Ma Qianlong's voice fell, all the students started running.

The crowd was huge, and they quickly looked for their helicopters and boarded them.

Soon, 495 students boarded the helicopters. Ninety

-nine helicopters took off at the same time, and the scene was shocking.

In the thirteenth plane,

Lu Ming leaned back in his seat, as if he was taking a nap.

In fact, his consciousness had already been extended, observing the other four people on the helicopter.

They were two men and two women.

One of the boys cast his eyes on Lu Ming's face from time to time, with a complicated expression.

Unbelievable, jealous, fascinated, all kinds of expressions on his face Emerge.

Another boy's face was a little gloomy, as if he was thinking.

The other two girls also shook their heads and observed the others.

They were all very weak...

Starting from the Qi Refining Stage, the warrior's aura was restrained.

If it was not in battle, it was generally difficult to sense their specific realm.

But the fate of [Warrior] sensed that these people did not bring any pressure to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming observed for a moment, then lost interest and really began to doze off.

But not long after, he was awakened again.

It was the boy with the gloomy face who woke him up.

The others were also awakened by his shouting and cast their eyes on him.

"My name is Yang Chen, I am from Yangcheng, and I have reached the peak of Qi Refining."

"Are you four interested in forming a team together?"

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