In the early morning, the sun shone through the window, and after being blocked by the curtains, it turned into a hazy light, which sprinkled on the window.

Lin Mo twitched his nose slightly and smelled a faint fragrance.

At the same time, he felt that there seemed to be a warm breath around him, which made him want to grab it with his hands.

After stretching out his hand, Lin Mo suddenly widened his eyes.

At this moment, another pair of eyes were also looking at him, and those eyes were full of horror.

Lin Mo's eyes fell on his hands and he was stunned.

He suddenly withdrew his hands from the two peaks: "Good... Good morning!"

He looked a little embarrassed, but he still forced a smile on his face, as if nothing had happened just now.

Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo like this and was speechless.

Gritting her teeth, she stared into Lin Mo's eyes and said slowly, "Is it soft?"

"Soft..." Lin Mo answered subconsciously, and then immediately reacted: "What are you talking about? I don't understand at all!

By the way, Ye Hu came to me last night and wanted you to take control of the entire Ye family. What do you think?"

Lin Mo simply changed the subject and told him what happened last night.

Ye Qing knew that Lin Mo was changing the subject, but she still thought about it seriously.

"Is the current Ye family useful to you?" Ye Qing did not answer Lin Mo directly, but asked such a question.

Lin Mo knew what Ye Qing meant, smiled, raised his hand and patted her head and said, "It doesn't matter whether it is useful to me or not, the most important thing is that you are happy!"

The Ye family is where Ye Qing has lived since she was a child. If you say that there is no emotion, Lin Mo doesn't believe it at all.

What's more, from beginning to end, it was only Ye Chaoqun who drove Ye Qing away, and it had nothing to do with her grandfather.

Therefore, Lin Mo actually still hopes that Ye Qing can follow her heart and do what she wants to do.

Ye Qing nodded and said: "I want to take over the Ye family. During this period, I have sorted out my previous experience in alchemy. I should be able to refine intermediate and advanced Qi and Blood Pills, and the materials used will be much less than now!

In the future, the price of Qi and Blood Pills will definitely be impacted, and the Ye family may have the hope of rising!

This is the kingdom that Grandpa has worked hard to win, I want to protect it!

What's more, you will become stronger and stronger in the future. I want to be your backing, not your burden."

Lin Mo smiled and nodded, and said nothing more.

At this time, Lin Mo said too much, which might cause Ye Qing to misunderstand, so it is better to accept this kindness.

As a man, eating soft rice occasionally is good for the stomach!

After leaving the room, the two met Ye Hu who was guarding outside.

Seeing the two people walk out of the room shoulder to shoulder, Ye Hu's face immediately showed a deep smile.

"Mr. Lin, Miss!" Ye Hu stepped forward and spoke respectfully.

His attitude was very subtle. Ye Qing was the eldest daughter of the Ye family, but he greeted Lin Mo first.

In fact, both Lin Mo and Ye Hu knew very well that the reason why Ye Qing was chosen to take charge of the Ye family was largely because of Lin Mo's face.

If there was no Lin Mo, the huge Ye family would never invite Ye Qing, who had been driven out of the Ye family, to come back and become the head of the Ye family.

"I have almost considered what happened yesterday. Qing'er, you can talk to him!" Lin Mo looked at Ye Hu and chuckled, "Can I go to the place where Ye Chaoqun is in seclusion?"

Ye Hu was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Lin Mo to not want to participate at all. He hesitated for a while and said, "There is a very powerful ban in the place where he is in seclusion. It seems that only he can enter."

"It's okay, just tell me where it is. As for whether I can enter, that's my own business!" Lin Mo chuckled. He mastered Ye Chaoqun's memory, and he could still easily open the general ban.

"I'll find someone to take you there!" Ye Hu took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. Soon a young man stood in front of Lin Mo.

"Ye Cong, take Mr. Lin to the place where Ye Chaoqun often retreats!" Ye Hu ordered, and then turned around and left with Ye Qing.

"Mr. Lin, please!" Ye Cong's attitude was very respectful, and he walked sideways in front of Lin Mo, completely like he was leading the way.

Lin Mo smiled at the corner of his mouth, glanced at his back, and said nothing.

A few minutes later, they came to the deepest part of the Ye family. This should belong to the restricted area of ​​the Ye family, and no one would appear here on weekdays.

"Mr. Ye, the place you are looking for is in front." Ye Cong raised his hand and pointed not far away.

There was a step there, about three meters high, and there was a door at the end of the step.

"Ye Chaoqun usually retreats behind the gate. As for what is inside, we don't know!" Ye Cong added.

Lin Mo nodded, chuckled and said, "Thank you!"

Then he walked directly towards the steps.

At the moment when Lin Mo passed by Ye Cong, a cold smile could be seen on Ye Cong's face.

