Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 186: Cut through the secret realm with one sword!

In the sky above the Education Association, Lin Mo stood with a sword in his hand. The power of Qi and blood was lingering around him. Against the pale golden light, he looked like a god of war painted in gold paint!

The Wrath of Apophis was trembling, and Lin Mo estimated the time and remaining energy and blood.

"I can shoot up to three swords!" He looked at the building in front of him with serious eyes, and raised the sword in his hand suddenly!


In an office not far from the Education Association, a guard hurried in and said, "Someone made a big fuss at the Education Association. President Ding... was seriously injured!"

The same scene happened in several other offices.

Not far from the headquarters of the Chinese Association, in a secret place, six figures stood there quietly, and among them stood an old man.

The old man is none other than the old principal Wei Yunlong!

At this moment, he had some blood stains on his body, and his beard was also stained with blood.

But he was still laughing at this moment: "Hahaha, did you hear that? My disciple is here. You are afraid of me and want to kill me, but my disciple will be stronger than me and make you afraid!"

"Wei Yunlong! Do you really think your disciple is still alive? If you cause trouble in the Education Association, no matter who it is, you will die!"

One of them spoke loudly, with hatred on his face.

One of his sleeves was bare, with blood still flowing down it. During the previous battle, the old principal punched him, directly smashing one of his arms into bloody mud.

"You are in the realm of King Wu, but you dare to talk nonsense about destroying the Education Association! How ridiculous..." Another middle-aged man said. He is the leader of this siege. The secret place here is an abyss secret realm under his control. Now it is controlled by him. It was used as a place to kill the old principal.

"Do it..." The man sneered and shouted loudly.


At this moment, a roaring sound came, and the entire secret realm was shaking!

You can even see spots of light appearing on the edge of the secret realm. These are the fluctuations caused by the terrifying attack on the border of the secret realm!

In other words, there are attacks that directly exceed the range that the secret realm can withstand!

"How can this be!"

Everyone looked up into the air. In their eyes, they could see across the border and the situation of the Education Association not far away.

There, a terrifying sword light fell from the sky like a golden full moon!

A ten-foot-long beam of light cut through the air, with a whistling and splitting sound, and struck hard on the building just built by the Education Association!

The sword light exploded all of a sudden, and with a loud noise, a crack appeared on the building made of fine iron!

And, after just a few seconds, the crack grew bigger and bigger, and finally, the entire building collapsed!

On the ground, President Ding stared at this scene, his eyes widened, and finally spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and then completely lost his breath!

In the distance, several figures rushed out of the office, looking at the ruins in front of them and the figure standing in the air, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

In the secret realm, the six people had shocked looks on their faces. Only they could see how terrifying the sword just was!

"Hahaha!" A loud laugh rang out, and the old principal Wei Yunlong looked up to the sky and roared, looking at the people around him, the energy and blood in his body suddenly burst out!

"If a disciple is like this, what if he dies?"

"You guys come together. I want to see if your skills have improved after so many years!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the old principal rushed towards the man with the severed hand!

"Burn life!" the old principal roared, and his gray hair suddenly turned extremely pale!

At the same time, the aura on his body suddenly surged! !


The face of the man with the broken arm changed drastically. Facing the old principal in this state, he couldn't muster the courage to resist. He turned around and ran away!

But the old principal in this state was extremely terrifying, and his speed surpassed everyone present!


A hand passed through the man's back, and the old principal stood there quietly with cold eyes!

Below, the expressions of the remaining five people changed drastically. After looking at each other, they shouted coldly at the same time, and they were going to take action against the old principal!


The old principal shouted, and a sword was condensed from the power of Qi and blood, which was a full foot long!

"Let me weigh the strength of you guys!"

The old principal shouted and rushed into the crowd.

At this moment, Lin Mo looked at the figures in front of him outside, without any fear on his face.

His hands were shaking, and there was only one minute left to use Wrath of Apophis...

The power of energy and blood consumed by the sword just now was more terrifying than he imagined. Now he can only kill one sword at most!

"Lin Mo, do you know what you are doing!" A figure standing not far from Lin Mo shouted loudly.

When Lin Mo looked at him, he suddenly found that the man pointed vaguely at an open space not far away.

Then he winked at Lin Mo!

For a moment, Lin Mo thought of something!

"Instant! Kill! Sword!"

Lin Mo roared angrily. The moment he used his martial arts, Lin Mo felt as if he had cut off an invisible chain when holding the sword!

Proficiency has improved!

In just two days, Lin Mo improved his proficiency in the instant-kill sword to the basic level!

Although there is only one level difference between beginner and entry level, its power has more than doubled!


This sword fell down!

