Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 65 Other People's Children

Seeing a group of people walking upstairs in a mighty manner, the gossip fire in the hearts of the aunties burned again.

"What's going on? Could it be that the boy from the old Lin family offended someone? Look at how many cars came at once!"

"No way, these people I see are all well-mannered, they don't look like bad people!"

"Can a bad person be on his face?"

"He probably got into trouble outside. Think about it, this kid doesn't even take the college entrance examination seriously, how can he be a good kid?"

Several aunties lowered their voices and kept talking.

"That's right, look at my grandson. After the college entrance examination, he stayed at home and waited for the scores to come out. That's what a good boy looks like, unlike the kid from the old Lin family. He's not a good guy at first glance!"

"No, look at what's written on this car..."

An old lady pointed to the words printed on one of the luxury cars and read: "Beijing Martial Arts University!

This is Beijing Martial Arts University!"

"The car over there seems to be from Tianlong Martial Arts University, and the one in the front seems to be from Nanwan Martial Arts University... Admissions Office!

These are all the top martial arts universities in China, why are they looking for Lin Mo!"

"It's really the admissions office of those universities... Could it be that the child from the old Lin family will be admitted to these schools in advance!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, when my grandson was admitted, he followed the procedures in a disciplined manner. He had to wait until the scores came out before he could fill in his application. How could a school take the initiative to come to his door..." The old lady who boasted about her grandson looked unbelievable.

The other old ladies shook their heads and said nothing.

At this moment, Wang Ping heard a knock on the door and quickly got up to open it.

Then he stared at the dozen people standing at the door in a daze.

"You are..."

Hearing Wang Ping's words, Lin Dayong thought someone was coming to make trouble again, so he pulled out a baseball bat from under the table and walked over.

"What do you want to do!" Lin Dayong pointed at the people in front of him with a baseball bat, his voice cold.

"You... you two must be Lin Mo's parents, we are from the admissions office of Wuhan University, and we come here today to ask Lin Mo to apply for our school..." The person in charge of the admissions office of the first few colleges and universities smiled and said.

"Admissions... admissions office?" Lin Dayong and Wang Ping looked at each other, their faces full of confusion.

"This is our ID, and the relevant information of the school..." The person in charge of the admissions office of Beijing Wuhan University took out a business card and relevant certification materials and handed them to Wang Ping with both hands.

"Hello, Director Hua!" After Wang Ping took a look at the name on it, she quickly greeted him with a smile on her face.

"I'm from Tianlong Wuda, my last name is Zhao!"

"I'm from Nanwan Wuda, my last name is Sun!"


A group of people quickly told their identities. Hearing the names of these schools, Wang Ping and Lin Dayong looked at each other and saw excitement in each other's eyes.

"Come in quickly!" Wang Ping and Lin Dayong quickly invited people in.

"The house is too small to accommodate so many people. Please forgive me..." Wang Ping apologized: "Lin Mo, get up quickly and let the teachers sit down first!"

"No! No!" A group of people waved their hands and looked at Lin Mo with a scrutinizing look on their faces.

"You are classmate Lin Mo, we hope you can join Beijing Wuda. As long as you are willing to join, we can double the conditions we originally offered!"

"Isn't it just doubling? We, Tianlong Wuda, will also accompany you!"

"Nanwan Wuda will naturally accompany you to the end!"


In the room, a group of admissions directors of Wuda rushed to offer various generous conditions, fearing that Lin Mo would not choose their school.

At the same time, the aunts downstairs heard the voices coming from upstairs, and all of them showed envy on their faces.

"The children of the old Lin family are really amazing! It would be great if my grandson had half of him!"

"Yes, Lin Mo has been promising since he was young... I held him once back then, but you didn't see that when he was just one month old, his little bird was very beautiful!"


Listening to the voices around her, the old lady who had been boasting about her grandson before felt a little uncomfortable.

His grandson was originally the only child in the community who was admitted to a martial arts undergraduate university. He has always been envied by everyone in the community, but now Lin Mo suddenly appeared, and his grandson suddenly lost his original status.

The old lady had an unhappy look on her face, took out her mobile phone and called her grandson.

"My dear grandson, tell me if there are any schools that will go to other people's homes to admit students?"

"Yes, Tianlong University often goes to students' homes to admit students, competing with other universities for students!"

Hearing her grandson's words, the old lady's face changed slightly.

"Are Tianlong Wuda and Jingcheng Wuda the best schools?"

"They are the best and top universities in China.

But if we talk about the best universities, they are not really..."

