"What's different about the area where the entire military department is located?"

Xia Houming looked at Lin Mo and did not answer directly, but asked such a question.

Lin Mo looked around, closed his eyes slightly and was silent for a moment before saying: "The spiritual energy is more abundant. One day of practicing here is equivalent to three days of practicing outside!

And the spiritual power in many places seems to be more intense, but I haven’t actually entered those places yet, so I can’t give a final judgment! "

After listening to Lin Mo's words, a look of surprise flashed in Xia Houming's eyes, he smiled and nodded: "I didn't expect your senses to be so sensitive!

You are right, the spiritual energy here is stronger than other places!

But have you ever wondered why? "

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment. In China, there is a saying called Dongtian Paradise.

Because of their special locations, these places will produce strong spiritual energy, which is suitable for cultivation.

Although he was shocked by how rich the spiritual energy was here, he had already classified this place as a paradise in the cave.

Now, Xia Houming asked again, and Lin Mo suddenly had other thoughts in his heart.

"Could it be...that this is an abyss?" Lin Mo shook his head, as if he had thought of something: "I know, this is the entrance to an abyss!"

"You...you kid!" Xia Houming stared at Lin Mo for a while with his eyes wide open, then sighed and said: "You kid really shocked me!

You are right, this is indeed the entrance to an abyss!

The reason why the spiritual energy is rich is because there are no barriers in this abyss, and the creatures in the abyss can enter and exit freely!

Therefore, the distribution of our Chinese Ministry of War in the capital is the barrier between the abyss and the human world!

For so many years, our capital military department has been guarding the abyss here!

The abyss is dangerous, but our Chinese soldiers are braver!

Over the years, they have suffered countless casualties, but no one has retreated!

On the contrary, the creatures in the abyss were killed to the point of fear!

Lin Mo, I really welcome you to become a member of the military! "

Having said this, Xia Houming slowly raised his right hand, placed it on his chest, gave it a gentle hammer, and said: "Everything is for the human race!"

"Everything is for the human race!" Lin Mo responded in a deep voice while doing the same action.

"The topic has gone off!" Xia Houming looked at Lin Mo deeply, and then said: "You just asked me where the entrance to the primeval forest is!

In fact, what I want to tell you is that the entrance to the virgin forest is in areas you have never set foot on!

And the virgin forest is the abyss guarded by our capital's military department!

Over the years, the abyss guarded by the Ministry of War in the capital and the real world have slowly merged. The primeval forest and the abyss have become indistinguishable from each other! "

"The primitive forest and the abyss actually merged!"

Lin Mo's face showed a look of shock. This conclusion was really something he had not expected.

"Okay, it's almost time. The information you know now is enough!"

“Also, after you enter the forest, you have to compare yourself with the previous group of players who entered.

Before you, there were nineteen people who also entered the virgin forest. They were all strong men found by others and were your competitors.

There are a total of twenty people, and fifteen people will be eliminated in the end. Our military department only chooses five people as our final companions!

I hope you can be one of them!

Okay, it’s almost time, come with me! "

As Xia Houming said that, he turned around and walked away. Lin Mo was stunned for a moment and then quickly followed.

The two of them walked all the way deep into the mountain, and within a few minutes they came to a deep mountain road.

"It's right here!" Xia Houming pointed to the path in front of him and said: "If you want to enter the forest, just go in from here!

You must remember one thing, that is, be careful!

In the forest, there are your competitors, and there are also monsters in the abyss!

Once you encounter them, you must kill them!

Otherwise you will be the one who dies!

Of course, as the integration of the forest and the abyss further increases, there will be many opportunities in the forest. If you grasp it well, you may be able to directly break through to the ninth-level Martial King during this training!

The first place in this training will be rewarded with ten high-level Qi and Blood Pills! "

"Ten high-level Qi and Blood Pills!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up. That's one thousand Qi and Blood Pills. As long as he takes them all, he can directly upgrade to a level!

"Okay, let's go in!" After Xia Houming finished speaking, he took a step back.

After Lin Mo thanked him, he walked in.

As soon as he stepped onto the path, Lin Mo felt as if he had entered some kind of dream!

"Although they are merging, there seems to be a barrier between the abyss and the outside world. When I stepped in just now, I stepped through that barrier!


Lin Mo felt the changes around him, his eyes flickered, and he thought of a possibility: Is the fusion of the forest and the abyss a microcosm of the development of the abyss?

Will one day, the abyss and the real world will all merge?

