With a bang, Lin Mo jumped out from under the water and stood on the edge of the pool. He saw blood stains on the ground, but there was no sign of Ye Qing in the whole room!

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo's eyes turned red instantly!

"Ye Qing!"

Lin Mo's voice sounded, and at the same time, he stepped out in one step!

The terrifying physical power appeared at this time. With just one step, he rushed several feet away!

You know, without the support of Qi and blood here, no matter how fast an ordinary person runs, it is impossible to reach a few feet away in an instant, but Lin Mo achieved this point with only the strength of his physical body!


All obstacles along the way were smashed by Lin Mo with the power of his body. His speed did not slow down, and at the same time he mobilized all the spiritual power stored in his body to spread to the surroundings!

With his mental power soaring, Lin Mo instantly scanned the entire hotel!

Finally he felt Ye Qing's breath in a room.

"Ye Qing!" Lin Mo yelled again, and he was already outside the room.

With a bang, Lin Mo smashed all the doors with one punch.

There were screams inside, and two maids squatted aside holding their heads. Ye Qing was lying on the bed.

Lin Mo strode in and scanned the entire room. After seeing that there was no one else, he stepped forward and looked at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing's face was extremely pale, and there were dried blood stains on her body.

"You've finally come out!" A voice sounded, and the owner of the hotel walked in from outside.

Behind him was an old man, carrying a medicine box on his back. He looked like a doctor in a TV series.

"The little girl is injured, I went outside to ask a doctor!" The boss explained, and at the same time he asked the old man to come in: "Mr. Xu, please help me take a look. This little girl was slapped in the face. Are there any injuries inside?"

The old man nodded, took a step forward, and glanced at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo touched his nose and then took a step back, but his eyes kept falling on Ye Qing and did not move away.

The doctor took out a round transparent crystal from the medicine box, shined it on Ye Qing's whole body, and then put it away.

"He's fine. It's probably because his internal organs were displaced after being slapped. Fortunately, he was treated in time. Otherwise, something might really happen!" After Xu Langzhong left these words, he left with the medicine box on his back. .

Lin Mo looked at Xu Langzhong's leaving figure, his face a little embarrassed.

"Boss, thank you!" Lin Mo also realized that Ye Qing should have been saved by the boss, otherwise she might have been in danger.

"Pay the medical bills first, thirty pieces of Qi and Blood Stones!" The boss directly stretched out his hand and opened his mouth for thirty Qi and Blood Stones.

Lin Mo was speechless for a moment, but thinking of what his boss had done, he still handed the Qi Blood Stone to his boss honestly.

"Seeing that you are so willing to pay money, I will tell you two things: The first is that neither the Nangong family nor the Dugu family are kind-hearted people. If you kill the better one among the younger generations of their families, what will happen later? You are going to face a lot of trouble!

And people from both families are probably rushing towards the hotel now!

Secondly, if the strength of the physical body reaches a certain level, your origin will become clearer... What do you think would happen if people here were aware of your origin? "

Listening to the boss's words, Lin Mo actually had no idea when he said the first sentence, but after he said the second sentence, Lin Mo's face suddenly darkened.

He took a deep look at the boss, and there was definitely something in his second sentence. Could it be that the boss already knew his origins?

The boss looked at Lin Mo with a half-smile on his face.

Looking at the expression on the boss's face, Lin Mo's eyes began to have murderous intent.

"I'll go, don't do it. I kindly remind you that you actually want to kill me!" The boss jumped up directly, pointed at Lin Mo and said: "I'm just a businessman, and your origins don't interest me at all. , and you can rest assured that I will not tell your origins!"

Lin Mo looked at him deeply and nodded.

"Tomorrow is the day when the competition starts. People from the Dugu family and the Nangong family should be arriving soon. If you stay here, I can't guarantee your safety, but if you go out, Miss Ye won't be able to get good treatment!

So I suggest you guard the door for me and no one is allowed to enter!

When the competition starts tomorrow, as long as you become the first place, I guarantee that all your troubles will disappear instantly! "

Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing, and then at the boss: "Okay, no one will disturb her before tomorrow!"

After saying that, he took out the Silver Dragon Spear from his body and stood at the gate.

Without the help of the power of Qi and blood, the weight of the silver dragon gun would be over a thousand kilograms, but when held by Lin Mo, it was like holding a piece of paper!

