Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 93 Ye Qing's invitation

Ye Qing.

Looking at the name flashing on the computer screen, Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then answered the phone.

"We have already registered. Do you want to come out for dinner?" Ye Qing's voice was cheerful on the phone. Even if he didn't see her in person, Lin Mo could imagine the smile on her face.

"When, I'll find you!" Lin Mo's heart moved. It happened that he needed funds now, so he went to see Ye Qing and discuss the dividend.

"This afternoon, I'll take you around the school, and then have dinner together!" Ye Qing hung up the phone happily.

Lin Mo glanced at the time. There were still a few hours before the afternoon, so he was not in a hurry.

"In the dream, the line that disappeared on my forehead..."

He stood up and walked directly to the mirror, raised his hand to lift the long hair on his forehead, and looked at it carefully several times.

The line did not appear on the forehead.

"I am absolutely not wrong. The line must have been imprinted on my forehead..." Lin Mo frowned, even entered his own consciousness, but still did not find anything.

"Forget it, don't think too much!" Lin Mo shook his head. The energy consumed in the dream was so great that even after he came out of the dream, he still felt weak.

"When you enter that bloodthirsty state, the speed of blood consumption is very terrifying, and the consumption of mental power is doubled..."

He took out the remaining blue liquid medicine and drank it all in one breath.

In an instant, the refreshing feeling rushed straight to the top of the head through the mouth, and the consumed mental power was quickly restored. Lin Mo even had a feeling that his mental power had improved again!

"Is it possible that my mental power has surpassed the martial king realm when I entered the martial king realm!" Lin Mo couldn't help but speak with a strange smile on his face.

When the recovery was completed, it was time to go out.

Military University is more free, and you don't even need to ask for leave when you leave the school.

Ye Qing performed exceptionally well in this college entrance examination. Although her score was not enough to compare with Lin Mo, it was still scary high, and she was finally admitted to Beijing Wuda.

As one of the top martial arts universities in China, Beijing Wuda University may not be as good as Huaxia Military University in some aspects, but compared with other schools, it can completely reach the level of crushing.

The taxi slowly stopped at the gate of Beijing Wuda University. Through the car window, Lin Mo saw Ye Qing and raised his hand to say hello.

Ye Qing's eyes had been looking for her in the traffic. When she saw Lin Mo waving, her eyes lit up and a surprised smile immediately appeared on her face.

She stood on tiptoe, waved to Lin Mo, and then ran towards him.

"Is your girlfriend from Beijing Wuda University?" The taxi driver looked at Ye Qing with envy on his face: "Young man, you are so lucky to find such an excellent girlfriend!"

Lin Mo smiled and didn't want to explain too much. After paying the money, he opened the car door and walked down.

"Long time no see." Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing standing in front of him and smiled.

After two months of not seeing each other, Ye Qing's dressing style has completely changed. When she was in high school, she was dressed like a young student, but after entering college, her dress suddenly became mature.

She was very beautiful, and now after changing into a mature dress, the feeling she gave Lin Mo suddenly changed.

"Does it look good?" Ye Qing noticed Lin Mo's gaze, and her heart was a little excited, and she couldn't help asking.

But as soon as he said this, he regretted it a little, always feeling that as a girl, it was a bit too inappropriate for her to ask such a question.

"It looks good, please keep working hard!" Lin Mo smiled and nodded: "What are your plans this afternoon?"

"Let me take you around the campus first. Although Beijing Wuda is not as good as your Huaxia Military University, you should be worse than here in terms of environment and facilities!" Ye Qing smiled and walked in front, leading Lin Mo into the school gate.

As Ye Qing said, the environment of Beijing Wuda is very good. There is a long corridor pavilion just after entering the door, which is full of wisteria.

This is the season when wisteria flowers bloom. From a distance, the flowers look like purple waterfalls, falling from the pavilion.

Looking into the distance, there are many pavilions and towers, and the whole school exudes a heavy historical atmosphere.

"The martial arts arena is in front. How about testing your blood and qi?" Ye Qing pointed to a building not far away and asked with a smile.

"Forget it, I just tested it. There is no need to test it every day!" Lin Mo shook his head, but his eyes fell on another building not far away: "What is that place over there? It looks big!"

"That's the fighting arena. Beijing Wuda encourages all students to hone themselves in battle. As long as they win in the fighting arena, they can get a certain amount of points as rewards!" Ye Qing introduced and took Lin Mo there.

A few minutes later, the two entered the fighting arena, and a cheer rang out. Lin Mo looked at the sound and saw a person on a platform not far away. He had fallen to the ground and was wailing with blood all over his face.

A young man stood not far away, looking at the person lying on the ground with a cold face.

"I held back, but I didn't expect that your strength was worse than I thought!" The young man said coldly.

