Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 346: Just a broken stone!


Xiao Sheng suddenly turned around when he heard the voice behind him.

He stared at the figure standing there with horror on his face.

"Lin Mo?! Impossible, you have obviously..."

The figure in front of him was naturally Lin Mo. Xiao Sheng looked at Lin Mo in front of him and didn't believe that all this was real.

"Fake! It's all fake!" Lin Mo said with a smile on his face: "Look at each of you, the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole behind you, you all want to be the oriole, but I am different...

I am a hunter, a hunter with a gun in my hand! "

Lin Mo smiled and grinned, showing his big white teeth.

The look on Xiao Sheng's face changed again and again, and finally showed a malicious look again: "So what if you are not dead? I have now completely integrated Xiao Lu and Xiao Sen into my body!

You are no match for me! "


When the little saint roared, Lin Mo suddenly raised his hand, and the sword of fire appeared in his hand.

With a casual slash, the flames soared and fell on the roots, instantly igniting them all!

And the burning effect of these roots was very good. Almost in the blink of an eye, everything including the little saint was wrapped in flames!

Moreover, Lin Mo kept moving forward, and the Silver Dragon Spear was already quietly in his hand as he charged forward.

Silver Dragon Spear Technique!

The silver dragon roars, this is the real Silver Dragon Spear Technique!

This is its true power!

The silver dragon was like a mountain range, soaring up to a hundred feet before swooping down again!

The dragon body constructed with the power of Qi and blood is extremely real. When it swoops down, the dragon's tail swings, constantly accelerating itself!


A series of roaring sounds came from the air vibration caused by the speed reaching a certain level!

In the flames, the little saint's expression changed wildly.

He stood up hard, trying to weave a large web with countless roots.

But Lin Mo didn't give him such a chance at all.


There was a loud noise, and the silver dragon didn't stop for a moment and hit the little saint directly.

The originally solid body also became a bit illusory in an instant!


The light flickered, and the Nine Provinces Order flew up from the ground. Lin Mo held it in his hand, and a ray of light fell on the little saint.

Little Saint, who originally wanted to fight back, suddenly seemed to have lost his soul and stood there quietly.

The token of confusion!

And Lin Mo also shrouded himself with the light of the Token of Suppression, offsetting the negative costs!


Lin Mo's figure flashed out and the ice knife was held in Lin Mo's hand!

The sword flashed and the little saint's head rolled down!

The illusory figure completely dissipated!

Lin Mo stood there, his mental power beginning to spread in all directions.

He was searching, looking for the place where Xiaolu took them before.

A few minutes later, Lin Mo started running wildly in one direction.

He pushed the ghost shadowing technique to its extreme!

Master level proficiency!

At this moment, Lin Mo felt that the restrictions on him disappeared. His whole body turned into an afterimage, and his body left a sonic boom in the air as he ran wildly in the forest!

In just a few breaths, Lin Mo arrived at the edge of the cliff.

The holy tree still stood there quietly, and the fruits on the tree were still good.

Under the tree, there was a stone the size of a palm.

At this moment, the light flickered slightly on the stone, and you could see a miniature version of the Little Saint struggling to climb out of the stone little by little.

"Tsk, tsk, you are really alive!" Lin Mo said with a chuckle.

The struggling Little Saint's expression changed drastically when he heard Lin Mo's voice.

When he looked up, Lin Mo was already standing in front of him.

" did you know I'm here?!" Little Saint looked shocked. He thought everything he did was perfect. Who would have thought that Lin Mo could see through everything.

"I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain." Lin Mo chuckled: "From the beginning to the end, I am a bystander."

In addition to being an individual, the Qi and Blood clones also have another function, that is, the main body can treat the clones as their own eyes.

So, from beginning to end, Lin Mo sat there cross-legged, watching all of this quietly.

When Xiao Lu was about to take them to this cliff, the clone saw the cliff, but the main body saw the forest!

From beginning to end, they never left the forest!

Therefore, Lin Mo had already reached the conclusion. At that time, he directly got another bird and came to the Holy Mountain from below.

And while they competed to be the oriole, they watched quietly and became a hunter.

"I am the Holy Mountain, the great Holy Mountain, even if you are..." The little saint's face was full of resentment, and he roared loudly.


But just as he was halfway through his words, Lin Mo stepped on his face.

With a muffled sound, the little saint's palm-sized body was stepped on and exploded!

Seeing the light gathering, Lin Mo waited there patiently.

After the condensation was successful, Lin Mo raised his foot and stepped on it.

After several times in succession, the light finally could no longer condense into a new body.