At this moment, Lin Mo was standing at the gate, looking quietly into the distance.

That was the direction of the city gate. After waiting for a long time and not seeing a single figure, Lin Mo simply leaned on the door and closed his eyes slightly.

Under the water, although he raised his body to a terrifying level, in fact, the consumption of the whole process was also terrifying. It can even be said that after destroying Lin Mo's body, he rebuilt it again. !

So he had to adjust himself to the best condition before the battle started!

Lin Mo's face was filled with exhaustion. He was about to fall into a deep sleep when he suddenly heard footsteps.

He opened his eyes slightly and looked into the distance. There were two teams approaching. One of them was wearing blue leather armor and had a serious look on his face. The words "Nangong" could be seen on his chest!

The other team was from the Dugu family. They all carried a sword on their backs. Although they had no blood and qi, their figures also gave people an invisible pressure!

Lin Mo watched this scene quietly without any change in his expression.

The leaders of the two teams were both old men. They were about the same age, with white hair, but they were in good spirits. When they walked step by step, people could feel a terrifying aura!

Lin Mo's eyes flashed. The physical strength of the two old men was actually at the level of the emperor!

But Lin Mo was sure that even if the physical strength of the two was a little stronger than his, it was not much stronger!

"Youngster, are you the one who killed the sons of my Nangong and Dugu families?" One of the old men spoke, with a strong murderous intent in his eyes!

"I killed them!" Lin Mo nodded: "I killed both of them. You two old guys talk too much nonsense. Didn't you come here just to fight me?

Why are you talking so much? Just do it!"

Lin Mo's voice was cold. There were more people from the two families, and they were both very powerful. He didn't want to waste too much time on the war of words.

"What a courage!" A sneer sounded, and then a young man walked over. He was not much older than Lin Mo, but the aura on his body had reached the peak state of physical sainthood!

"At the peak of physical sainthood, dare you be arrogant in front of me?"

Lin Mo smiled faintly, and the silver dragon spear in his hand was sent forward!

A loud bang!

The body of the Silver Dragon Spear was constantly shaking. As mentioned before, the Silver Dragon Spear was a heavenly weapon with some intelligence. At this moment, a shot was sent out, and a terrifying aura flowed on the Silver Dragon Spear.

Lin Mo smiled. The power of this shot was so terrifying!

Even without the power of blood and qi, a violent shot with the power of the flesh could kill people!

Facing the shot stabbed by Lin Mo, the young man drew out the sword behind him and stabbed out!


With a slight sound, the sword broke directly, and the power of the Silver Dragon Spear did not weaken at all, and it was still madly probing forward!

With a puff, a blood hole appeared in the heart of the young man, and then his whole body exploded!

Seeing that one of them did not take a single move from Lin Mo, a group of young people showed a look of shock on their faces!

"Let me go!" Several people stood up and looked at Lin Mo, with a strong murderous intent on their faces!

"So your two families are going to fight me in a group, right?" Lin Mo spoke slowly with a mocking look on his face.

His eyes swept over the people in front of him one by one, and then nodded and said: "Well, you trash, come together!"

As this voice fell, a group of people were directly angry!

They wanted to fight Lin Mo alone, but thinking of the difference in strength between the two sides, they could only grit their teeth and look at each other!

"Come together!"

In the end, they made a choice, what face or not, kill people first!

As the voice fell, more than a dozen figures rushed directly towards Lin Mo!

"Just try my new method!"

Lin Mo spoke slowly with a smile on his face.

The next moment, he threw the silver dragon spear in his hand, and the silver dragon spear shot out like lightning!

With two light sounds, the silver dragon spear directly pierced the two people in the front. After being pierced, the bodies of the two people exploded directly!

Under the flying blood, Lin Mo's figure flashed by!

His speed was extremely fast!


He stood there, and in front of him were three figures rushing up!

Kunshan Kao!

Lin Mo directly used this martial art, and rushed forward with only the strength of his body!


With a loud bang, the three people in front of him actually exploded directly!

It must be said that the three people were very fast. They crashed into Lin Mo's Kunshan Kao at the fastest speed, like a flying bird hitting an airplane, and their bodies exploded directly!

Still in the blink of an eye, five people died!

And there was no body left!

Such a scene stimulated everyone. The two old men looked at Lin Mo, and their eyes instantly turned red!

"You all retreat, I'll do it!" One of the old men spoke loudly.

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