Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 343 Three Living Beings

Although the woman in green kept saying that she wanted Lin Mo to be happy, he didn't believe it at all.

Lin Mo firmly believed that this woman must have her own purpose!

"I really just..." The woman in green was a little anxious, looking at Lin Mo and speaking.

Lin Mo stared at her, and after a long time, he said: "Tell me, what's your name?"

"My name is Xiaolu!" The woman said softly, "I am one of the several creatures that have given birth to their own consciousness in this holy mountain."

A creature that gave birth to its own consciousness... one? !

Hearing this, Lin Mo's eyebrows raised: "Are there other creatures that have given birth to their own consciousness?"

"Of course there are!" Xiaolu said: "The forest you experienced before also gave birth to its own consciousness, and the entire holy mountain also gave birth to its own consciousness!

I am just a tree on the holy mountain. I don't know when it started, I suddenly had my own consciousness, and then I woke up and met Xiaosheng and Xiaosen."

Lin Mo's face was full of emotion. It must be said that it is really easy to name these creatures that have given birth to spiritual intelligence!

The meaning is clear and there will be no ambiguity.

Xiaosheng is naturally the Holy Mountain, and Xiaosen must be the forest they just passed by.

However, Lin Mo did not expect that the entire Holy Mountain actually had its own consciousness. This kind of thing is really shocking just by hearing it!

"It was Xiaosheng who told me that you are very important to the Abyss and asked me to find a way to keep you!" Xiaolu said, "I think as long as you feel happy here, you will naturally be willing to stay!

So everything I do is really to make you feel happy."

Lin Mo's mind was full of black lines. From this point of view, what Xiaolu said might be true.

There is no doubt that this is a creature with a simple brain. Even if it has its own consciousness, it still doesn't seem very smart.

"Did Xiaosheng tell you why I am so important to the entire Abyss?" Lin Mo spoke again. He always felt that this Xiaosheng might be the think tank among them.

So if you want to know more information, you have to start with Xiaosheng.

But since they entered the Holy Mountain, they should have all been under Xiaosheng's observation. Lin Mo could not help but regard Xiaosheng as the master of the Holy Mountain, that is, the person behind those Holy Mountain messengers.

Lin Mo pondered for a moment, looked around and said: "You don't need to use this method to make me happy!"

Xiaolu's eyes lit up when she heard Lin Mo's words, and she looked at Lin Mo innocently: "Then what method should I use?

As long as I can make you happy, I am willing to do anything!

As long as you are willing to stay!"

The guard on the side couldn't help swallowing his saliva when he heard this, but his eyes stared at Xiaolu up and down.

Xiaolu's beauty is different from Princess Yu'er. Princess Yu'er is naturally beautiful.

Xiaolu is a kind of pure beauty, and she has a childish face that is completely inconsistent with her figure.

To sum up, Xiaolu is the type of pureness that makes people want to commit crimes.

So, the guard thought that if it were him, he would find a way to eat Xiaolu.

But Lin Mo is obviously not a vulgar person.

He was silent for a moment, and said: "I want to know where you all have consciousness... I have several weapons that have been with me for many years, and I have developed feelings for them.

As my strength improves, they gradually have their own consciousness, but it is extremely difficult to make these consciousnesses grow.

So I want to try to see if I can let the consciousness in my weapons gradually grow in the place where your consciousness was born!"

Lin Mo's face was serious: "I have always regarded my weapons as my most important partners. My biggest wish is to see them have consciousness and be able to communicate with me..."

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Princess Yu'er and the guards were full of disdain on their faces, because anyone with a little bit of brains can hear that this kind of words is a lie.

But they overlooked one thing, that is, Xiaolu has brains, but not much...

"How touching, I am willing to help you!" Xiaolu's face was touched, staring at Lin Mo's eyes and said seriously: "In fact, the places where the three of us were born are almost the same, and they are still very close to where we are now. You three follow me closely, I will take you there!"

After that, he stood up and walked in one direction.

"Lin Mo..." Princess Yu'er saw that Lin Mo was about to follow, so she quickly reached out and pulled Lin Mo, and said softly: "Do we need to be more cautious? Don't forget that we haven't walked out of the Gate of Nothingness yet. God knows where he will take us?!"

"If you two don't want to follow, you can stay here. I believe you two should not run away!" Lin Mo said with a smile, and then he caught up with Xiaolu directly.

Princess Yu'er looked at Lin Mo and Xiaolu walking side by side, and she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart... It was obviously me who was hugged by Lin Mo's shoulders first...

Such thoughts suddenly popped up in Princess Yu'er's mind.

"I'm really crazy. This damn thief not only bullied me, but also took advantage of me. I don't care who you stand with!" Princess Yu'er stamped her feet and looked at the guards and said, "What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and chase him!"

"Chase?!" The guard's face was full of confusion: "Didn't we agree to wait here?"

"It's safer to follow Lin Mo. Do I need to teach you this?" Princess Yu'er said with dissatisfaction: "Hurry up, if you lose Lin Mo, I will only blame you!"

