monitoring room

"It seems that I still have to trouble Commander Zhu."

Seeing that Lu Ming persisted to the end, Lin Qianhe couldn't help but look at Zhu Ting proudly.

He won the bet!

But when he looked at Zhu Ting, he found that the latter was still smiling, and didn't seem to care about the victory or defeat.

"I'll go get busy first."

Zhu Ting said, and left the monitoring room immediately.

This shouldn't be the case!

Seeing Zhu Ting leave, Lin Qianhe was puzzled as to why she was so happy even though she lost the bet.

After a while, he finally realized.

There was only one recommendation quota for their No. 3 training camp.

Lu Ming had a suitable background and outstanding strength, so who else could this quota be given to if not him?

There was no need to bother looking for someone.

Lin Qianhe finally realized that he had been tricked by Zhu Ting again.

Whether she won or lost the bet, she would not lose anything.

On the third floor of the training center.

As Zhu Ting approached, the students who were originally playing became quiet.

"The results of this camp entrance examination are already in my hands."

"I will announce the scores of each student."

When they heard that the scores would be announced, many students' expressions changed.

Especially those who came out of the hibernation capsule first.

They didn't stay in the virtual combat system for a long time, so their scores were imaginable.

Some students also looked expectant.

They had been in the virtual combat system for a long time and were very curious about their scores.

"This time, the scoring will be based on the number of beasts killed."

"A low-grade beast of level one gets 1 point; a medium-grade beast of level one gets 2 points; a high-grade beast of level one gets 3 points."

After hearing the scoring criteria, more people turned pale.

They persisted in the virtual combat system, relying on their physical skills to dodge, and did not kill many beasts.

If the points were calculated based on killing beasts, they would definitely not get many points.

"Lu Zihe……"

Zhu Ting didn't care about their thoughts and was about to announce the scores.

But as soon as she read out the first name, a turbulent wave rose up, interrupting her words.

The spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth seemed to be attracted at the same time and gathered here.

"This is the sign of a breakthrough to the Qi Refining Realm."

"Is someone going to break through?"

As a sixth-rank warrior, Zhu Ting naturally recognized this kind of scene.

She sensed the traces of spiritual energy and cast her eyes towards a hibernation capsule.

Seeing this, everyone followed her gaze and looked over.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered together to form a huge vortex, converging towards the hibernation capsule.

In Zhu Ting's perception, a breath gradually became stronger.

Leaping from the ninth-rank body refining realm to the eighth-rank qi refining realm.

About half an hour later, this huge spiritual energy vortex finally dissipated.

Lu Ming's figure walked out of the hibernation capsule.

He sensed the cyclone condensed in his dantian, and his face showed surprise.

This was the benefit brought to him by the fierce battle in the beast tide just now.

Under tremendous pressure, the strong fighting spirit directly helped him break through the bottleneck and break through the qi refining realm in one fell swoop. Has he broken through the qi refining realm?

It seems that this quota belongs to him.

Zhu Ting made a decision in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface

"Yes, it's a good thing that someone was able to break through during the training camp."

"Have a good training camp, and I hope everyone can make progress in these two weeks."

After Zhu Ting finished speaking, she repeated what she had said again, fearing that Lu Ming had not heard it just now, and then began to announce the scores.

"Lu Zihe, 13 points"

"Chen Tian, 54 points"

"Li Chengru, 32 points"


Zhu Ting did not announce the scores in order of their performance, but read them out in the order of the list.

When the scores were announced, some people were happy, while others were sad.

Among them, Lu Ming also heard a familiar name:

"Lv Xiangyang, 865 points"

"Ding Wenyao, 1625 points."

Finally hearing her own score, Ding Wenyao breathed a sigh of relief. Many students also exclaimed.

Because among so many scores, this is the first one with a score of over 1,000.

How many points will you get?

Ding Wenyao looked at Lu Ming who had just broken through.

He had been in the hibernation capsule longer than herself, so his score would definitely not be low.

"Lu Ming……"

Zhu Ting only noticed Lu Ming's score at this time, and her eyes narrowed.

She paused and finally read out Lu Ming's score.

"5368 points."

Hearing this result, Ding Wenyao was stunned.

The other students were also dumbfounded.

A first-class beast was only worth 3 points.

Converted into scores, that is, Lu Ming killed nearly 2,000 first-class beasts in 30 minutes.

Is this a beast-killing machine?!

Zhu Ting's expression did not change, and she quickly announced all the scores.

No one was interested in listening anymore, and they were all discussing Lu Ming's horrible score.

"This guy is too fierce. He went crazy killing people."

"I have killed almost 2,000 beasts. I hope I can kill through the beast tide."

Hidden in the crowd, Lu Xiangyang secretly looked at the tall Lu Ming, clenched his fist unwillingly, but loosened it helplessly.

I can't beat him, I can't beat him at all.

Ding Wenyao also stared at Lu Ming in a daze.

She originally thought that her strength was among the best in the training camp.

But the reality is that she was suppressed by Lu Ming.

And it was a crushing victory.

"Be quiet, I have something to announce."

""Student Lu Ming performed well in the camp entrance assessment, so we gave him 1,000 performance points."

Zhu Ting finished and entered the score on the tablet.

A ranking list suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Lu Ming topped the list with 1,000 performance points.

As for the others below, they all had 0 points.

"Performance points are the rules of the training camp"

"In the training camp, there are various training tasks, and you can get performance points after completing them."

"We will update the rankings in real time"

"After fourteen days, the top twenty on the leaderboard will receive generous rewards."

"You can check it on your phone and find out what the rewards are."

Seeing this, everyone took out their phones and scanned the QR code below the leaderboard.

Seeing the dazzling list of rewards, everyone's eyes lit up.

"The 20th place winner will receive a bottle of Qi Refining Pill."

Qi Refining Pill is an important pill that can help the eighth-grade Qi Refining Realm to condense the spiritual energy in the body.

Moreover, it is also effective for the Body Refining Realm.

A peak ninth-grade warrior can break through the eighth-grade Qi Refining Realm by taking one pill.

Such a precious pill is only the reward for the 20th place winner.

Everyone hurriedly continued to pull down the list to check the rewards.

"19th place, a Hidden Spirit Fruit"

"18th place, one bottle of spiritual fluid"

"No. 17: Three bottles of spiritual fluid"


"Third place, choose one of the three martial arts"

"Second place: one marrow-killing pill"

"First place, a bottle of blood of ten thousand beasts."

The preciousness of each reward on the list is beyond the students' imagination.

It can even be said that this reward list is extremely generous no matter where it is placed.

Especially the rewards for the top three are jaw-dropping.

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