He stared at Lin Mo's feet, as if something bad was going to happen to Lin Mo's feet in the next step.


Lin Mo stood at the bottom of the first step, and after a slight hesitation, he stepped on it.

As soon as he stepped on the first step, a vast force of blood and qi pressed down.

The force of blood and qi of the third-grade martial saint level!

Lin Mo's expression remained unchanged, and he took the second step.

The pressure of the second step was raised to the level of the fifth-grade martial saint, but Lin Mo still did not stop and took the third step!

Under Ye Cong's gaze, Lin Mo took one step after another, his steps were firm and there was no sign of hesitation.

It can even be seen that Lin Mo has been rising at a constant speed, and he has already reached the last step.

"Impossible, this is impossible, he is obviously the same age as me, why is he so much stronger than me!" When watching Lin Mo take the last step, Ye Cong's face was full of unacceptable affection.

Feeling the resentment behind him, Lin Mo smiled and shook his head, raised his hand and touched the door.

This time, the terrible mental power of the restriction on the door, similar to the space of the spiritual world, suddenly unfolded, trying to cover Lin Mo inside.

But the spiritual world is extremely familiar to Lin Mo, so such a restriction is not a particularly difficult thing for him.

After breaking the restriction, Lin Mo walked in.

Ye Cong watched Lin Mo disappear in front of him, and a sinister look flashed across his face.

"Since you are so strong, don't blame me for strangling you!

The Ye family cannot fall into the hands of someone like you!

And the bitch Ye Qing, the Ye family cannot be handed over to her!"

With this thought, he suddenly took out a key from his body and walked towards a stone next to the steps.

He stretched out his hand and pressed lightly on the stone, and a stone slab on the ground moved away, revealing a keyhole.

Ye Cong inserted the key with a sneer on his face.

"Stay in there forever!" Ye Cong said coldly, and when he was about to turn the key, he found that his hand was suddenly out of control.

"You want to kill me? And you want to kill Ye Qing?"

Lin Mo's voice sounded above his head.

Ye Cong tried to raise his head and look at Lin Mo who appeared in front of the gate, his eyes full of shock.

"This..., this is impossible. I clearly saw you go in!"

Ye Cong spoke repeatedly, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

"I did go in, but I can come out again!" Lin Mo chuckled, and his figure flashed and appeared in front of Ye Cong.


With a slap, Ye Cong opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood with internal organs.

Crack, crack!

A series of light sounds came, and Lin Mo directly twisted Ye Cong's limbs.

At the same time, he pulled out the key from the ground and overlapped Ye Cong's hands and feet in a weird posture.


With a series of blood splashing, Lin Mo stabbed the key in his hand fiercely into the overlapping part of the limbs.

The terrifying power did not disappear, but directly nailed the limbs to the ground.

After doing all this, Lin Mo walked back into the door.

Ye Cong looked at Lin Mo's disappearing back, and his face was full of despair.

The reason why Lin Mo attacked Ye Cong so cruelly was that on the one hand, the other party had the intention to kill him, and on the other hand, Lin Mo knew from the beginning that Ye Cong was the second clone left by Ye Chaoqun!

It's just that the appearance of this clone has changed, and this second clone will be more determined to carry out the task left to him by Ye Chaoqun.

Now Ye Cong's task should be to kill Lin Mo.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that after Lin Mo killed Ye Chaoqun, he also inherited Ye Chaoqun's memory.

"This place is completely different from what I imagined!" After entering the secret room, Lin Mo's face showed a look of surprise.

The entire retreat place is completely closed, and there are no luxurious facilities inside. There is only one lamp, which glows a faint yellow light.

Lin Mo's eyes swept across the entire space, and his mental power was also analyzing this place inch by inch.

Finally, Lin Mo felt a different fluctuation, and then he strode forward and punched there.

With a bang, the place collapsed directly, revealing a small space inside.

Lin Mo saw a gray metal token in the space with a strange word written on it.

"This piece should be the door to open the abyss. As long as you hold the token, you have the qualification to enter there!"

Lin Mo had a smile on his face. This was the purpose of coming in this time.

After putting away the token, Lin Mo took all the other useful things stored here.

It must be said that with the support of the entire Ye family, the medicinal materials and elixirs prepared by Ye Chaoqun in his retreat were indeed sufficient.

After Lin Mo accepted all these things with a smile, he walked out of the retreat and saw Ye Cong outside.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see how they took away everything that might belong to you in the future!" Lin Mo smiled and said, and with his other hand, he carried Ye Cong away from here like a dog.

On the other side, Ye Qing and Ye Hu's conversation had also ended.

Ye Hu looked at Ye Qing with a look of shock in his eyes.

After the conversation, he understood how terrible this woman was!

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