But Lu Ming was not joking.

He looked solemn and serious as he looked at the Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest also saw his seriousness and pointed to a huge rock not far away.

"The test of Bajiquan is this huge stone"

"Being able to use Bajiquan to break a boulder is a small achievement for you."

"If you can use your strength to smash it, you will be considered successful."

""If you punch the boulder and it remains unchanged but disintegrates from the inside out, you have achieved perfection."

The old Taoist was very frugal with his words and quickly explained the test rules.

What he said were all terms of Bajiquan, which Lu Ming could understand.

The next moment, Lu Ming's figure flashed and he appeared in front of the boulder.

""The perfect level of Ten Directions Thunder."

Looking at the lightning caused by Lu Ming's leaping figure, the old Taoist's eyes showed a hint of surprise, and he became more interested in Lu Ming.

"No way, is this guy really going to take the test? I thought he was just joking"

"Yes, I have been here for four days and I have not seen him once."

""It's your first time here, and you have to take the test. You think Bajiquan is too simple."

The students around him also stopped their actions, checked Lu Ming's performance, and talked about it.

Lu Ming ignored these voices.

He aimed at the boulder in front of him and swung his right fist.


His arm was like a whip across the sky, making a sound of breaking through the air.

The old Taoist looked very carefully and found that when Lu Ming swung this punch, the muscles of his entire arm were trembling.

The essence of Bajiquan has been mastered by him.

With just this one glance, the old Taoist could give Lu Ming a perfect evaluation of Bajiquan.

But other students did not have such a keen eye.

They watched Lu Ming's punch fall with unstoppable force.

The boulder took this punch, but there was no change, not even a tremor.

However, in the next second.

Cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the boulder.

The whole boulder instantly began to disintegrate from the inside out and scattered into rubble.

All the students who noticed this scene were dumbfounded.

They remembered a sentence the old Taoist said before the test.

""If you punch out and the boulder remains unchanged but disintegrates from the inside out, you have achieved perfection."

This is exactly what happened in front of him.

In other words, Lu Ming's Bajiquan has reached perfection!

"Perfect Bajiquan, I will give you 1000 performance points."

Lu Ming's performance was beyond Laodao's expectations.

After asking for his identity information, he immediately gave Lu Ming a score.

The information on the leaderboard changed immediately.

Many people received the notification and opened their phones, only to find that other people's performance points had not changed.

Lu Ming's name was still at the top of the list.

It was just that the original 1000 performance points had changed to the current 2000.

"Teacher, I want to apply for the assessment of Ten Directions Thunder."

Lu Ming, carrying a red tasseled spear, came to the training ground corresponding to Ten Directions Thunder this time.

This time he did not drag his feet and went straight to the point.

Ding Wenyao stared at the tall figure in a daze.

After four days of hard training, she finally mastered the Ten Directions Thunder.

It was just that there was still a distance from the great success and perfection.

But Lu Ming had already started to apply for the assessment.

Then, she saw that the teacher agreed to Lu Ming's request.

Lu Ming began to perform the Ten Directions Thunder on the spot.

The Ten Directions Thunder is a body movement that is divided into three realms: Thunder Flash, Thunder Instant, and Ten Directions.

Ding Wenyao has already reached the Thunder Flash realm.

But she saw Lu Ming's figure turned into a ray of lightning, and directly Disappeared on the spot.

This is Thunder Flash.

Moreover, it is thousands of times more advanced than her Thunder Flash.

The lightning flashed again, and not far away, Lu Ming's figure appeared instantly.

This is Thunder Flash.

Soon, Lu Ming took action again.

His figure was so fast that an afterimage appeared in the air.

Ten bodies of Lu Ming, who were also stained with lightning, appeared in the air, and it was difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

This is Ten Directions!

Seeing this scene, Ding Wenyao was already disheartened.

For four days, she fought hard and only mastered the realm of Thunder Flash.

However, Lu Ming has already mastered the Ten Directions Thunder to perfection.

There was only a miserable smile on her face, and she couldn't come back to her senses for a long time.

And what woke her up was the news from Lu Ming.

"Damn, Lu Ming's performance score is already 4000"

"He had just passed the test of Thunder Flame Spear Technique, another perfect fifth-grade martial art, and his teacher gave him another 1,000 bonus points."

"Oh my god, he has already mastered three perfect fifth-grade martial arts, and it’s only been four days. Who can compare to him?"

"More than three, the latest news is that Lu Ming went to the Longyuan Prajna training ground, and it seems that he will take another test."

Listening to the discussions of the people around her, Ding Wenyao took out her mobile phone with trembling hands.

On the screen, Lu Ming's performance score was as high as 4000.

And in the next second, the number suddenly jumped and became 5000.

The discussions around her also sounded at the right time, like a commentary.

"Lu Ming's Dragon Yuan Prajna Sutra also reached the perfect level, and he received another 1,000 performance points."

"In one day, pass four martial arts tests"

"My brother Lu is really awesome!"

Ding Wenyao was filled with admiration for Lu Ming.

The tall figure appeared in her mind, and a bitter look appeared on her face.

"Trying to catch up with him was the most wrong decision I have ever made in my life."

At the same time, in the corresponding training ground of Long Yuan Prajna Kungfu,

Lu Ming stopped learning martial arts, and his terrifying two-meter-tall body returned to normal.

Around him, dozens of students had already gathered.

Some had been following him since he started taking the Bajiquan test.

Some had heard about it halfway through and came to witness the legend.

""Lu God!"

I don't know who shouted first.

Then the students present raised their arms, their eyes were burning, and they shouted at the top of their lungs.

When Lin Qianhe and Zhu Ting arrived at the scene, they saw this scene.

The young man with a red tasseled spear was surrounded by the crowd.

The crowd around him was crazy and treated him like a god.

The young man was dressed in bright clothes and rode a horse, with an indifferent expression. He remained motionless amid the flattery of the people around him.

"It seems that we still underestimated this guy."

"Four tests in one day, all of them are perfect martial arts"

"Is this something a human can do?"

Zhu Ting looked at Lu Ming, who was surrounded by the crowd, with an unmoved expression and no reply.

But her violent ups and downs in her chest showed that she was not at peace.

"Lin Qianhe"

"Give him the blood of ten thousand beasts in advance."

Zhu Ting was silent for a long time, and finally said this.

Lin Qianhe pondered for a moment and nodded.

Four perfect fifth-grade martial arts, plus the performance points rewarded on the first day. No matter how strong others are, they can't surpass Lu Ming.

Since the first place is already his, it doesn't matter if this reward is given earlier or later.

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