"What a vicious intention! If I don't catch up this time, you will lose!" Lin Mo's voice sounded in Chen Banzi's ears.

"You finally caught up." Chen Banzi smiled: "In that case, come with me to meet the people of the Ye family. It's been a long time since we last met..."

In the only restaurant in Rob City, the young man drank the glass of wine in front of him with an unhappy face.

The other big hand was holding a woman, and his fingers were rubbing the woman's sinful breasts fiercely.

The woman smiled and sent a piece of delicacy to the young man's mouth, and then leaned over and kissed the young man's forehead.

"Mr. Ye, please continue to drink!"

"Mr. Ye, you really have a huge capacity!"

"Mr. Ye, you... If you do this, people will scream..."

A group of women surrounded the young man, saying all kinds of ambiguous words.

Lin Mo looked at this scene and was speechless.

The life of rich people is really so boring and tedious!

"The person who came this time is Ye Qun, the direct descendant of the Ye family. He is quite powerful and is said to have reached the peak of the third-grade martial emperor realm.

But I know that some families will use the method of infusion of elixirs to enhance a person's strength. I don't know whether Ye Qun's strength is obtained by infusion, but it's better to be careful anyway!!"

"Everything is arranged by the master. Just do what the master says!" Lin Mo glanced at Ye Qun and said with a smile: "But I think today's conversation will definitely not be very smooth!"

Chen Banzi smiled bitterly: "If it was an old man who came, I would still have some points and face. God knows it was a newcomer. I don't know if this is the intention of the old people in the Ye family, or Ye Qun wants to come himself.

In short, let's take it one step at a time. It's best to cooperate. If we can't cooperate, forget it!"

Chen Banzi seemed to be afraid of making Lin Mo embarrassed, so he smiled and said.

"Hahaha, Mr. Ye, nice to meet you. I am Chen Banzi, your grandfather's subordinate!" Chen Banzi took a deep breath, adjusted his state to the best, smiled and walked into the hotel's private room and stood in front of Ye Qun.

Ye Qun looked Lin Mo up and down.

"Master Ye, this is our boss named Lin Mo!" Chen Banzi also hurriedly introduced Lin Mo.

However, Ye Qun did not even look at Chen Banzi and Lin Mo, but directly pushed the woman in his arms aside, smiled and stood up and said: "Chen Banzi, I heard that you have achieved great results in Rob City recently. Can you show it to me?"

Chen Banzi nodded repeatedly and said: "Since Master Ye asked, I will naturally show it to you."

After that, he turned around to prepare things.

At this time, Ye Qun spoke again: "You ask him to send it to me. If he can't send it, then our cooperation this time will be cancelled."

Lin Mo heard what Ye Qun said, but he walked a long way without hesitation.

"Master, let's go!"

Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo's back as he left, and could only sigh softly, turned around and followed him.

"Lin Mo, Ye Qun must have been spoiled, but the Ye family is definitely not like that.

After all, how many people in the Ye family died for China back then?!"

"Master, you worry too much. I don't blame him for anything. He just refuses to cooperate!" Lin Mo shook his head, indicating that he didn't care at all.

But just because Lin Mo didn't care didn't mean that others didn't care.

Just as the two were about to leave the gate, several figures flashed in front of Lin Mo.

"Sorry, Master Ye said that you two can't leave now!" Several men in black said lightly.

"Master Ye, are you going to tear your faces apart here?" Lin Mo didn't have any blood and energy flowing through him. He just turned around quietly and looked at Ye Qun.

Feeling the fluctuation of blood and qi in Lin Mo, Ye Qun sneered: "It's so ridiculous. The word "tear face" actually came out of your mouth.

But I really want to ask, who do you think you are? Do you want to tear face with my Ye family?

Are you worthy?"

Such words can be said to be extremely arrogant. Perhaps he was born with a mean face. When he said these words, his nose was upturned and his eyes were full of contempt.

Chen Banzi's face changed slightly. After looking at Lin Mo, he shouted: "Ye Qun, even if your grandfather is here, he will not talk to us like this. I don't understand what gave you the courage to talk to us like this!"

"Chen Banzi, I gave you face, didn't I? Do you really think that I should call you grandpa just because you fought with my grandfather?

Get out of the way!

Really, anyone dares to flatter himself. In my eyes, you are just a dog of my Ye family."


