The cold iron chains whistled in the sky.

When they touched Qin Yi's body, they merged into him like a spirit.

In Qin Yi's perception, these chains were entangled in his bones.

All of a sudden, his internal organs seemed to be tied with heavy iron blocks, and extreme gravity came.

It was like being in a high-multiple gravity room all the time.

If Gongsun Qing had to bear this kind of pressure, he would probably not be able to bear it for long before his bones were crushed.

Speaking of which, this thing is a bit like his own method, the life and death chain.

But because the life and death chain also needs to consume a little nether power to activate it.

Therefore, it would be a waste to use it on an opponent whose single combat power is not strong and whose conventional means can easily defeat him.

So Qin Yi has not used it for a long time.

In short, this Heavenly Punishment Chain is estimated to reduce his speed and explosive power by about 30%.

Its power should not be underestimated.

However... even so, it is still not difficult to fight against those guys from Class 31 and Gala Country.

It is still a crushing defeat.

Qin Yi is full of confidence.

However, this is not the end.

The prompt sound in his mind sounded again.

"Attacked by the Life Technique - Seven Flower Poison"

Still coming?


Around Qin Yi, seven-color poison mist began to appear.

These poison mists are extremely corrosive.

The moment they touched the jade ceiling of the hall, they dissolved it.

It turned into drops of juice and flowed down.

A big hole was dissolved in the ceiling all of a sudden.

The sun shone in.

When these poisonous mists touched Qin Yi, they also quickly penetrated into his flesh and blood.

The students of Class 7 on the altar were speechless.

"There is more than one life spell?"

"Are those people in Class 31 crazy?"

"They won't go all out and spend all 40% of the upper limit?"

"It's only possible. After all, all personal evaluations are public. Brother Qin's data is too dazzling compared to the rest of us.

Even a pig knows that if he is restricted, he can win."

"I hope that Qin Yi can withstand it..."

These single life spells are more ruthless than each other.

Such a huge price is all thrown at one person, and Yun Jun dare not say that he can survive after bearing it.

But the students of Class 7 can only watch.

Because if they dare to interfere with the attack process of these life spells, this life spell will copy a copy of the same power and act on the interferer.

The red beasts under the altar were also shocked when they saw the poisonous mist.

"My God, this hall is made of a lot of brown holy jade."

"Yes, the hardness of brown holy jade is rare in the world."

"But in front of this poisonous fog, it was easily melted. Then why didn't this demon king turn into juice in the poisonous fog?"

"That might be a good thing."

"In this way, we don't have to worry about the demon king bringing irreversible disasters to the world."

Seeing that the "Original Punishment of the World" is so severe, many red orcs present are even a little happy.

After all, everything that happened to Qin Yi at present.

It's too scary.

However, the orc priest's eyes condensed.

"No... Although this poisonous fog is extremely corrosive, I can sense that the vitality of the demon king has not dissipated."

"This poisonous fog does not pose a fatal threat to him!"

What? !

Hearing this.

The red orcs were shocked.

This can't kill him, how can the Demon King's vitality be so terrifying?

After about three minutes, the colorful poisonous fog slowly dissipated.

Qin Yi's face was a little pale.

Damn... What a cruel life spell.

If it weren't for the fact that after breaking through to the initial level of Hades, his defense would have greatly increased, and the flesh and blood tissue in his body would have been much tighter.

Facing this kind of toxic corrosion, he would really suffer a great loss!

But even so.

Because there are still some toxins left, his condition has also been affected.

"Attacked by the life spell-Ten Thousand Sealed Ghost Needles"

Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.......

In front of Qin Yi.

In the void, countless silver needles with tiny ghost face patterns appeared.

Are they coming again....

Qin Yi gritted his teeth.

It seems that the guys in Class 31 really used all the values.

And they are all this kind of single

Life spells that target the body.

Really fighting.

Then come on, wait for me to release the restraints, and I will kill you all!

Swish, swish, swish, swish...

In a second.

Silver needles cut through the sky and whizzed towards Qin Yi.

"Attacked by the life spell - Thunder Curse"

"Attacked by the life spell - Sword Hua Zhan"


That's it.

The life spell attack phase lasted for a long time.

When Qin Yi's chest was finally chopped and a bloody mark appeared.

Finally, Qin Yi felt that the restraint of the invisible force around him was released.

The whole person slowly fell on the altar.

The students of Class 7 hurriedly surrounded him and asked with concern.

"Are you okay, Boss Qin Yi?"

"How do you feel now?"

"Damn it, if I had known that Class 31 was so ruthless, I should have bought some life arts of defense or treatment."

"Too crazy, all of them are single life arts, and they are aiming to kill Brother Qin in one wave."


Qin Yi exhaled deeply.

Then he waved his hand to indicate: "It's okay, it's not a big problem."

At this moment in his body.

The curse and various residual energies are still playing a role.

The gravity exerted by the chain.

It also exists all the time.

It can be said that the combat power is estimated to have dropped by half.

But... It doesn't matter, in this state, it is enough to crush those people.

The current priority is to end this simulated battle as soon as possible.

Don't delay yourself from returning to the Dao realm to comprehend.

"Does anyone know what numerical ratio of life arts Class 31 used this time?" Qin Yi said in a deep voice.

A tall man in the crowd immediately replied: "Report to Brother Qin."

"I just roughly calculated the values ​​of these life spells, and the total should be exactly 40%."

Everyone turned to look.

It was Xia Zhenfeng who was tricked into an abandoned building by the Lieyang Army in the first round of the simulation battle and was killed early.

Somewhat surprised.


"Old Xia, is the calculation so accurate?"

"Is it reliable?"


Xia Zhenfeng scratched his head.

"It's accurate, I memorized it for a long time."

After being killed instantly last time and soaked in the viscous liquid in the simulation cabin for 4 days, Xia Zhenfeng learned from his mistakes.

He vowed to make some contributions in the next battle.

When he didn't know what to do.

He specially memorized the consumption values ​​corresponding to the life spells.

You know, even with the powerful memory of such majestic blood warriors, it takes some time to remember so many life spells.

Qin Yi nodded.

"40%, that's enough, this means that the star value reward we can get in the end will also be 40% more."

"Plus the additional 30% from Gala's participation in the war, that's 70%."

"Speaking of which, I still have to thank them."

Qin Yi's mouth curled up slightly.

What does it matter if these negative BUFFs are added.

As long as the ending is still victory.

They can only be transformed into my own resources.

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