At that time, the entire real world will undergo huge changes...

Isn't this the revival of spiritual energy?

Thinking of this, Lin Mo's face showed a look of shock, because this possibility is very high!

By then, the spiritual energy will be rich, and the speed of human cultivation will be further improved!

But at the same time, countless monsters will appear, and the existence of those monsters will bring endless disasters to mankind!


Just when Lin Mo was thinking, there was a sound of breaking under his feet.

In an instant, a bad premonition came to his mind.


Lin Mo moved his body sideways regardless of anything!


Just when Lin Mo moved his body sideways, a blood-red giant mouth appeared where he was standing!

The giant mouth slowly closed, and a stone as big as a millstone was directly bitten into pieces and swallowed into the stomach!

"What is that thing, so strong!"

Lin Mo's pupils shrank slightly. The one just now was obviously some kind of monster, and it appeared when he just entered the primeval forest!

If Lin Mo hadn't dodged in time, he might have died directly!

"Too strong!"

Lin Mo didn't dare to stay here for too long. He carefully glanced at the direction of the giant mouth, and when he found that it didn't come here, he slowly walked towards the distance!

"It's very powerful, but it seems to be trapped and unable to move!" Lin Mo's mental power spread out and found the weakness of the giant mouth.

However, Lin Mo did not intend to provoke the giant mouth. God knows if there will be other problems!

With the danger that just happened, he did not want to stay too long, and he was also more alert.

He continued to move forward, but this time, he directly spread his mental power and used the ability of mental perception!

After Lin Mo was promoted to the eighth-grade martial king realm, Lin Mo's proficiency in mental perception finally reached a high level!

With such proficiency, the range of Lin Mo's mental perception soared to one thousand meters!

Within one thousand meters, all the wind and grass movements could not be hidden from Lin Mo's eyes.

Of course, in this case, the consumption of mental power is very terrifying!

If the perception distance is maintained within a hundred meters, then Lin Mo's current mental power can support him for more than six hours!

Lin Mo maintained the range of mental perception at one hundred meters, and then moved forward step by step.

He could feel that there was indeed danger around him, like the giant mouth he had seen before, which would appear from time to time around him!

"It's too dangerous. In this kind of place, spiritual perception is a necessary martial art. If you don't master this martial art, there is a high probability of problems..."

When Lin Mo moved forward, his feet paused slightly. He looked at a place about 20 meters away from him. He sensed something in that direction...

However, a big tree blocked Lin Mo's vision, but it was certain that there were humans there!

Lin Mo walked forward cautiously and walked towards the big tree!

He sensed very clearly that there were no monsters in this distance!

Finally, after Lin Mo bypassed the big tree, the scene in front of him almost made Lin Mo exclaim!

What did he see!

Not far from him, there was a huge plant that was two people tall!

It was red all over, and its appearance was similar to that of a Venus flytrap, but at a height of more than three meters, it looked like a small tree!

The only difference was that there was a huge killing organ on its top!

At this moment, there was already something inside the killing organ.

It was a pair of thighs, which were still exposed at this moment.

Lin Mo's spiritual perception extended directly to the past, and he was surprised to find that the person being hunted was still breathing!

He was shocked and stepped forward immediately!


Two sword lights flashed, and the sword light of fire attribute fell on the Venus flytrap, and a flame rose directly!

With a plop, the killing organ fell directly to the ground.

Lin Mo stepped forward, looked at the closed killing organ, carefully took out the soul-slaying knife, cut the organ, and revealed the person inside!

When he saw the person inside, Lin Mo almost cried out!

This is not a person, this appearance looks like a skeleton!

Compared with the two legs, the upper body hunted by the killing organ seemed to be drained of water!

The whole body is a layer of skin attached to the bones, which looks very scary!

The reason why he is alive is because the Venus flytrap has been devouring the blood and qi of this person, but it is not in a hurry to digest him!

But even if Lin Mo rescued the person now, he still couldn't let him live!

He had lost too much energy and blood, and his vitality was about to be exhausted. The most important thing was that his internal organs had decayed and were difficult to recover!

"I'm sorry, I can't save you!" Lin Mo sighed and spoke softly.

"Kill me!"

At this moment, a wave sounded in Lin Mo's mind.

He looked at the person on the ground, and was sure that the mental wave just now came from him!

However, after this last mental wave came out, Lin Mo felt that the last vitality seemed to be drained from his body!

After a slight hesitation, the knife in Lin Mo's hand fiercely stabbed into his chest!

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