Within the secret realm, the faces of several figures changed drastically!

" did he know that the secret realm is here!"

The leader spoke loudly, with a shocked look on his face.

"Well done!" The old principal laughed loudly, looked at the place where the sword light fell, slashed with the long knife in his hand, and swung away the five people who were surrounding him, and then gave a cold shout, and the power of Qi and blood all over his body He gathered together all of a sudden, and faced the sword light and slashed hard at that place!


The sword light and the sword light fell on the same place at the same time!

In just a short moment, a terrifying explosion occurred there!

At the same time, a tyrannical wave swept out in all directions!

Lin Mo retreated violently, and with the sword strike just now, he seemed to have struck somewhere!

"Secret Realm! There is a secret realm there!" For a moment, Lin Mo thought of this: "The teacher is in the secret realm!"

He looked at the person from before and nodded slightly.

The man blinked, pointed at several other people, and said nothing!


At this moment, there was another loud noise, and a sword light seemed to be cut out of nothingness!

The sword light shattered the boundary of the secret realm and spread upward at the same time!


A figure rushed out. The old principal stood with a knife and looked at Lin Mo not far away, with a smile on his face!


Lin Mo was also extremely surprised, the old principal came out!

Safe and sound!

Whoosh whoosh!

Several more figures rushed out. Their expressions were extremely ugly, but they still silently surrounded the old principal!

"Do it! Kill!"

The leader said coldly, at this point, they had no choice but to go one way to the end!


The five people looked at each other and their expressions became determined!


At this moment, an old voice sounded, and then, a hand was seen clapping out from the distance!

He was completely formed from the power of Qi and blood, and he slapped down five people from a distance of several hundred meters!

The expressions of the five people changed drastically, and they started to resist at the same time!


When they were still ten feet away from the five people, several of them were shocked by the pressure of this hand and vomited blood!

When the hand was really slapped down, three of them exploded to pieces!

Among the remaining two people, one of them collapsed on the ground. The remaining leader kept spitting out organ fragments from his mouth, his face became extremely pale, and he looked like he would not survive!

At this moment, a figure flashed from a distance and stood here!

When the old principal saw this figure, his face showed excitement: "Teacher!"

"Master, we meet again!" Lin Mo also quickly said hello with a smile.

The old man looked at Lin Mo with a look of relief in his eyes: "You are very good, very good!"

After a pause, he looked at his disciple again: "He has good vision, but he is a bit useless...

I am a little disappointed that so many people have forced you to burn up your own life force! "

The old man shook his head, with a disappointed look on his face.

The power of life?

Lin Mo's expression changed slightly and he looked at the old principal: "Teacher, you..."

"I'm fine!" The old principal waved his hand slightly, looked at his teacher, and smiled bitterly: "This disciple never thought that such a good brother at the time would want to attack me just for such a small amount of power!"

He looked at the remaining person with a sad look in his eyes: "Back then, on the Chinese battlefield, you saved my life!"

Having said this, he waved the knife in his hand lightly, and a sword light shot out and fell on the leader.

The leader closed his eyes slightly, with a relaxed look on his face.


There was a crisp sound, and the leader's clothes instantly shattered!


Lin Mo looked at the leader's body with a shocked look on his face.

There are scars all over his body that look like a horned dragon crawling on his body!

It can be said that this person cannot see any complete skin!

"This scar is from the battle at Zhuangtai, when you fought alone against the three great swordsmen of Sakura Kingdom, and finally killed them all!

This scar is from when..."

There was a nostalgic look in the eyes of the old principal, and he counted the scars in detail. Behind almost every scar, there was a story of its own!

Lin Mo stood aside with a moved expression.

"But... why did you end up like this?!" The old principal said at the end, with anger and regret in his eyes!

The boy who slayed the dragon finally became a dragon!

Lin Mo also had some emotion on his face. This should be the saddest thing in the world!

"What's the point of talking so much?" The leader smiled lightly: "Among us, you had the most credit at the beginning, but you didn't enter this big dye vat, and in the end your martial arts achievements surpassed all of us!

Now, the person whom the teacher values ​​the most is still you!

You are much happier than us! "

When the leader said this, he looked at the old man and said, "When you kicked me out of the school, did you already see the desires in our hearts?!"

The old man was silent for a moment and did not speak.

The leader smiled and then slowly closed his eyes.

it's over!

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally rescued the teacher!

He stepped forward and supported Wei Yunlong.

"Let's go!" The old principal bowed deeply to his teacher, and then turned to leave.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, three figures appeared in the distance.

"Wei Yunlong can leave, but this kid can't!"

Among the three figures, one of them spoke in a deep voice.

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