Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 381 Another blood pool?

"In that case, let's go together!" Leng Ye glanced at Xiao Lu, his expression softened, and he finally nodded.

Leng Bai and Leng Yue also stopped talking, which was considered as complete acquiescence.

Lin Mo looked at this scene and silently shouted "6" in his heart.

The five people continued on their way. Along the way, Lin Mo was intentionally or unintentionally asking about the information of Zhuque Mountain.

But Leng Yue and Leng Ye were obviously very wary of him, and they used their eyes to stop Leng Bai and Lin Mo from talking.

Faced with such a scene, Lin Mo could only express helplessness, thinking that after going up the mountain, he would naturally know everything he wanted to know!

"Brother, look there!" At this time, Leng Bai suddenly spoke and pointed not far away.

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger and was immediately shocked. It was a big tree, as thick as several people hugging together, but the bark of this big tree had been peeled off and something was written on it with special paint.

After everyone approached, they couldn't help but take a breath.

There is a painting on the tree. It is a bird. Its huge body is under the sky, and under its wings is an endless flame.

Needless to say, this bird must be Suzaku.

He flew over the place where the creatures lived. The endless flames ignited everything, and some creatures turned into ashes in the flames!

On this day, a powerful creature appeared. He held a long sword in his hand and slashed fiercely at the Suzaku in the air!

The clear sword light shone, and the Suzaku was directly cut into two pieces and fell into the flames.

All the creatures cheered, thinking that the Suzaku had been killed.

But the Suzaku was reborn again in the flames, and its strength was even stronger!

In the end, the powerful creature gave his life to destroy the Suzaku.

But the Suzaku is immortal, and he lives forever in the flames!

Looking at the picture on the tree, Lin Mo was a little shocked.

Such a picture is ancient and vicissitudes, and people can't forget it after seeing it once.

"So, although Suzaku is not dead, he is sealed!" Leng Bai smiled and looked at his two brothers beside him, saying, "Will we be much safer this time?"

"How can the place where Suzaku lives be safe!" Leng Yue said lightly: "Everyone, cheer up. If you encounter danger, I can't guarantee that I can save all of you!"

At this point, he glanced at Xiaolu and said lightly: "At that time, I can only save one of you two!"

"Then you are fine!" Xiaolu smiled and said: "I should be able to escape by myself!"

Leng Yue originally wanted to show off in front of Xiaolu, but he didn't expect the latter to play by the rules, and directly made Leng Yue's face green.

The look he looked at Lin Mo also became indifferent.

This made Lin Mo speechless. He didn't do anything, but was regarded as a love rival. This feeling is not good!

But Lin Mo didn't care too much in his heart. Instead, he chuckled and said to Leng Yue: "Then thank you in advance!"

Leng Yue almost vomited blood.

Leng Bai was relatively young, so he rushed to the front with high spirits all the way.


At this moment, a roar resounded, and at the same time, a huge beast rushed towards Leng Bai!

Just when Lin Mo thought Leng Yue and Leng Ye were going to attack, Leng Bai suddenly punched the sky!

The huge beast's head was smashed by his punch!

Such a scene made Lin Mo open his mouth slightly. At this time, he finally felt that Leng Bai, the youngest, had reached the realm of the ninth-grade martial emperor!

The most important thing is that Leng Bai looks younger than him!

"Are all the creatures in the abyss so fierce?" Lin Mo sighed in his heart, and at the same time looked at Leng Yue: "How old are you?"

"More than three hundred years old!" Leng Yue said lightly.

After hearing this, Lin Mo was a little more balanced.

"Leng Bai is relatively young, less than fifty years old! Very young!" Leng Ye added another sentence.

A fifty-year-old ninth-grade martial emperor is also amazing!

Lin Mo was surprised when he heard this, but he was relieved.

The creatures in the abyss are just older, but they look young, so it is normal for them to be strong.

"Ferocious beasts are starting to appear here. It seems that we are almost at our destination!" Leng Bai shook all the blood off with his hand, and then looked at his two brothers: "The power of the flesh and blood of this beast just now is very strong!

I almost used up five points of my strength in that punch just now!"

"Xiaobai, you said too much!" Leng Ye glanced at Lin Mo and spoke lightly.

While Lin Mo listened to Leng Bai's words, he got some information.

Leng Bai said that there are many ferocious beasts here, which means they are almost at their destination, and he also mentioned that the flesh and blood of the ferocious beasts are very strong.

So, is there something in the destination that can change the strength of one's body?

