There was a strong wind howling in his ears, and all Lin Mo's mental power escaped, covering all directions.

Ten seconds ago, he jumped out of the fighter jet. It is worth mentioning that he did not have a parachute on his back.

So in less than a minute, his speed had reached a terrifying level.

The whole person fell crazily like a cannonball.

According to the original plan, the place where Lin Mo landed was the headquarters of the Black Dragon Society - Kyoto!

With Lin Mo's current physical strength, falling from such a height and speed would not cause any harm to the physical body at all.

But in order not to be discovered, Lin Mo chose a place deep in the mountains.

With a loud noise, two huge gaps opened on the mountain at Lin Mo's feet, and the gaps continued to extend forward for more than twenty meters before stopping.

After moving his body for a while, Lin Mo discerned the surrounding environment before slowly withdrawing his mental power.

The area of ​​​​Neon is too small, but the population is large, so the resource utilization rate is very high. There is a shrine in such a deep mountain.

At present, Lin Mo doesn't know the direction of Kyoto City, so his first destination is the shrine.

Because of the language barrier, Lin Mo used a very simple method. Under the cover of mental power, he found a map. According to the instructions on the map, he determined the location of Kyoto City.

"Master told me before that he has two friends in Neon, both of whom live in Kyoto, who might be able to help me." Lin Mo pointed to the address Chen Banzi gave him.

Running at full speed, he arrived at the first person's address in less than an hour.

"Crow." Lin Mo recalled the name Chen Banzi gave him and raised his hand to ring the doorbell.

The person who opened the door was a middle-aged man. His appearance looked very ordinary, but there was a twinkle in his eyes.

"Very strong!" Lin Mo's eyes flashed. He was definitely a strong man, but he was not worried because this person was definitely not as strong as Lin Mo.

"Who are you looking for?" the man said, using pure neon language.

However, with Lin Mo's current mental strength, he had already learned almost all the commonly used neon language on the way here, so there was no difficulty in communicating at this moment.

"Crow! I'm looking for a crow!" Lin Mo responded in a deep voice and said Chen Banzi's name at the same time.

"Chen Banzi!" Crow's face showed a solemn expression and he waved his hand towards the air.

In an instant, Lin Mo's mental power sensed an inexplicable force surging around him.

"Please come in!" Crow said and invited Lin Mo in: "Don't worry, I just used neon's unique martial arts to form a barrier. Now no one can detect our conversation."

"My name is Lin Mo, Chen Banzi is my master." Lin Mo said solemnly: "My master told me that you are a trustworthy person!"

"I'm very happy that he can comment on me like this after so many years!" Crow nodded: "Please rest assured Lin Sang, as long as I can help, I will do whatever it takes, even if it means sacrificing my life!"

Lin Mo was a little moved, looked at Crow and said, "What is your relationship with Master?"

"Chen Banzi saved my life!" the man said softly: "Back then, Neon implemented the monster plan, which actually meant arresting some children with strong genes.

Because I carry this gene, I was also one of the children arrested.

We were locked up in a dark place for fifteen years!

Later, the strong men from the Beautiful Country came, and we saw the blue sky for the first time. According to the Beautiful Country's idea, they would kill us all, or take us back to the Beautiful Country to continue research.

It was Mr. Chen who defied all opinions and saved us all.

There were more than thirty people who were rescued by him at the beginning, but many of them had exhausted all their potential during the more than ten years of imprisonment and eventually died.

There are only two people left, and I am one of them.

Under the introduction of Chen Banzi, the two of us received Neon's martial arts inheritance and achieved our current achievements!

Lin Sang, you can trust me completely! "

"My girlfriend was captured by the Black Dragon Society." Lin Mo looked into Crow's eyes and said slowly: "I want to rescue her, and I need to know where she may be imprisoned."

"Black Dragon Club!" Crow's face changed wildly, and he suddenly stood up from his kneeling position, staring at Lin Mo intently.

After a long time, he slowly sat down: "Lin Sang, do you know how terrifying the power of the Black Dragon Society is?

The Black Dragon Society has at least 10 million members in Neon, almost all of whom are martial arts cultivators, and these martial arts cultivators also include a large number of ninjas.

Neon's ninjas have a whole set of heritage, so they are very powerful.

Since they dare to catch your girlfriend in Neonlai, it proves that they are absolutely sure to subdue you!

If you really go, the final result may be to die here..."

"Mr. Crow, I just want to save my girlfriend, even if I die, I won't hesitate! Please help me this time!" Lin Mo looked at Crow and spoke solemnly.

