The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

In a tea room in the administrative building.

Some simple ink landscape paintings were hung on the surrounding walls.

The soft gray sofa and the tea table made of red spirit wood revealed a simple style everywhere.

Qin Yi leaned on the cushion and couldn't help but teasing.

"Boss Ye, the city lord's position has just been vacated, and you already have the key here?"

"Do you want to hold two positions and take over the power of Nanjiang?"

Gurgle gurgle gurgle——

Ye Lingyun poured tea and smiled bitterly: "What are you talking about."

"This is the reception tea room I set up in the administrative building, but I rarely come here on weekdays."

"Nanjiang has such a big mess, Mayor Xie is furious."

"It's good that my hat is not taken off."

"And you hold two positions?"

"Come, drink tea."

Qin Yi took the teacup and sipped it lightly.

Hmm... The taste is quite unique, with a bitter and sweet feeling.

Yan Yongnian, who was standing by, picked up the teapot and poured a few gulps from the spout.

"Xie Tianfang? He knows nothing!"

"The Demon Suppression Department and the Administration are two different systems. You just need to listen to his words superficially. Why do you take it seriously?"

"Fuck you, this time the demons didn't just attack our test site, but attacked several at the same time."

"It's not even limited to our Gaoyang Province."

What? !

Hearing this.

Qin Yi and Ye Lingyun looked at each other, their pupils filled with shock.

Not only were the Donghua and Qingtian test sites attacked?

You know, there was almost no precedent for the martial arts college entrance examination to be attacked before.

This kind of deep into the demon cave to hunt students directly is unheard of.

Unless the crack happened to invade.

So Ye Lingyun and others would think that this matter has made a big mess.

Nanjiang is equivalent to setting a precedent in the country.

Even if there is only a little responsibility, it is incredible.

But I didn't expect that there would be several test sites attacked at the same time this year?

"Yan Si...are other test sites seriously damaged?"

"How was the attack carried out?"

Qin Yi asked curiously.

Yan Yongnian stroked his beard.

"'s still private now, but since I've let it slip, I'll tell you guys."

"Don't spread it."

Qin Yi and Ye Lingyun twitched their lips.

You don't seem to have any psychological burden of leaking information. I'm afraid you can't help but want to talk to someone about it.

"In fact, I just received the news on the way to Nanjiang."

"Hehe, the other test sites were actually invaded by demons like this liquid demon."

"They mixed into the space and used some unknown energy crystals to pollute the cracks."

"With the help of the inside and the outside, they killed many of our students."

"Some test sites suffered much greater losses than ours."

"This was a premeditated attack."

"Some people above speculated that it should be the work of the beasts in the Demon Cave."


Is that the case?

Electric arcs flashed in Ye Lingyun's eyes.

In an instant, he thought of a lot.

According to the original speculation, the liquid demon was probably invaded during the turmoil in the Multi-crack Demon Cave a few days ago.

It was a random event.

But now it seems that it is not that simple.

And there is another very scary point...that is, the beasts in the Demon Cave, can they control the time and location of the cracks to a certain extent?

Otherwise, how could they deploy those liquid demons at different survival bases at the same time?

Gurgle gurgle gurgle --

Just as Qin Yi and the others were still thinking about digesting this information.

Yan Yongnian picked up the teapot again and took a few gulps.

"So I said, those people in the administrative department just like to make a fuss."


"These demons have such a thorough plan, and there is no precedent for the attack. Can the report prevent it?"


"Just let me handle Xie Tianfang."

"Humph, I think you are not only not at fault in this matter, but also have merit."

"At least Qin Yi was saved?"

In Yan Yongnian's view, saving Qin Yi is the greatest achievement.

Obviously, the biggest target of the liquid demon is also Qin Yi.

Otherwise, at the last moment

There is no need to mobilize so many combat forces and go to encircle and suppress them within a limited time.

"Yan Si is really domineering."

"I wonder if you have the same attitude when facing the provincial governor."

"After all, those administrative people are all unreliable." Ye Lingyun praised, but there seemed to be something else in his words.

"Ahem." Yan Yongnian coughed awkwardly twice.

Put down the teapot.

Then he looked at Qin Yi.

"Qin Yi, thank you for your hard work this time."

"You have made a great contribution."

Such a clumsy way to change the subject...

Qin Yi looked at the water stains at the corners of Yan Yongnian's mouth, and felt a sense of disconnection.

This city-level martial king.

His usual unremarkable appearance is completely different from the decisive killing in the battle just now.

Well... Speaking of which, he is a bit like Wei Mo, whom I met before in the Spark Training Camp.

But if Wei Mo's usual state is described in words, he is lazy.

This Yan Yongnian is a bit of a jerk.

"By the way, I just looked at the file report about you from the Demon Suppression Division and found that there is a contribution reward that has not been settled."

"It's the one who killed the liquid demon that attacked you in the demon community."

"Including this battle in the demon cave and the identification of demons, the contribution is not small."

"Don't worry, I will definitely get you a satisfactory reward."

"Then settle it all at once."

"Thank you, Yan!" Qin Yi immediately bowed his hands to thank him.

What jerk?

Who dares to say that Mr. Yan is a jerk? This is my eldest brother!

Yan Yongnian waved his hand.

"Why are you being polite? You helped our Demon Suppression Division in this incident."

"Also, don't worry about the college entrance examination quota."

"The higher-ups will definitely give more quotas to the attacked test site."

"According to the information I've heard, it's possible that the score will increase by 30% compared to the average level of previous years."

"You'll definitely be in the top school anyway."

"And you can definitely choose any of the seven top high schools."

"So... have you considered filling out your application?"


It's exactly what I guessed.

The Great Xia Congress will give more resources to the attacked test site.

Although the scenes of killing monsters including dozens of thousand-faced demon bodies in the second half of the assessment were not observed.

But even with the far-leading points and outstanding performance in the front.

Qin Yi is definitely qualified to be the top scorer of this test site.

He can choose any top school at will.

But as for which one to go to, Qin Yi has not decided yet.

"This... the seven supreme schools are all famous."

"I really don't know much about it."

"Please help me analyze it, both directors."

Qin Yi asked humbly.

You should know that any supreme school is the dream of all students.

It represents the holy land of martial arts students.

Many of the alumni and predecessors there are the pillars of the current Great Xia Kingdom.

For the top geniuses of Nanjiang like Ao Hai and Li Feng, let alone choosing one, they can wake up with a smile in their dreams at night if they enter any of them.

But Qin Yi is different.

Before, he was even working hard to get into an ordinary martial arts school.

As a result, in just a few months, he was free to choose from the seven supreme schools.

The changes are too big.

And the sprint during this period was very busy.

So he still didn't know much about the difference between the seven supreme schools.

It just so happened that the two in front of him, a city department-level master, and a city department-level martial arts king.

Their knowledge and vision must be extremely high.

Wouldn't it be a waste of resources if we don't seek opinions?

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