Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 326 Picking my peaches? !

"I'll go! Is this... can I do it again?" The expression on the crow's face was very vivid, as funny as a grinning sloth.

"Congratulations to Brother Crow for the reappearance of his two wives!" Lin Mo said with a chuckle.

According to Lin Mo's observation, Wu Wu has been single for many years, so it is reasonable to say that his hands are his two wives.

Crow Crow was stunned for a moment, and when he came to his senses, he immediately blushed and waved his hands slightly: " can you insult someone's innocence out of thin air?!"

Lin Mo suddenly laughed, and the entire secret room was filled with a happy atmosphere.

After teasing for a moment, Lin Mo looked at the space here, pondered slightly, and said: "Brother Crow, please take a step back..."

When the crow retreated, Lin Mo took out the Eight-tatami Mirror, and the power of Qi and blood was slightly suffocated. The energy of fire surged for a moment, and then countless breaths spurted out.

A palm-sized fireball flew out of the Yata mirror, and was captured by Lin Mo's mental power, hanging in mid-air.

The whole space is lit up.

Just as Lin Mo guessed, the area of ​​this space was only about one thousand square meters. It was suddenly displayed in front of the two of them, but it caused them a lot of shock.

In a space of nearly a thousand square meters, ancient murals are painted on the surrounding walls.

“The First Emperor’s Eastern Tour!”

Lin Mo recognized the tall man in the center of the picture at a glance. He was wearing a heavenly crown and a black dragon robe. He was holding an Emperor's Sword in his right hand and was looking at the waves in the distance with complacency.

The scene continued, and on the boundless sea, shadows appeared one after another. They were all from the sea tribe, but they had human bodies.

Among these sea clans, there was a figure that was a hundred feet tall, holding a long axe, and the endless waves under his feet dragged him up.

The First Emperor drew his sword and used the dragon energy to kill Yaksha, and then used the Emperor's Sword to kill the Hai clan.

The sea calmed down again, and the First Emperor was worried about the return of the sea people, so he directly appointed Xu Fu to patrol the four seas and explore ways to suppress them.

In the end, Xu Fu offered his advice and decided on a method to suppress Sihai.

Neon Island is one of the formation eyes.

The First Emperor used the power of the world to forge nine artifacts, three of which were brought to Neon by Xu Fu.

The remaining six artifacts were also placed on other islands.

"Three fairy islands...the remaining six artifacts..." Lin Mo had a thoughtful look on his face, and the names of the three fairy islands quickly appeared in his mind: "Penglai, Yingzhou, and Abbot!"

"So that's it!" Lin Mo had a smile on his face, but then the smile on his face disappeared: "If...the artifact exists to suppress the Sea Clan...then I took away the three major artifacts. Will the Sea Clan make a comeback after that?”

With a flash of light in his hand, Lin Mo took out the three artifacts and thought about them silently.


At this moment, Tian Congyun emitted a terrifying light and slashed towards the surroundings!


The murals were vandalized and the walls were peeling off.

Lin Mo's face changed slightly, and he used his mental power to restrain Tian Congyun, but Tian Congyun's speed was too fast, and in an instant, all the murals were destroyed.

Just when Lin Mo was about to use his spiritual clone to teach Tian Congyun a lesson, the crow beside him let out a light ouch.

"That's not right. Look, there seem to be other scenes underneath these murals..."

Crow pointed at the destroyed wall and spoke loudly.

Lin Mo looked in the direction of Crow's finger. After a moment, he looked back with some disappointment.

The content on the mural is almost exactly the same as the original destroyed content. The reason why it is said to be almost exactly the same is because the first scene is the same as the one seen before. Only the last scene cannot be seen clearly, so it is impossible to judge whether it is the same or not. .

"It should be that the original murals are about to disappear, so in order to preserve the past, I repainted the murals!" Lin Mo pondered for a moment and came to this conclusion.

"Lin Mo, these three artifacts..." Crow looked at Lin Mo with a questioning look on his face.

If the three artifacts were taken away, Lin Mo could not guarantee whether it would bring devastating disaster to the entire Neon.

But... what does the destruction of neon have to do with Lin Mo?

Crow couldn't help but feel his heart sink when he looked at Lin Mo's face.

"Mr. Lin Mo, there are many people in Neon who are guilty of serious crimes, but most of them are innocent..." Crow spoke softly, with a look of pleading on his face.

Lin Mo wasn't lying. If three weapons could destroy the entire neon... maybe it would be a surprise?

"Haha, Lin Mo, I didn't expect you to actually find this place!"

At this moment, a sneer sounded, and then nine figures appeared in front of Lin Mo.

The leader was An Fuzhen, who fought against Li Lei!

"Damn vulture, how can you be An Fuzhen's man!" Just when Lin Mo was about to speak, the crow on the side suddenly looked at the other man next to An Fuzhen and shouted angrily: "You forgot that the Black Dragon was against Have you and I done anything like this to betray your parents?"

The man scolded by the crow had a slight smile on his face: "Crow, he who knows the current affairs is a hero."


Lin Mo stared at him with a thoughtful look on his face, and then he heard that this person was the name of another person that Chen Banzi gave him!

"It seems that I'm lucky. If you were the first person I found, wouldn't you sell me out?" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Lin Mo, what makes you distrust me? I think I have no loopholes in my work?!"