His face was cold and handsome, and the girls around the fighting stage cheered immediately after he said that.

"His name is Pan Ren, he just entered his junior year this year, and his strength has reached the level of a second-grade warrior. He is one of the stars of Beijing Wuda University, and he has many little fans!" Ye Qing introduced with a smile.

"Second-grade warrior realm?" Lin Mo glanced at Pan Ren and nodded lightly. This strength can indeed be called talent, but compared with Lin Mo, there is still a certain gap.

"Very powerful!" Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo and blinked: "What level of strength have you reached now?"

"Well... OK!" Lin Mo said OK, which was a comment on Pan Ren.

However, when this sentence reached Ye Qing's ears, it was regarded as Lin Mo's evaluation of herself.

"Then you have to work hard to reach the warrior realm!" Ye Qing smiled and comforted Lin Mo.

"Haha, you just entered college and you want to reach the warrior realm. What a big tone!"

A young man happened to hear Ye Qing's voice, and he couldn't help but sneered and spoke lightly.

His voice was very loud, which attracted the attention of many people at once.

Some boys looked at Ye Qing and their eyes lit up.

From Ye Qing's dress and appearance, they could tell at a glance that she was a freshman.

Pretty girls like Ye Qing are the most popular in the eyes of these seniors.

"Junior sister, you are still young and have no idea how difficult the road of martial arts is. How easy is it to become a warrior?" A man chuckled and said, "You are only a freshman. It is normal to have passion, but don't think that passion can make rapid progress."

"What's so difficult about wanting to enter the warrior level?" A cold voice sounded, and Pan Ren, who was standing on the fighting stage, slowly walked down.

Some girls screamed immediately and stretched out their hands to touch Pan Ren's clothes.

Pan Ren just glanced at them lightly, and these people withdrew their hands in fear.

The blood and qi power surrounded him, and people scattered wherever he was.

"Such a strong blood and qi power, is it going to break through to the third-grade warrior realm!" Someone felt the blood and qi power flowing in Pan Ren's body and couldn't help but speak.

"It's possible. He has reached the critical point in the second semester of his sophomore year. It's only a matter of time before he breaks through!"

"Too strong. If I were half as strong as him, I would wake up laughing in my dreams..."

Faced with the praises of a group of people, Pan Ren's face was expressionless. He walked straight to Ye Qing and looked at her deeply.

Around, many girls looked at Ye Qing with jealous eyes, wishing they could be Ye Qing and stand in front of Pan Ren.

Being looked at like this by a man, Ye Qing was a little uncomfortable. She took a small step back and said, "Are you okay?"

"Be my woman, I can make you a warrior before graduation!" Pan Ren said slowly: "You have the aura of an alchemist. I need a partner like you to help me on my martial arts journey!"

He had no love for Ye Qing. The only reason he made Ye Qing his girlfriend was to let her make pills and help him go further on the martial arts journey.

"Sorry, I can reach that level sooner or later with my own strength!" Ye Qing looked at Pan Ren with disgust in her eyes, but she still said it patiently.

"Is it because of the ridiculous love between you two?" Pan Ren only then set his eyes on Lin Mo, raised his eyebrows, and said lightly: "I can teach you a martial art, the third-grade Xuan level."

"What is the requirement?" Lin Mo looked at him and said lightly.

The third-grade Xuan level martial arts are worth a lot of money, and ordinary people are reluctant to give them away.

"Leave her!" Pan Ren said lightly, and she was referring to Ye Qing.

Lin Mo smiled and shook his head slowly.

"You shouldn't stop her from finding a better person!" Pan Ren looked at Lin Mo unhappily: "I have always pursued the strongest and want to be the strongest person in Beijing Wuda.

For this goal, I have paid a lot, and I can do anything to achieve this goal.

So, are you sure you want to make things difficult for me?"

When he said this, Pan Ren had already walked towards Lin Mo step by step.

His steps were firm, his eyes were cold, and the blood and qi in his body burst out in an instant!

The people around him retreated one after another, with a look of horror on their faces.

"Lin Mo!" Ye Qing also called Lin Mo with a worried look on her face, and she couldn't help but regret that she shouldn't have called him over today.

Now Lin Mo is directly in danger.

And Lin Mo just glanced at him lightly: "Are you sure you want to die?"

After the voice fell, Pan Ren's eyes flashed with a cold light. The next moment, he actually drew out the short sword at his waist and chopped towards Lin Mo's neck!

This is going to kill people!

Everyone exclaimed and wanted Lin Mo to dodge.

But it was too late. Pan Ren's knife was too fast. In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Lin Mo!

Looking at this scene, Ye Qing's face turned pale instantly.


At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly raised his head, and the blood and qi in his body burst out in an instant!

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