"Exit of the abyss?!"

Everyone was stunned and then looked in the same direction.

Originally, that should be the entrance to the entire stadium, and all the spectators walked in through that door.

But now, that huge portal has disappeared, replaced by a ruined wall.

The architectural style of these ruins is completely different from the current buildings, but rather resembles the style of ancient Greece.

These ruins were shrouded in a layer of mist, and they were constantly twisting in the air when they appeared.

Obviously, there is another world there!

Just like someone yelled before, the exit of the abyss was opened!

"Ah! Run quickly, the exit is opened and the monster is about to rush out!"


"I don't want to die yet!"

"Damn it, the Neon and Man people joined forces and they opened the exit of the abyss! Damn it!"


In just a few breaths, the entire stadium became chaotic. Countless people screamed and rushed around. There was even a stampede. After some people fell down, they could never stand up again!

"Maintain order. Where are the security guards from the beautiful country? Let them maintain order!"

Lin Mo roared loudly. This was the time when the security guards and people from the Ministry of War stepped forward, but they were not seen.

"Lin Mo, this is a beautiful country, not China!" Aaron's voice was filled with helplessness.

At this time, Lin Mo finally reacted and looked at a small gate not far away. It was completely occupied by the military department of the beautiful country. They stopped the others and ran away first.

"So, it was you who did it, right?" Aaron turned and looked at the Man, Neon and even White Elephant people around him, his eyes full of hatred.

"Hahaha, so what if it's us? All of you are going to die here!

Chinese people, beautiful people, geniuses like you, will all die here!

After you die, our country will become a new alliance, and the whole world will be dominated by us! "

There was a crazy smile on Man's face, and his mouth was almost distorted.

Several neon people even began to rush around, carrying out crazy killings.

"Madman!" Lin Mo spat out two words, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

But now, the most important thing is not to kill, but... to seal that exit!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo rushed directly to the entrance.

He used Ghost Shadow's movement skills to the extreme, and in just a short moment, he was in front of the exit of the abyss.

A terrifying force continued to spurt out from the exit.


The roar resounded, and it was obvious that monsters were gathering at the exit.

The mental power escaped, and Lin Mo wanted to see what kind of monster was hidden behind the exit.

However, it is obvious that the exit is not stable enough, and mental power will be destroyed instantly if it enters it.

Lin Mo looked serious. Even after a moment of exploration, he still discovered a terrifying existence.

The shouts of killing are getting smaller and smaller, and the few people who tried to bring the abyss to the beautiful country have all been killed.

"My beautiful country will definitely pursue what happened today!" Aaron said coldly, his eyes passing over the corpses on the ground.

Then he looked far away. At the exit of the abyss, only Lin Mo was still struggling to support himself.

But at this moment, Lin Mo's face already showed a pale look, and violent power was constantly impacting Lin Mo's body from the exit.

As strong as Lin Mo, there are now several cracks in his body, and blood is constantly flowing out, looking extremely miserable.

"Once the abyss is opened, there is almost no way to close it." Li Fengchun's voice sounded: "Lin Mo, you can't block it any longer, otherwise you will die!"

"If those monsters are allowed to enter the beautiful country, how long do you think something will happen to China?" Lin Mo gritted his teeth and insisted hard.


At this moment, a voice resounded, and a huge palm covered with pitch black scales appeared from inside the exit!

This hand only had three fingers, each of which had pitch black nails, emitting bursts of light green smoke in the air.

"Poisonous! Stay away!" Lin Mo looked at Li Fengchun and others, and at the same time, the power of water-attribute energy and blood flowed around his body, forming a barrier around his body.

"Lin Mo, please leave quickly, we are here to take over!" A voice resounded, and Aaron stood directly in front of Lin Mo.


The flames were completely ignited on his body, and all the poisonous gas was burned by the flames and disappeared.

"Aaron! You can't stop him alone!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice.

"You have to block it even if you can't!" Aaron said firmly: "Where are the young people from this beautiful country? How dare they fight to the death with me!"

As the voice fell, hundreds of figures rose into the sky and landed behind Aaron.

"Aaron, we will always follow you! Work together to destroy the exit of this abyss!"

"To protect this beautiful country, even if you die, you will be honored!"

Countless voices resounded, and a group of people came directly to the exit.

"Come in with me! Block the exit!" Aaron's voice rang again, and he was the first to rush in!

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo had a look of shock on his face.

Nowadays, the exit channel is not stable, so entering it directly and rashly is tantamount to seeking death!

But under the leadership of Aaron, a group of people rushed towards the exit without hesitation!

puff! puff!

There was a muffled sound, and the first few martial arts cultivators who entered were torn to pieces by a pair of huge palms!

And Aaron's whole body was covered with flames. Above his head, thunder continued to strike down, and thunderclouds seemed to replace the sky, seeming to submerge half of the entire exit.

"Keep charging!" Aaron's voice sounded. He had completely entered the abyss, and all the martial arts and strength that he had not shown before had been revealed.

Lin Mo stood outside, watching the scenes of his actions from a distance, with a look of emotion on his face.

"During the competition, he didn't use all his strength. He should have only used 80% of his strength. Now he is using all his strength, and it's so terrifying!"

