The blue valley city palace.

In a hall.

Several representatives of Class 31 are discussing countermeasures with the Blue Beastman Emperor and some ministers across a rectangular table.

Chen Xu talked freely.

"So, to sum up, this is our plan."

"Gather all forces in the imperial city and use the formation to fight the enemy."

"It is also the only chance of survival in the current situation."

Chen Xu's words made the Blue Beastman Emperor and the ministers frown.

Even if it weren't for the identity of the devil.

These orcs would have cursed and glared.

I paid a huge price to summon you, but now I'm telling you to give up all other cities and just do your best to defend the imperial city?

What a joke.

Aren't you demons too cowardly?

After organizing his words, the Blue Orc King spoke with difficulty.

"Excuse me, do you know this demon named Qin Yi?"

"Is he the legendary Demon King?"

"In that case, can we make a deal? As long as he can help us Blue Orcs, everything will be fine."

"Beautiful beasts and fine wines, everything you need."

The legend of the Demon King is not only in the Red Orcs.

In fact, it is spread all over the world.

When many orc elders scold disobedient little orcs, they often use threatening words such as "If you don't obey, the Demon King will come to capture you."

Therefore, this legend is deeply rooted in the hearts of the beasts.

Demon King?

Hearing this title, Chen Xu and others looked at each other.

After struggling for a few seconds, Chen Xu responded: "Almost... I guess."

"In short, he is very powerful."

"To be honest, even if we adopt the strategy of garrisoning the imperial city, our chance of winning... I'm afraid it's less than 30%."

"As for whether we can bribe him."

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible."

"Everything in this world is just a passing cloud in his eyes, and he doesn't care at all."

"What he wants is to complete the contract mission that has come."

If we really want to explain how strong Qin Yi is.

That's probably a bit complicated.

It's better to use these orcs' words directly to make it simple and clear.

And Qin Yi is indeed the new king of the Demon Sea. If you insist on saying that he is the Demon King... It makes sense to some extent.

But this Blue Orc King still wants to bribe Qin Yi, that's definitely a dream.

Completing the mission of the Demon Sea is the goal of all new students.

Immersed in the gentle land of these beautiful beasts and revelry every night?

Please, both races are different.

It's good enough that I didn't vomit the overnight meal.

Wealth and other things can't be taken away, it's completely meaningless.

When the blue beastmen heard Chen Xu's affirmation, their faces instantly became several levels uglier again.

It really is the Demon King!

Damn, so unlucky.

The red beastmen can summon the king, but they got a bunch of cowards here.

Who can I go to for justice?

However, even so, after pondering for a while, the blue beastman king still looked determined.


"I'm sorry that I can't agree to the order to concentrate all the defense forces in the Imperial City."

"It's like watching other cities being captured and people dying tragically, but I'm indifferent and want to save my own life."

"What's the point of surviving in that case?"

"Or, if we do this, everyone will be alienated."

"If this goes on for a long time, our tribe will collapse without the Red Orcs attacking."

Such a decisive refusal surprised the representatives of Class 31.

Qin Yi is so powerful, and he is still going to support the captured cities. Isn't this courting death?

But then he changed his mind.

It doesn't seem strange.

For the students of the Demon Sea, they don't care how many Blue Orcs and Red Orcs die.

Because the main criteria for judging this round of simulation battles are only the two key factors of the number of cities occupied and the casualties of students.

What will this world become in the future?

Please, who will consider these.

After they leave, everything will be the same as if it had never happened.

This is in line with the idea of ​​these orcs, who think they are emotionless demons.

"Humph, no matter what you think, we won't stop you."

"Anyway, we won't leave the imperial city, it's enough to just guard here."

"Otherwise, we won't be responsible.

"Reply!" Ma Fei also lost his patience and spoke out his thoughts directly.

Chen Xu also nodded.

"Yes, that's right."

"But I still ask your majesty to consider it. A little impatience will ruin a big plan."

"Based on our understanding of Qin Yi, he may soon attack the imperial city."

"Only after gathering all forces to eliminate him can we be qualified to counterattack."

"Otherwise, local gains and losses are just moons in the water and flowers in the mirror."

To be honest, the combat power of these orcs is still too weak compared to the students of the Demon Sea.

It would be best if the orc elite forces could stay together to fight the enemy.

If they don't stay, they don't have to force themselves.

In order to avoid a quarrel, there will be problems in the blessing of the formation.

"Hassan of the Demon Sea Class 31 camp died"

"Arifa of the Demon Sea Class 31 camp died"


Two prompts sounded in succession in everyone's mind.

It made their faces change.


However, everyone's expression soon returned to normal.

This is not surprising.

Just two foreign geniuses, invincible in their own country, really thought that they would be the same in the Demon Sea.

Without any blessing.

Go to fight Qin Yi?

Even if Qin Yi's state was attacked by the life technique and declined a little, he was looking for death.


After seeing these demons talking about their plans, their faces became gloomy.

These blue orcs felt really bad.

After being summoned, the demons did not listen to orders at all.

Who knows what their purpose of staying in the imperial city is.

Maybe they want to take advantage of the elite reinforcements of the orcs to conquer the imperial city and occupy the magpie's nest.

Even the demon king named Qin Yi, is he real?

Maybe it's just an unfounded excuse?

One of the one-eyed blue orc ministers saw that the blue orc emperor had some things to say, so he gritted his teeth and mustered up the courage to stand up.

"Please don't forget the contract!"

"What we signed is to capture the city of the red orcs, not just guard it. For this, we have paid a huge price of various rare treasures."

"If you don't come with us to reinforce, it will be a violation of the contract!"

The rough voice of the one-eyed blue orc echoed in the hall.

Everyone admired its courage, and dared to roar at the devil.

The blue orc emperor gave a look of approval.

In his heart, he said... My dear minister is really a warrior, I will definitely write an epitaph for you personally.

On the side of the Demon Sea students, when they heard that the attitude of this foreign orc was so bad.

Everyone felt an inexplicable disgust in their hearts.

Ma Fei was even more angry, and small red stars began to appear on his skin.

In an instant, the atmosphere became tense.


At this moment, heavy footsteps were heard.

A blue orc in sacrificial hall clothes ran in in a panic, shouting without even having time to report.

"It's bad, Your Majesty."

"According to the detection of the reconnaissance crystal ball."

"There is a creature with an extremely amazing speed. The initial estimate is that the speed is 1054 laguas, and it is rushing towards the direction of the imperial city!"

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