Zhang's Martial Arts School.

A luxury car stopped in front of the martial arts school, and two people walked out.

One of them had slightly mottled hair and walked very steadily, obviously with a high level of cultivation.

The other one looked young, with a sense of arrogance in his eyes, as if he disliked everyone.

""You two, do you need any help?"

The staff in Zhang's martial arts uniform stepped forward to greet the guests, but was kicked away by the young man.

The man covered his aching stomach and looked at the two people looking down at him. He felt that the visitor was not friendly.

"Zhang's Martial Arts School."

The mottled man raised his head and looked at the sign of the martial arts school above his head.

He snorted with disdain. He flicked his finger and the sign of Zhang's Martial Arts School instantly fell to the ground.

The young man behind him stepped on it, and the sign suddenly cracked in the middle, making the fallen person's eyelids jump.

Is this someone here to challenge the school?

The next sentence of the mottled man immediately confirmed his guess.

"Go in and tell Zhang Yongkang"

"Lu Yong, with his son Lu Xiangyang, came to challenge."

Bus special line.

Lu Ming hugged his backpack and dozed off on the seat.

The car was noisy, and the sound of discussion kept coming into his ears.

"I heard that a young god of war appeared in the Xilin Mountains yesterday."

"One man shot more than ten Zang-refining warriors, and finally picked the soul-enriching fruit and left alone."

"When fighting, he was only at the bone refining stage, but after the fight he was already at the dirt refining stage."

There are many people in Xilin Mountains, and the news of yesterday's battle spread quickly.

It is very rare for a bone-refining warrior to fight against an organ-refining warrior, not to mention that one person fights more than ten.

On the bus, everyone started talking about this again.

Lu Ming closed his ears and did not listen. Instead, he thought about his own things and hugged his backpack silently.

It not only contained the Youlong Spear that was disassembled into three parts, but also the biggest gain of this trip, the Yunling Fruit.

Now that Lu Ming has refined his organs, the Yunling Fruit is also effective for him.

However, compared to eating it raw, the Yunling Fruit will be more effective if it is refined into a pill.

He plans to ask Zhang Yongkang to help find an alchemist to refine it after he returns, so he is not in a hurry.

What he doesn't know yet is that Zhang's martial arts hall is in trouble at this time.

On the first floor, the ring.

Under the ring, the disciples of Zhang's martial arts hall all looked a little depressed.

So far, the arrogant man on the stage who came to challenge the hall has defeated their two senior brothers.

And these two are Zhang Yongkang's direct disciples.

How can they accept being crushed and defeated by this arrogant man?

""Brother, how come Zhang's martial arts school is no longer good after you take over it?"

In the spectator's booth,

Lu Yong drank tea from his cup and mocked Zhang Yongkang.

He and Zhang Yongkang were from the same school and his strength was also better than Zhang Yongkang's.

But just because his last name was not Zhang, the old master finally handed over the martial arts school to Zhang Yongkang.

Therefore, he went far away to Lin City and established his own martial arts school.

But he still had a grudge in his heart.

He came back today to vent his anger!

"Junior brother, how many times have I told you"

"If you want this martial arts school, I will give it to you."

"We are all family, why make such a fuss?"

Zhang Yongkang was also somewhat helpless.

His father had valued Lv Yong very much and intended to let him assist Lv Yong and build up the Zhang family martial arts school.

However, due to Lv Yong's character, he finally gave up the idea.

Now, after so many years, Lv Yong's character has not changed at all.

"Humph, stop being so hypocritical."

"I want to see if you will still be like this after your three disciples are defeated by my son."

Lv Yong snorted, and could not listen to a word Zhang Yongkang said.

Zhang Yongkang was helpless.

He had also heard about Lv Yong's son, Lv Xiangyang.

This boy was young, but he was already a famous genius in Lin City and had reached the realm of refining internal organs.

Among his three disciples, even the eldest disciple with a high level of cultivation was only at the realm of refining bones. How could he be his opponent?

But when the other party came to attack, how could he be afraid of fighting?

"Please teach me."

On the stage, Zhang Yongkang's eldest disciple finally came on stage.

After greeting each other, Lu Xiangyang suddenly rushed towards him, aiming at his vital points.

Zhang Yongkang's eldest disciple was not as advanced as him, and under Lu Xiangyang's fierce attack, he was even more stretched. In just a few minutes, Lu Xiangyang caught his weakness and punched him directly at his vital points.


The eldest disciple vomited blood and had lost the ability to fight back.

But Lu Xiangyang took advantage of the situation and continued to punch until the eldest disciple's abdomen was bloody and his flesh was blurred.

He loosened his hand that was holding the eldest disciple's neck, and the eldest disciple immediately fell to the ground, unconscious.

Only then did the disciples rush to the stage, put the eldest disciple on a stretcher, and sent him to the hospital for treatment.

But they wiped the blood on the ring without any flaws.

Looking at the mottled blood on the ring, Zhang Yongkang sighed inwardly.

This Lu Xiangyang is really a copy of his father.

The cruel methods of the two are equally outrageous.

"Who else?"

Lv Xiangyang looked down at the Zhang family martial arts disciples below the stage.

No one dared to look up.

Zhang Yongkang's three disciples were beaten so badly that the second disciple was already in the ICU. If they went up there, wouldn't that be courting death?

""I'll do it!"

A loud voice rang out in the silence.

Everyone made way for a young man, who was carrying a red-tasseled spear on his shoulder, and walked towards the ring step by step.

It was Lu Ming who had rushed back from the Xilin Mountains.

As soon as he arrived at Zhang's martial arts hall and saw the martial arts hall sign falling to the ground and split in half, he knew that something was wrong.

As soon as he came in, he witnessed the tragic scene of the eldest disciple being beaten by Lu Xiangyang.

He jumped onto the ring and came to Lu Xiangyang.

It happened that he had a request for Zhang Yongkang.

Help him solve a problem and owe him one less favor.

"Who are you?"

Lv Xiangyang saw at a glance that the tall boy in front of him was a cultivator of the internal organs like himself, which made him pay more attention to him.

However, that was all.

He had defeated several cultivators of the internal organs.


""The honorary disciple of Zhang's martial arts school."

Lu Ming reported his name, and Lu Xiangyang did not ask in detail.

After all, he is a member of Zhang's martial arts school.

Just fight!

Zhang Yongkang did not expect that Lu Ming would appear at this time, and he would stand up for his own martial arts school.

However, he is not a member of his own martial arts school after all.

Lu Xiangyang's methods are cruel, and it will be difficult to deal with if he is hurt.

A week later, it will be the day to go to the province for training.

If Lu Ming makes any mistakes, things will be troublesome.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yongkang was about to stand up and stop the competition between the two.

But Lu Yong stopped him.

"Brother, it is better for you and I not to interfere in the competition between disciples."

"Xiang Yang was just a little too immoderate in his attack, but there is no rainbow without wind and rain."

Lv Yong saw how much Zhang Yongkang valued Lu Ming.

What he wanted was to destroy everything that Zhang Yongkang valued!

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