The grandson's words immediately made the old lady's face excited: "Which two schools are the best?"

"Huaxia Military University and Huaxia Wuda!" When the old lady's grandson said the names of these two schools, his tone was full of respect.

"Haha, I knew Lin Mo was not an outstanding child. If he was outstanding enough, why wouldn't these two schools recruit him!" The old lady spoke loudly with an excited look on her face, as if she had found evidence.

At this moment, a burst of engine sounded.

At the entrance of the community, a green military vehicle slowly drove in and finally stopped downstairs.

"These guys are very fast!" An old man slowly walked down from the car, wearing a green uniform and with a majestic look on his face.

Several old ladies shut up instantly and looked at the old man in awe.

"Sisters, which floor does Lin Mo live on!" The old man looked at the old ladies and immediately showed a gentle smile on his face.

"On the third floor..." The old lady who boasted about her grandson before hurriedly said: "Do you want me to help lead the way?"

"No, we can go up by ourselves!" The old man smiled and nodded, then slowly walked upstairs with two people.

"Huaxia Military University..." One of the old ladies pointed at the car and whispered.

"The old Lin family's ancestral tomb is smoking!" One of the old ladies murmured.

"There is also a Huaxia Military University. I wonder if anyone will come, but even if they don't, it's amazing!"


Several old ladies looked up at the direction of Lin Mo's house with envy on their faces.

Dong Dong Dong...

The people who were talking at the Lin family were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.

"The door was not closed, so I came in by myself. Please forgive me!" The old man said with a smile.

"Mr. Han!" Seeing the old man, several admissions office directors quickly stood up and gave up their seats on the sofa.

A group of people were shocked. Mr. Han was already in a semi-retired state, and he actually came to recruit students in person today.

It can be seen that Lin Mo's potential has attracted the attention of Mr. Han!

"Old man..." When did Lin Dayong and Wang Ping see such a scene? Seeing this scene, they quickly stood up: "You are..."

"Han Yi from Huaxia Military University!" The old man smiled and said.

"Han Yi?!" Lin Dayong was stunned for a moment, and always felt that the name was familiar.

"Your son is very good, so we come here this time, hoping that Lin Mo can join Huaxia Military University!" Han Yi said with a smile, and then looked at Lin Mo on the side: "Lin Mo, join the Military University, this is your only choice!"

"What can the Military University give me?" Lin Mo asked with a smile.

"The Military University can give you countless challenges, allowing you to break through your own limits in constant challenges!" Han Yi said with a smile: "Beijing Wuda, Tianlong Wuda and Nanwan Wuda are all the top schools in China.

But these schools still focus on training students.

Talents like you need to be trained in different ways.

And our Military University can give you the best of all ways!

We can even take you deep into the abyss to find those monsters and hunt them with your own hands!"

Han Yi said this slowly with a smile on his face.

"Enter the abyss! Hunt monsters!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up immediately. Hunting monsters can quickly improve practical ability, which is exactly what Lin Mo wants!

"Other schools have offered many good conditions, I wonder what kind of conditions the Military University is going to give me!" Lin Mo looked at Han Yi calmly and spoke slowly.

"The Military University can only give you challenges!" Han Yi shook his head: "Even the Qi and Blood Pills require you to complete tasks or earn money to buy them yourself!"

"..." Lin Mo was speechless for a moment. The old man in front of him didn't give him any benefits, but the Chinese Military University was very attractive to him!

"Old man, you have to give me some benefits..." Lin Mo had a helpless look on his face: "Otherwise it will be difficult for me to choose!"

"You kid, you have already made a choice in your heart, and you still want something from me!" The old man smiled and said.

"I'm going to wait a little longer!" Lin Mo shook his head: "Huaxia Wuda hasn't come yet! Maybe they can offer better conditions!"

"No need to wait, our military university and Wuda have different enrollment directions!" Han Yi shook his head: "Military University's target is those geniuses, martial arts geniuses!

And Wuda's target is those talents with special systems!

You haven't shown any special physique so far, so Wuda won't be interested!"

"Old man, don't lie to me!" Lin Mo had a helpless look on his face: "Okay, then, I choose Military University!"

Finally, Lin Mo made his own choice.

"Boy, you will understand how correct your choice this time is!" Han Yi stood up, took out a metal plate from his body and handed it to Lin Mo, then stood up and left.

Seeing that Lin Mo had made his choice, a group of people could only stand up and say goodbye.

Looking at the plate in his hand, Lin Mo always felt that he had lost a lot...


Just when Lin Mo was sighing, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

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