The bloody smell surrounded Lin Mo, making him look like a killing god.

Under his feet, the frozen corpse lay there quietly. After a punch, it had broken into countless pieces, looking like the back of Lin Mo.

The rest of the people stood on the platform, looking at Lin Mo, their eyes full of fear.

"Lin Mo, my Zhu family is one of the major families in China. You hand over Jiuzhou now..."

In the direction of the Zhu family, the man who originally controlled the Jiuzhou Order came out with great effort, looked up and down at Lin Mo, and then said: "You should know very well that if the entire Zhu family really makes a move, you have no chance, and you will definitely die!"


As soon as the voice fell, Lin Mo's figure had already flashed and rushed out.

The condensed character element flashed again, and the light gathered and hit Lin Mo.

But the invincible effect of the forward state was activated again. Lin Mo was just like a killing god, rushing to the position of the Zhu family, and then there was a burst of blood!

Several figures fell to the ground, and then a figure rushed out with the Ning character Yuan, and then stood in place.

The Jiuzhou Ling Ning character Yuan was now in Lin Mo's hand. After a little hesitation, Lin Mo put the Ning character Yuan away.

The remaining people of the Zhu family looked at this scene, with shock and anger on their faces. They opened their mouths and wanted to say something, but finally closed their mouths honestly.

Lin Mo was too fierce, they were not opponents at all. If they continued to fight, they felt that they would definitely die!

"Give me back my holy fruit!"

Lin Mo did not continue to kill the remaining Zhu family members, but looked at the Japanese.

They held the holy fruit in their hands, and looked at Lin Mo with panic.

As Lin Mo's voice fell, their expressions changed.

"Mr. Lin Mo, China is a great country, and its words should be as good as gold. The holy fruit has been handed over to us, so how can it be taken back?"

One of the figures forced himself to speak: "You should know that if we join forces, you have no chance at all!"

Among the remaining people, there is also a seventh-grade martial emperor. If they attack together, Lin Mo really has no chance of winning.

"Then you can join forces!" Lin Mo said lightly, and then rushed out again.

"If we fight together, if we win this time, your position in the Black Dragon Society will be able to move up a level in the future!"

One of them roared wildly, and then rushed towards Lin Mo.

For all this, Lin Mo seemed to have been prepared for it. When they rushed over, he had already retreated calmly.

A terrifying breath poured from behind him.

Feeling this breath, Lin Mo smiled.

"It seems that I am still lucky!"

Lin Mo chuckled and spoke.

When the voice fell, a burst of laughter rang out.

"Hahaha, Lin Mo, the teacher is not late!" Wei Yunlong's voice sounded.

A group of people felt the breath of Wei Yunlong and despaired instantly.

Ninth-grade martial emperor! And he is at the peak of the ninth grade!


As soon as he appeared, Wei Yunlong attacked in succession, killing several Japanese people, and then his eyes fell on the Zhu family members.

"Grandpa Wei, they are all Japanese, they deserve to die, they deserve to be killed! But we are all Chinese, we are one family!"

The remaining Zhu family members looked at the corpses on the ground, and their faces showed a fearful look, as if they were afraid that Wei Yunlong would start a massacre, and they spoke quickly.

"Now you remember that you are Chinese?" Lin Mo sneered and mocked: "In my opinion, those of you who cooperate with Japan are more hateful than the Japanese!

Teacher, you don't have to do it, I will kill them myself!"

After that, he took action directly.

In fact, the remaining members of the Zhu family were not weak. If they joined forces directly, they might be able to defeat Lin Mo. However, these people were not good people in the first place. Facing Lin Mo's charge, they did not dare to fight back at all, and chose to flee in all directions.

"A bunch of trash!"

Lin Mo snorted coldly, and his killing intent became even stronger.

The spiritual realm unfolded, and these people were instantly enveloped in it.

The spiritual power turned into a heavenly sword, slashing out in the spiritual realm!

This sword was just like a slashing of the sky. The pupils of several people just shrank suddenly, and then they were directly killed by this sword!

When the spiritual power is destroyed, it is like a walking corpse!

"Tsk tsk, your current strength is really terrifying. After the mental power and the blood power are completely integrated, the two powers increase at the same time, reaching a delicate balance.

In the initial low-level realm, it may not be possible to see the strength of this balance, but in the later stage, the power of balance is reflected.

The combat power is too terrifying, invincible in the same level, and can fight across levels!"

Wei Yunlong looked at Lin Mo and did not hide his admiration.

Lin Mo is very strong and has a good character. He is very satisfied with such a disciple and even proud of having such a disciple.

Watching Lin Mo picking up the holy fruit over there, Wei Yunlong stood aside and sighed.

"What are you going to do next?" Wei Yunlong looked at Lin Mo and finally asked.