Crow was silent for a moment, and then nodded: "You wait here for a few hours, and I will go out to help you find out the news.

If I don't come back in more than three hours, you get out of here and go find the porcupine! ! "

Porcupine was the name of another person, and Chen Banzi also told Lin Mo the address of that person.

Lin Mo nodded and said, "Please help me find out the news while you are safe. If your life is in danger, forget it!"

The crow smiled faintly, bowed to Lin Mo, and turned to leave.

Just a few minutes after the crow left, Lin Mo's hands hidden under the table kept moving, and soon a three-inch tall man appeared under the table, and under Lin Mo's control, he left the room. After searching for a while, he saw the figure of the crow.

The spiritual clone followed behind the crow and monitored his every move. This did not mean that Lin Mo did not trust Chen Banzi, but that he could not make any mistakes in order to save Ye Qing.

Otherwise, Ye Qing would have a great chance of dying in Neon.

It must be said that the crow has a good network of contacts in Neon. After meeting some people in several pubs, the crow showed a satisfied smile on his face and walked towards home in the night.

It was at this time that Lin Mo's spiritual clone noticed something unusual.

Someone was following the crow!

The crow itself is very powerful, but the people who followed the crow are even more powerful. Lin Mo even found that there was a ninja among those who followed the crow.

This is not the first time that Lin Mo has come into contact with the neon ninja, but it is the first time that Lin Mo has seen such a powerful ninja.

The strength of this ninja is probably the peak of the ninth-grade martial saint, and he is only one step away from the martial emperor.

He followed behind the crow, and the whole person was only half a meter away from the crow like a shadow.

But the crow did not notice it at all.

You know, Lin Mo has seen the crow use some means to prevent being followed more than once, and even stopped from time to time to check if there was anything unusual around.

Even in such a situation, the crow did not find the existence of that person.

This shows how powerful this person's ninjutsu is.

When the crow returned to the door of the residence, Lin Mo was already standing there with full vigilance.

"Lin Mo, I'm back, there is news!" After the crow entered the house, he was about to tell the news he had found out.

But what greeted him was the sword light of Lin Mo.

Crow's expression changed drastically. Just as he was about to explain, he heard a muffled sound behind him.

He turned his head suddenly and saw a figure lying on the ground.

That ninja had been killed by Lin Mo with one blow!

When the spiritual clone was following Crow, he had already found out who was the strongest among these people, so Lin Mo took action at this moment, showing no mercy to the ninja and killing him directly!

But for the rest of them, Lin Mo used his spiritual power to perform martial arts.

The spiritual realm!

All these strong men were enveloped by Lin Mo.

Nearly 300,000 points of spiritual power enveloped them all at once. Except for the strongest man who was deliberately let go by Lin Mo, the heads of the other few people were directly blasted into a ball of paste.

After confirming that these people had lost their combat effectiveness, Lin Mo stepped forward, first cut off the limbs of the remaining strong man, and then brought him back to Crow's room.

"This..." Crow looked at the strong man that Lin Mo brought back, and his forehead was already covered with cold sweat: "I... When was I followed?"

"I don't know. When you came back, my mental power detected their existence!" Lin Mo couldn't say that he used his mental clone to follow him: "These people should be from the Black Dragon Society!"

Crow stepped forward and tore open the collar of this person, revealing the tattoo on his body, and then nodded and said: "It is indeed a member of the Black Dragon Society, and his status is not low. It is very likely that he is a hall master or something like that. Wake him up first and try to get some information from him!"

Lin Mo raised his hand and slapped the man in the face. With a scream, the man opened his eyes.

Just when he was about to yell and curse, he suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and saw the ice knife in Lin Mo's hand was placed on his neck.

"I ask you to answer!" Crow said: "Where is Miss Ye Qing!"

When asking for information earlier, Crow already knew Ye Qing's name.

"Even if I know, I won't tell you. I'm a member of the Black Dragon Society. The blood of a great warrior flows in my body!" The man said loudly.


The knife in Lin Mo's hand cut his artery without hesitation.

At the same time, the knife flashed, leaving more than a dozen wounds on this man's body.

Blood continued to flow, but Lin Mo had no mercy and just watched.

"It doesn't matter whether you tell me or not..." Lin Mo said in a deep voice: "I have the address of your headquarters. I can kill my way into your headquarters alone. Do you believe it?"

Lin Mo's eyes flashed with murderous intent, as if he was going to pick up the knife and kill in the next moment.

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