Princess Yu'er said and chased after Lin Mo's back, with hurried steps, looking very anxious.

The guard following Princess Yu'er scratched his head: "I always feel that Princess Yu'er seems to be a little wrong!

Hiss... She doesn't like Lin Mo!

What a sin!"

The guard sighed and hurriedly chased after him. He was alone at the back and was actually a little panicked.

On the other side, Lin Mo followed Xiaolu all the way.

On the way, Lin Mo could feel that the spiritual energy around him had become much richer.

You could even hear bursts of thunder in Lin Mo's body. It was the Thunder Breathing Method running on its own, and because it felt the abundance of spiritual energy around, it ran faster.

"???" Just when Lin Mo couldn't help but run his Thunder Breathing Method at a very fast speed, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes observing him.

This look even carried a strong hostility.

Lin Mo's footsteps did not stop, but his eyes went in the direction of the eyes he had sensed before.

However, after taking a look, Lin Mo retracted his gaze, because there was indeed no living creature or anything there.

"Did I see it wrong, or... the Holy Mountain was watching me in the dark?" Lin Mo's mind was constantly changing, but soon his eyes were full of smiles: "Since I absorb the spiritual energy around me so that you can observe me... then, I won't be polite!"

Thinking like this in his heart, Lin Mo's breathing method has been urged to the extreme, the sound of thunder resounded around, and the purple arc of electricity was constantly jumping on Lin Mo's body. It looks like the whole person of Lin Mo is like the god of thunder!

"Look at Lin Mo!" The guard looked at Lin Mo and almost shouted, but in the end he looked at Princess Yu'er in a low voice.

"I'm not blind!" Princess Yu'er looked at Lin Mo's back and spoke unhappily.

She could tell at a glance that Lin Mo was using some special martial arts to absorb the spiritual energy around him and transform it into blood power to store in the sea of ​​blood.

The whole process was so fast that even the genius of cultivation, Princess Yu'er, couldn't help but gasp.

"It's just in front of us. There is a cliff there. I am a tree growing on the cliff, and Xiaosen is a tree that has countless roots entangled in the woods and extended here!

As for Xiaosheng, he is the first one among us to have consciousness, and we don't know his identity!

But he told us that he was the consciousness born from the Holy Mountain, and he has the closest relationship with the Holy Mountain on weekdays, so we all believe him.

Among the three of us, he is the boss!"

Xiaolu was introducing Lin Mo. Although it sounded like a myth, Lin Mo believed it.

"It's right here. Look, this is my main body. Isn't it beautiful!" Xiaolu suddenly pointed to a big tree on the edge of the cliff and smiled.

Lin Mo looked at the big tree in front of him, with a look of shock on his face.

It can be seen that the big tree is full of lush branches and leaves, and some fruits can be seen in the branches and leaves.

These fruits are obviously about to mature, and they are still flashing a slight light and exuding an attractive fragrance.

"These fruits on you..." Lin Mo looked at Xiaolu and whispered: "Can they be eaten? What are the benefits after eating them?"

"Of course they can be eaten. Every year, Xiaosheng takes some from me and gives them to other creatures in the abyss... I know that they will become stronger after eating the fruits.

I am a part of the abyss. They can become stronger, so I am happy too!"

Xiaolu smiled and spoke seriously.

Looking at Xiaolu's appearance and the fruits on the tree, Lin Mo immediately knew Xiaolu's identity.

The holy tree mentioned by the Holy Mountain Messenger refers to Xiaolu, and these fruits on the tree are holy fruits. After eating them, people can grow into martial emperors!

What Lin Mo can figure out, Princess Yu'er and the guards can naturally figure out.

They looked at the fruits on the tree, and their eyes became eager.

Even the guards couldn't help but move their feet and took two steps towards the holy tree.


An inexplicable barrier appeared in front of the guards, and the recoil force directly pushed Princess Yu'er and the guards several meters away!

Both of them were not weak, but at this time, they were pushed away!

"Only three fruits can be eaten every year, and the other fruits will become nutrients for these three fruits." Xiaolu said softly: "If you want to eat, you can wait. Xiaosheng said that after adding some raw materials, the fruit will be more effective!"

"But what if I can't wait?" Lin Mo suddenly laughed and said, and the next moment, the whole person flashed towards the tree!

Xiaolu looked at Lin Mo in shock. She didn't expect Lin Mo to pick those fruits in front of her!

"Lin Mo, the fruit is not ripe yet!" Xiaolu couldn't help but shout.

But Lin Mo just raised his hand slightly and swayed while rushing forward, and he had already reached the waist of the tree.

With a few quick moves, he had already arrived next to the nearest fruit.

Smelling the tempting fragrance, Lin Mo's eyes lit up: "I really can't help it, I'll eat one first to see the effect!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand to grab the fruits.

Just as Lin Mo's hand was about to touch the fruit, there was a ripple in the air in front of Lin Mo, and a stone blocked Lin Mo.

"You can't touch this fruit!" The voice was loud, firm and indifferent.

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