Looking at the smooth stone next to the root of the tree, Lin Mo sneered: "It's just a broken stone, and it keeps saying that it is a holy mountain!

Should I say you have inferiority complex, or should I say you are an idiot? "


After the last syllable fell, Lin Mo pressed his palm hard and crushed the stone into powder.

Swirling powder fell to the ground and sprinkled on the roots.

Those roots glowed slightly, the green light flashed a few times, and the powder disappeared.

In the distance, patches of forest began to wither and turn yellow, as if all their vitality had been sucked away in an instant!

But the holy tree in front of Lin Mo was becoming stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Xiao Lu." Lin Mo tried to shout.

After waiting for a long time, there was no response.

Lin Mo thought for a while, raised his hand and grabbed it in the distance.


The energy and blood seed flew up directly and fell into Lin Mo's palm.

Feeling the surging power of qi and blood contained within the qi and blood seed, Lin Mo had already planned to gather his clones again when he came down from the holy mountain.

The leaves trembled, and the holy fruit inside exuded an alluring fragrance.

Lin Mo chuckled, raised his hand, grabbed a fruit, and picked it off hard.

"After eating it, there is a 50% chance of becoming the Martial Emperor!" Lin Mo looked at the fruit in his hand with a smile on his face: "If you don't come out, I will pick all the fruits on you! "

After saying that, he pretended to pick the remaining fruits.

"Oh, oh, oh! Stop! Don't do this! It hurts so much, okay!"

Xiao Lu complained, and then the sacred branch swayed, and a figure came out from inside.

Xiaolu is still dressed in the same way, but compared to before, she has a more powerful aura.

"It seems you have remembered it now!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "What is going on with all this?"

"Didn't you already guess seven, seven, eight or eight?" Xiao Lu rolled her eyes at Lin Mo.

"I have indeed guessed a lot." Lin Mo nodded: "Actually, the so-called holy mountain is you, and everything is attached to your roots.

In other words, the Holy Mountain is the soil on your roots, and Komori is your clone. "

Xiao Lu listened to Lin Mo's words, nodded constantly, and praised from time to time: So smart! So witty!

"There's one thing I don't understand!" Lin Mo looked up at Xiao Lu: "What's going on with Little Saint? It shouldn't have anything to do with you!"

"As you just saw, Little Saint is a stone next to my roots." Xiao Lu smiled and said: "It has been so long since I was born that I have forgotten my own existence.

Later, I differentiated into Komori. In fact, Komori covers a very large area. The entire Holy Mountain is Komori’s body!

Then one day a stone suddenly appeared next to my roots.

This stone actually dug into my roots with its sharp edges when my roots were extending.

Then a large amount of energy began to pour into the body of this stone.

Slowly, I felt weak and lost a lot of my memory, and then I fell into a deep sleep for a hundred years.

Speaking of which, I have to thank you even more for being able to wake up!

Remember what happened when you first entered Rob's Abyss? "

Lin Mo frowned slightly after listening to Xiao Lu's words, and then his eyes lit up: "When I was using my spiritual power in the forest, there once was a huge tree... Could that be you too?!"

Xiao Lu nodded: "It was your spiritual power that woke me up, although that physical power had no effect on me.

But I have to say, if it weren’t for you, I would still be sleeping forever.

However, when I woke up, I discovered that there was an extra clone like Xiaolu.

At this time, if I forcibly erase everything about Xiaolu, it would be too damaging for me, so I am waiting for your arrival.

I knew then that you would show up.

You don't know how happy I am when you appear in the Holy Mountain.

I even controlled the fruits to improve their quality.

And when Little Saint was looking for ways to improve his strength, he told everyone about your existence!

The Little Saint knew of your existence and became very interested in you when you stepped into the Holy Mountain.

You know everything that happened later! "

Xiao Lu opened her mouth. Such a story would undoubtedly be extremely thrilling, but she told it in a normal tone.

Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he finally knew the whole story.

At that time, Lin Mo felt strange. How could the quality of such a good holy fruit be improved? !

It turned out that Xiaolu was doing this deliberately.

"Lin Mo, in return, I am willing to promise you that all the creatures on my holy mountain will not go to war against the human race!

Please be sure to go back and tell everyone that we, Rob Abyss, will not kill them!

Abyss creatures and outside creatures can get along with each other! "

Lin Mo looked into Xiao Lu's eyes and didn't know whether what she said was true or false.

"I'll go back and think about it!" Lin Mo finally nodded, and then said with a smile: "I have helped you so much, can you give me a few more holy fruits?"

Xiao Lu originally thought that Lin Mo would make some excessive demands, but who would have thought that Lin Mo actually wanted the Holy Fruit!

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