After the voice fell, a loud bang sounded from Lin Mo's body, and then Lin Mo's figure appeared in front of Ye Qun.

A stream of hot blood flowed from his nostrils, and Lin Mo's fist was only about one centimeter away from Ye Qun's face.

"Lin Mo, you..." Ye Qun scolded Lin Mo coldly.


At this moment, as soon as his voice sounded, Lin Mo's slap had already been slapped.

After a scream, Lin Mo saw that Ye Qun's body had curled up and was shaking violently.

"Young Master, are you okay?" A group of bodyguards surrounded him and looked at Ye Qun, his face full of anger.

These bodyguards turned out to be strong men at the level of Martial Emperors. Although they were only first-level Martial Emperors, the gap between their realms was still obvious.

A first-grade Martial Emperor is at least a strong man with a vitality value of 100,000!

Lin Mo looked at Ye Qun lying on the ground, with a look of disdain on his face, and turned around and left.

Shortly after Lin Mo left, Ye Qun was finally rescued.

The wounds all over his body felt like they were going to explode.

"Kill him, I'm going to kill him!" Ye Qun yelled angrily on the hospital bed.

At this moment, the man he wanted to kill was fighting side by side with Chen Banzi at the gate of the mansion.

"Did you guess that there would be such a result?" Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo and asked helplessly.

Lin Mo nodded: "I guessed it when I saw Ye Qun, this is not a thing that wants to make money.

However, so what if he wants to make money, do you really think anyone will give him the Ye family’s face? "

Chen Banzi on the side smiled, and sighed at the same time: "It would be great if the old squad leader came, but if that doesn't work, it would be great if the old squad leader's son could come in person!"

"The boss you want to see is definitely coming today, but it's hard to say whether he's targeting us..." Lin Mo raised his finger and pointed not far away, where several figures were slowly approaching.

Seeing those figures, Chen Banzi stood up from his original position, with a look of surprise on his face, and stepped forward and said: "Old monitor!"

Lin Mo looked at the old man in front of him with a surprised look on his face.

Because the old man looks very young, in his forties at most, how does he look like Chen Banzi's old squad leader?

"Ye Gui is so young." Lin Mo sighed inwardly.

Ye Gui is the head of the Ye family. Chen Banzi had already introduced him when he introduced the three families.

Lin Mo doesn't know how powerful Ye Gui is. After all, his current perception ability is only 300,000 points.

Therefore, Ye Gui, the head of the Ye family, should have far more than 300,000 souls and qi and blood.

"Sure enough, as your horizons deepen, all your experiences will deepen!" Lin Mo sighed, then looked up at Ye Gui, the head of the Ye family who was sitting there.

"Lin Mo, right? You injured my grandson, what should I do?" Ye Gui looked at Lin Mo and said calmly.

Originally, Lin Mo didn't expect Ye Gui to ask such a thing as soon as he came up.

After pondering for a while, Lin Mo directly gave a classic answer, that is: Your grandson is seeking death on his own, so don't resent others.

But considering Chen Banzi, Lin Mo decided to explain what happened.

But just when Lin Mo was about to explain, Ye Gui had already raised a hand, as if he was about to order a charge.

"Old squad leader, there is a certain misunderstanding here. Please listen to my explanation..." Chen Banzi looked at the situation in front of him and couldn't help but stepped forward and spoke quickly.

Ye Zuli sneered and said: "Chen Banzi, if it weren't for the fact that you have been following me for so many years, I would have killed you just now!

As my subordinate, it doesn't matter if you don't avenge my grandson, but you still dare to stand next to the person who injured my grandson.

You don't take me seriously at all! "

Chen Banzi's expression changed. He looked at Ye Gui as if he was meeting this person for the first time.

"Are you really my old monitor, Ye Gui?" Chen Banzi couldn't help but ask.

"If it's not me, who else could it be? Okay, kneel down now. When my grandson wakes up, you will also be punished.

You guys, please arrest the kid over there. After my grandson wakes up, you can bring him directly to my grandson and kill him! "Ye Gui spoke, and the words he spat out were indeed filled with the smell of blood.

Lin Mo's figure flickered and he was constantly dodging.

When he heard these words, his feet suddenly stopped.


The Dragon Spear appeared in his hand, and a terrifying aura suddenly filled the air!

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