"It's luck, and I don't like your name. The so-called vultures eat carrion!" Lin Mo chuckled.

"Han, crows also eat..." The crow suddenly whispered beside him.

"Brother Crow, you make me feel a little embarrassed when you say that!" Lin Mo was a little helpless.

"Ahem..." The crow hurriedly said: "Then continue!"

"Forget it, I won't continue." Lin Mo waved his hand: "An Fuzhen, what is the purpose of the Black Dragon Society to capture me? It can't be because I killed the two of you, right?

The Black Dragon Society is not so stingy!"

"Of course, it's for you to take me away with the three artifacts!" An Fuzhen chuckled: "All the predictions of the ancestors were correct. It turned out that you found the three artifacts!"

"Ancestor? Who is your ancestor?" Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and accurately found the information point in An Fuzhen's words.

"There's no need for a dead person to know so much. The three artifacts are on you. Hand them over, and I can let you die happily!" An Fuzhen spoke softly, and the remaining eight people behind him stepped forward.

Waves of terrifying blood and qi pressed over, causing Lin Mo's face to change drastically.

"Except for the vulture, they are all peak martial emperors! There's something wrong with Neon!"

Lin Mo couldn't help but speak. He was a junior third-grade martial emperor, facing a peak ninth-grade martial emperor. It can't be said that he had no chance of winning, but it can only be said that he was doomed to die!

"Brother Lin, it's a blessing for Crow to know you..." Crow looked at Lin Mo with emotion, smiling and making fun of him.

Then the blood and qi around him surged wildly, and he retreated half a step and prepared to rush forward.

"It's not good to say last words at this time!" Lin Mo spoke helplessly, and at the same time directly mobilized his mental power to transform into blood and qi.

However, Lin Mo's mental power can be said to be inexhaustible now. The seeds in the mental clone began to emit a large amount of mental power, and Lin Mo's blood and qi were also replenished rapidly.

After a moment, Lin Mo had recovered at least 200,000 Qi and Blood Power!

Peak of the Second-grade Martial Emperor... Third-grade Martial Emperor!

Lin Mo looked solemn, his Qi and Blood Power had recovered... but it was still not good enough!


At this moment, Lin Mo's spiritual platform trembled slightly, and the Eight-foot Mirror flew out directly.

"Eight-foot Mirror! It's the Eight-foot Mirror!" An Fuzhen looked at the mirror beside Lin Mo, his face showed an excited look, pointing at Lin Mo and shouting: "Kill! Grab the Eight-foot Mirror!"

As the voice fell, the remaining eight figures moved directly!

"Lin Mo, I'll stop them for a moment, see if you can escape! The three great artifacts, take them away if you want, Neon... if it's gone, it's gone!"

The crow roared and rushed towards the eight people.

"Come back to me!" Lin Mo raised his hand and grabbed the person back: "I have a way!"

After that, he turned the mirror of the Eight-foot Mirror around and pointed it at the eight people flying towards him!

The mental power began to be consumed rapidly, and eight phantoms instantly emerged in the mirror.


The light flashed, that was Neon's special martial arts - Ninjutsu!

The eight figures attacked at the same time.

At the same time, the eight phantoms in the Eight-foot Mirror also attacked.

The same means collided instantly!

Lin Mo's face was pale, and his mental power was drained away at least 100,000 in an instant!

"Damn it, the Eight-foot Mirror is really powerful, but the consumption is also terrifying!" Lin Mo's face was shocked.

He now has less than 200,000 mental power left in his body. The blood power and mental power are transformed into each other. He can only hold the eight people for less than ten seconds at most.

"Crow, we only have ten seconds, seize the opportunity and prepare to run away!" Lin Mo looked at Crow and spoke softly.

All the blood power was converted into mental power by Lin Mo, and at the same time, the seeds in the mental clone began to shrink rapidly.

Because Lin Mo began to squeeze the mental power in the seeds crazily.

"Charge!" Lin Mo roared, and the ghost shadow has been used to the extreme. The whole person turned into a series of afterimages flashing in the air.


Lin Mo shouted coldly, and the countless fireballs floating in the air also exploded directly!

The whole space quickly turned into darkness!

Three seconds have passed!

There are six seconds left!

"Keep charging!" The crow's speed was a little slower, and Lin Mo had to stop temporarily to help him delay for a certain period of time.


At this time, An Fuzhen rushed over with a gloomy face.

"Lin Mo, your mental power is indeed very strong, but you should have used up all your strength to copy the eight of them. I don't know if you will die today!"

An Fuzhen's roar came from a distance, and the distance between him and Lin Mo and others was only a few dozen meters!

With An Fuzhen's blood level, he can reach Lin Mo in one second at most.

The exit is right in front of them, but if An Fuzhen rushes over, the two of them will definitely die!

"If you want me to die, you must come out first!" Lin Mo's eyes darkened, and he activated the Eight-foot Mirror again, aiming directly at An Fuzhen.

An Fuzhen sneered: "This is useless to me!"

"It's useless to you... but it's useful to the space behind you!" Lin Mo shouted coldly: "The Eight-foot Mirror copies the space... ten times!"

Ten times is the limit that Lin Mo can do at present!

That is to say, Lin Mo stacked the distance of 30 meters ten times!

The distance that was originally within reach became more than 30,000 meters in an instant!

Seizing this opportunity, Lin Mo and Crow appeared directly on the deck!

They escaped!

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