Thinking of this, Lin Mo's face showed an expectant look.

"Hurry up, we don't have much time!" Leng Ye glanced at everyone and smiled.

Leng Bai nodded, as if he had thought of something, and then he sped up.

Seeing the three Leng brothers getting faster and faster, Lin Mo glanced at Xiao Lu, who immediately understood.

He picked up Lin Mo and chased after them.

Xiao Lu was very fast. After just a few seconds, he had found their trace.

"Very strong!" The three brothers of the Leng family looked back at Xiao Lu and were slightly shocked.

But at this time, they still did not stop at all, but instead increased their speed.

"That place should be very dangerous. If we take them with us, we should have a better chance!" Leng Bai looked at his two brothers and asked.

"In that kind of place, if the resources are limited, we may not be able to take advantage when a fight breaks out!

Didn't you notice that goshawk? It's also very powerful!" Leng Ye said.

However, what they didn't expect was that Lin Mo and Xiao Lu had already caught up.

"Go, kill them!" Leng Ye suddenly spoke, and then turned around first and pounced on Xiao Lu.

Xiao Lu was prepared. With a cold shout, he directly triggered the power of the mountain to cover the three people!

In just a moment, he saw that the stones on the mountain were like a giant dragon, biting them madly.


Leng Ye waved his hands, and a huge light curtain blocked him.

At the same time, Leng Yue also made a move, condensing a giant axe to slash down from top to bottom!

The dragon was beheaded directly!

Just as they were about to fight again, a cry sounded again!


The familiar sound made both sides stop fighting involuntarily and look in the direction of the sound.

There, stood a body as tall as ten feet.

It can be seen that his body was surrounded by flames, and the golden flames jumped as if to form patterns.

Even at a long distance, they could still feel the terrifying high temperature.

"That's the Vermillion Bird!"

Leng Bai's face was full of excitement, and he couldn't help shouting: "The place we are looking for is there!"

Right there? !

When Lin Mo heard this, his eyes lit up and he glanced at Xiao Lu.

Xiao Lu immediately understood what Lin Mo meant, grabbed the latter and ran towards the place where the phantom was.

"Catch up with them!" The three brothers of the Leng family roared, and then chased after Lin Mo and the others.

The closer he got to the shadow, the more frightening the temperature became.

When he was about a hundred meters away from the shadow, Lin Mo saw that his clothes were starting to carbonize!

Fortunately, the Qi and Blood clone had a huge amount of Qi and Blood, so Lin Mo directly wrapped himself with Qi and Blood to prevent his clothes from being carbonized.

As for Xiao Lu, her clothes were originally condensed by the power of Qi and Blood, so she didn't worry about carbonization at all.

Instead, the goshawk screamed there, because there were not many feathers left on his body...

The three brothers of the Leng family also reacted in the fastest time, condensed the power of Qi and Blood into clothes, and blocked themselves.

Both sides slowed down, because at this time, they didn't dare to increase their speed too fast, because no one knew if the speed was too fast, would there be any problems.

One hundred meters, ninety meters, eighty meters...

The distance was getting closer and closer, and the shadow of the Vermillion Bird just stood there, looking at Lin Mo and others quietly, without any reaction.

"It seems that it is really just a shadow." Leng Bai said, and then increased the speed.

"Come back!" Leng Ye's face changed slightly and he shouted.

But it was too late. With a cry, Leng Bai's body was suddenly covered by flames.

Before he could make any sound, Leng Bai turned into a pile of ashes and fell to the ground!

The terrifying temperature actually vaporized him directly!

Such a scene frightened them, and Lin Mo couldn't help but stand in place and look at Suzaku vigilantly.

"Don't go so fast, there shouldn't be a problem!" Goshawk suddenly said: "Remember what I said at the beginning, Suzaku has a sense of territory!"

Lin Mo and Xiaolu nodded, then slowed down their speed, and looked at Suzaku's status every step.

Using this method, they finally stood less than five meters away from Suzaku.

The temperature here is still terrifying, but their strength is not weak, so they can withstand such a temperature.

The two brothers of the Leng family also followed suit and stood behind them.

"Now you can tell me, what place are you looking for?" Lin Mo turned and looked at the two brothers of the Leng family.

The two brothers seemed to be only sad for a moment about Leng Bai's death, and now they have recovered.

Facing Lin Mo's question, Leng Ye thought about it and finally said: "We need to find the blood pool left after Zhuque's death!"

"Blood pool?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, thinking of the pool he had soaked in before.

Is there any connection between the two?

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