At this moment, the hundreds of people at the exit of the abyss have all entered the exit of the abyss. The shouts of killing came from the exit and could be heard clearly even from a long distance away.

"Lin Mo, let's go. There is no way to resist here. Anyone who enters will definitely die!" Li Fengchun and others stepped forward, pulling Lin Mo to leave.

"No, although the beautiful country won't deal with us, ordinary people are innocent. Aaron and the others are blocking the inside, so I will help them guard the outside!"

After Lin Mo was silent for a moment, he had made his decision. He turned around and looked firmly in the direction of the exit.

At this moment, there is a looming film at the exit, which is the barrier between the abyss and the outside world. If this barrier disappears, then the monsters in the abyss can pass through the exit and enter here unscrupulously!

"The barriers are getting thinner and thinner, and they may be destroyed in a short period of time. Everyone, please be careful!" someone warned.

"Inform those powerful men immediately. It's already this time. How long do you want to wait if you don't take action!"

"Where is the president of the Cupid Association? And the Luke family. It's already reached this point. If they don't take action quickly, do they really have to wait until the monster appears and someone is injured or killed before they can be happy! "

Someone yelled, but at this time, everything seemed to be in vain.

Lin Mo stood there, looking at everything in front of him.

There are fewer and fewer people entering the abyss. The monsters are cold and ferocious. Once they catch a martial artist, they will use the most cruel method to tear him to pieces!

Lin Mo even saw a monster starting to devour people's bodies, and the scene was bloody and hell-like.

"Weina, go and notify the Cupid Association, I'm waiting for your news!" Lin Mo looked at Weina, the barrier was getting thinner and thinner. If it was really destroyed, Lin Mo wouldn't be able to resist for long. .

If his life was really in danger, Lin Mo would choose to leave directly.

Wei Na was silent for a moment, nodded heavily, then turned and left.

"Zhou Lu, Li Fengchun, you all should leave too!" Lin Mo spoke again.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are allowed to be a hero and we are allowed to be bears, right? I won't leave!" Li Fengchun gritted his teeth and spoke with a look of displeasure on his face.

"Boss, I won't leave. I will fight to the death with you!" Zhou Lu, Liu Mi and others also gritted their teeth and stood behind Lin Mo.

"Okay! Let's hold on here. When the barrier really can't be held, we'll just leave. Don't leave any regrets for yourself!" Lin Mo looked back at them and said with a smile.

At the same time, light flashed in his hand, a three-pointed two-edged knife appeared in his palm, and then he threw it fiercely into the distance.


A huge gap was opened in the huge gymnasium in an instant, and Lin Mo opened another exit next to the originally blocked gate!

"Everyone, please leave from there. I know that some of you should have a way to contact the strong people in the family, so let them take action as soon as possible, otherwise, the entire beautiful country will be in danger!"

Lin Mo looked at those leaving and spoke loudly.

The group of people didn't know if they heard Lin Mo's words. They just left from the gap. No one looked back at Lin Mo at all.


At this moment, a voice sounded, and cracks could be seen emerging on the barrier.

In the abyss, there were not many martial arts cultivators left in the beautiful country. Under the leadership of Aaron, they tried their best to stop many monsters.

But this is an abyss, a paradise for monsters, so a steady stream of monsters are gathering. The number Aaron and the others kill is far less than the huge number of monsters gathered.

"Lin Mo, get out of there, we really can't hold on any longer!" Aaron said loudly. He was already injured, the flames around his body had dissipated a lot, and the thunderclouds in the sky were almost invisible. .

"I can still defend for a while, just hope that your strong men will show up soon!" Lin Mo said with a wry smile.

At the same time, he looked at the exit of the abyss, wanting to see if there was any way to destroy the exit.


He punched the edge of the exit, trying to destroy the door, but it was of no use. Instead, it caused the cracks on the barrier to spread a little more.

"Damn it, it doesn't work!" Lin Mo sighed.

At this moment, with a bang, a huge figure rushed towards Lin Mo's direction!

It was a monster covered with green scales, like a wild boar, but its two front teeth were like ivory, flashing cold light.


With a loud bang, the body of the monster turned into a blood mist, but the two sharp teeth pierced into the barrier fiercely!

Two holes the size of a head were broken on the indestructible barrier.

"Damn it, the barrier is about to break, be careful!" Lin Mo roared, and at the same time, the Jiuzhou Order floated in the air, and terrifying rays of light scattered everywhere, covering Lin Mo and others.

"What a strong enhancement effect!"

Zhou Lu and others showed surprise on their faces. The enhancement effect of the Jiuzhou Order made them feel extremely shocked.




At this time, blood mist rose one after another on the barrier, and those monsters began to frantically want to destroy the barrier at the cost of their own death!


Finally, at the moment when the last beast died, the entire barrier was shattered!


An eagle-like monster rushed out, flapped its wings, and spit out a ball of lightning at the same time.


Lin Mo swung his fist, and the terrifying blood power surged. The whole person rushed to the sky and killed the eagle directly!

"Damn it, stop those beasts and buy time for Lin Mo and the others!" A voice sounded in the abyss, that was Aaron's voice!


Under Lin Mo's gaze, Aaron directly wrapped his body in flames, and then the whole person suddenly exploded!

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