"Teacher, I can't swallow this breath!" Lin Mo's hand paused slightly while packing things, and finally slowly opened his mouth and said what he wanted to say most in his heart: "Disciple has never taken the initiative to cause trouble over the years, but if others provoke me, I will directly fight back.

But as time goes by, I seem to have more and more enemies, and I can’t kill them all.

If a group of people like the Zhu family are killed, another group will appear soon.

I'm a little tired of it. "

Wei Yunlong listened to Lin Mo's words with a distressed look in his eyes. In any case, Lin Mo is a young man under thirty years old. Many times, he cannot understand things in the world. This is normal. .

I haven’t experienced enough, so I don’t see things thoroughly enough.

Wei Yunlong opened his mouth, trying to persuade Lin Mo to open his eyes. When the world is so stupid, the latter looked at him with shining eyes.

"What do you want to do?" Wei Yunlong looked at Lin Mo warily. Based on his understanding of the latter, he always felt that the latter seemed to want to do something earth-shattering.

"Master didn't show up. Are you trying to attack the Martial Emperor's realm?" Lin Mo did not respond, but asked such a question.

Wei Yunlong smiled and said: "Actually, it is not about attacking the Martial Emperor realm. The teacher has now reached the Martial Emperor realm and is stabilizing himself. It is estimated that he will be completely stable in just these two days!"

Lin Mo nodded, and then asked: "How strong is the strongest person in the Zhu family now?"

"The strongest person in the Zhu family now is Zhu Qing, the father of the current head of the family, who has reached the peak of the first-class Martial Emperor. There are two other elders who seem to have reached the early stage of the first-class Martial Emperor!" Wei Yunlong said while looking at Lin Mo: "Whatever you want to do, kid, don't be impulsive!"

Lin Mo shook his head and said stubbornly: "Teacher, this time, if the students are not prepared, let it go!"

He glanced at the Zhu family members who had been mentally destroyed, and said calmly: "The students want to teach them a lesson.

And the Zhu family is the chicken that the students kill to scare the monkeys! "

"In the coming week, students, I hope you can break through as soon as possible! If you can't break through, it doesn't matter. You can break through and sublime in battle when the time comes!"

Lin Mo dropped these words directly, and then stepped forward and led several Zhu family members down the mountain.

Not long after, he met Lin Ya, and the latter was accompanied by two strong men.

"Brother, are you okay!" Lin Ya's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw Lin Mo, and she quickly said hello.

"I'm fine! Why are you back again!" Lin Mo looked at Lin Ya, a little unhappy, and then looked at the two strong men behind Lin Ya: "Who are the two seniors?"

"We are Xiaoya's teachers. I heard that you encountered some trouble here, so we came to take a look. Now that the matter has been resolved, let's take our leave!"

The two teachers looked at Lin Mo, then clasped their fists with smiles and prepared to turn around and leave.

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo pondered for a moment, then clasped his fists and said: "Thank you two seniors for your generous action. The students will definitely come to thank you in the future!"

The two teachers just smiled and waved their hands, then turned and left.

However, when they left, their eyes stayed on Wei Yunlong for a moment. Both teachers could clearly feel the power of Qi and blood in him.

That is a power close to that of Emperor Wu!

"Lin Ya's brother is said to have many strong men around him. Now it seems that he is indeed well-deserved!"

"Nonsense, don't you know that his brother is a top powerhouse himself and will definitely be above the level of Emperor Martial in the future!

Coming with Xiaoya this time is a good relationship..."

"The two of us want to go together..."

The two figures were getting further and further away, but their voices came through.

The corners of Lin Mo's mouth twitched. The two teachers obviously said these words deliberately.

This made it clear that he was going to defect. However, although the giant city of Luobu was currently short of people, it didn't mean that Lin Mo would take back just anyone who came.

"Anyway, I have to stay in Jinling for a few days. After the matter is resolved, let's see what the attitude of these people is!" Lin Mo thought in his heart, and a group of people went down the mountain in a mighty manner.

When he returned home, Liu Lei had already taken the principal to guard the house. Besides them, there were actually some strong people waiting there.

"Lin Mo, are you okay!" Seeing Lin Mo coming back, Liu Lei rushed up.

The principal of Wuhan University also looked at Lin Mo with a smile. After confirming that the latter was not injured, he felt slightly relieved.

He wasn't really worried about Lin Mo's health, but now that Lin Mo and he had a cooperative relationship, he didn't want Lin Mo to get hurt.

"Thank you all. After the matters at hand for this junior are over, I will come to thank you one by one!" Lin Mo looked at everyone, holding his fists and speaking.

Everyone also stood up and left, but Liu Lei stayed.

"Teacher, send a message to Master and tell him to gather in Jinling in seven days!"

Lin Mo looked at Wei Yunlong and said, "In seven days, I will go to the Zhu family to seek justice!"

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