The two black-robed men were talking quickly, reporting to the person on the other side of the monitoring headset.

At the northwest corner outside the restaurant.

Under the shadowy corner covered with vines.

The two black-robed men were talking quickly, reporting to the person on the other side of the monitoring headset.

"Yes, we have released the detection light spot, but it was blocked by a mysterious thunder energy."

"I can't hear it clearly and I can't figure out what happened inside."


"Now the mysterious thunder energy that blocked the detection light spot suddenly disappeared."

"But... this group of people has begun to disperse."

After two or three breaths of silence, a new order came from the other end of the headset: "Choose to follow two of them separately."

"We will send more people."

"Received, the scorching sun will last forever!" The two black-robed men pressed their right hands on the scorching sun symbol on their chests at the same time, saying devoutly.

Beep, beep, beep--

At this moment, a white car rushed from the left side of the main road.

The red alarm light on the top kept flashing and issued a harsh warning sound.

There were also a few big words written on the car: Luoxing Mental Hospital.


The car stopped at the door of the restaurant with a sudden brake, and even some sparks splashed, and then several medical staff in white came down from it.

Just bumped into Hu Xiaofang who was walking out.

Both sides were shocked.

The leading medical staff in white was wearing light blue rubber gloves and holding the photo of the fugitive in his hands.

After a quick glance and checking.

He immediately shouted: "The fugitive patient 9527 was found, everyone catch him!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Several people rushed forward.

Hu Xiaofang rolled his eyes and was also furious.

"I said, I'm not sick!"


A wave of energy then surged in Hu Xiaofang's chest.

Sand and dust began to fill the surrounding air.

The faces of other students who were about to disperse changed.

Is this kid going to take action?

Didn't we just agree that we can't take action with the Falling Stars and try to gain their trust.

Why can't he hold it back as soon as he turns his head?

But on second thought, it's actually understandable.

As the Supreme of the Demon Sea, the top elite of the Great Xia Country, he was locked up for a month and had no memory.

Now he finally escaped, but was caught by the people.

In front of many classmates!

This kind of humiliation is really unpleasant.

But no matter how unpleasant it is, you have to put the overall situation first.

The party has already reduced the trust. If something goes wrong again, it is hard to guarantee that something uncontrollable will happen.

The most embarrassing thing is that you are shouting at him to stop now, which exposes Hu Xiaofang's intention to take action.

The unidentified Luoxing people at the corner are still paying attention to this place.

At this critical moment.

Behind Hu Xiaofang, Qin Yi's eyes condensed, and he uttered two words in a barely audible voice.

"Nether Shock!"


An invisible shock of the netherworld force erupted from Qin Yi.

It hit Hu Xiaofang's neck hard.


Hu Xiaofang only felt a huge force coming, and his blood was blocked at this moment.

His brain was deprived of oxygen, his eyes rolled back, and he fell into a coma.

He fell forward.

The leading medical staff hurried forward to support him, muttering: "Patient 9527 is mentally unstable and has fallen into a coma."

"Help him to the car for treatment."

"Help me."


Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, several students with strong perception took a deep look at Qin Yi, and a trace of disbelief flashed in their eyes.

The distance was so close.

They also barely sensed that there was an extremely obscure invisible force that erupted from Qin Yi and hit Hu Xiaofang.

Yes, if they fought head-on, they were confident that they could easily defeat Hu Xiaofang.

But in such a split second, it is too difficult to accurately knock out a Demon Sea genius while being extremely concealed, even if his strength is relatively weak among the freshmen.

This move reflects Qin Yi's meticulous control of energy and his powerful attack power.

Gongsun Qing recalled what Hu Xiaofang said yesterday in the Demon Sea Xingzhi Building.

"Although my eldest brother's blood value is not in the top five, his combat power is likely to take the first place."

At that time, he thought that this was just Hu Xiaofang's view of the world from a narrow perspective.

In your own

In a small place, it is normal for a top genius to have an invincible mindset.

But it depends on who he is compared with. After coming to the Demon Sea, he may not be invincible.

But now...

It seems that this idea needs to change.


In a crescent-shaped building in the Falling Star Base.

In the top floor office.

Several people with golden suns on their chests are discussing fiercely.

"Finally, the truth is revealed!"

"The group of people from Luoxing swore to these outsiders that they were our kind or something."

"Who knows if they are transformed by those evil demons!"

"They were able to block the joint detection method of the Lin brothers, which also shows that the strength of these guys should not be underestimated!"

"Maybe there are saints among them!"

"Letting them continue to move freely in the base is tantamount to inviting wolves into the house!"

"We must communicate with Luoxing and work together to discuss how to deal with these outsiders!"

These people were excited and their words were full of anger.

A month ago, when the 50 unconscious people were just pulled back from the vicinity of the Demon Canyon.

Their Lieyang Army had the strongest surveillance.

But after two weeks, these 50 people really looked like they had lost their memories, and there was nothing unusual at all.

Coupled with the pressure from the Luoxing Army.

Gradually, their surveillance operations did not continue.

Now it seems that it is just a cover, a cover to make them relax their vigilance!

In this noisy environment, the blond man sitting in the main seat of the office has a calm expression.

"Be patient."

After he spoke, everyone in the office fell silent.

The reason is simple, because this person is the leader of the Lieyang Army - Lu Yan.

The combat power is even more standing at the top of the survival base, and it is a terrifying existence that has entered the realm of saints!

Of course, the saints in the Falling Star Base correspond to the fifth-grade martial artists in the real world outside.

"I don't think there are saints."

"It is possible that they are a rare species that has awakened some mysterious talent like the Lin brothers."

Lu Yan was the first to deny the previous combat power speculation.

This also made others relax slightly.

Yes, it is so difficult to reach the realm of saints.

How can it appear casually.

The probability of awakening is obviously a little higher.

Then, Lu Yan's tone became cold.

"As for the group of people in the Falling Star Army, discuss with them how to deal with outsiders?"

"There is absolutely no need for that."

"Hmph, they are just a group of poor people with useless fantasies."

"You are just a bunch of poor people, don't make plans with me!"

"Don't you think that we have been forgotten by the whole world for two hundred years? If there are really survivors besides us, they would have been discovered long ago."

"Why are you fighting alone until now?"

"Or... even if there are other humans, their purpose of contacting us may not be so pure."

"These outsiders are suspicious. Even if they look similar to us, they must be set as imaginary enemies."

"The Falling Star Base has been lost for so long, it's like being in a dark forest."

"The human heart is the most unpredictable..."

After listening to Lu Yan's analysis, everyone in the office was enlightened.

The admiration for this leader has increased a lot.

Suddenly, a tall red-haired woman said worriedly: "But Luoxing has clearly forbidden us from contacting outsiders without consultation."

Although the Fiery Sun Army and the Luoxing Army have different philosophies, they are essentially for the benefit of the people in the base and hope for a brighter future.

Many people still don't want to see a direct conflict.

Moreover, even if Lu Yan is in charge of the Fiery Sun Army, in terms of overall strength, it has to be admitted that the Luoxing Army is still stronger.

Lu Yan shook his head.

"Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures."

"Don't worry, as long as we are well prepared and deal with it cleanly."

"I will make those guys show their true colors..."

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