Is Lin Mo's move vicious? It was indeed vicious, but what was the reason why he used this move?

Mr. Ye raised his finger and pointed at Lin Mo, with a look of resentment on his face.

In his eyes, Lin Mo used such despicable methods to drive the Ye family to a dead end, but what he didn't expect was that he himself also used even more despicable methods to drive his own granddaughter to a dead end!

In terms of viciousness, Mr. Ye is more powerful!

Lin Mo's eyes were cold and the smile on his face was very weak. He looked at Mr. Ye and said, "I have more vicious methods!"

Having said this, he looked at his teacher: "Teacher, this disciple has a friend who has many years of experience in alchemy, and she has controlled the previous method of alchemy for a long time.

Now the elixir recipe has only been upgraded and improved on the original basis. In order to ensure that the teacher's elixir can be produced smoothly, I suggest you consider cooperating with my friend! "

The old principal looked at Lin Mo deeply and nodded slightly.

Mr. Ye and others on the side raised their brows, with a strong bad premonition surging in their hearts.

Mr. Ye looked at his granddaughter with twinkling eyes.

"I don't know where your friend is. When can I recommend him?" the old principal said slowly, while his eyes fell on Ye Qing.

Lin Mo felt happy and admired the old principal.

The results he wanted to achieve required the old principal's help. Lin Mo didn't tell the old principal about this at all, but the old principal already knew about it and helped cover it up!

"Teacher, the person I am talking about is Ye Qing. You have also seen that she has just been kicked out of the Ye family, and she has been completely cut off from them. Even if the improved prescription is given to her, she will not leak it.

There is another thing you may not know. This time I go into the abyss. In addition to Feng Xuan, the other person I want to take with me is Ye Qing!

I believe she will be of great help to me in the abyss! "

"Go into the abyss?" Mr. Ye's face changed slightly, and his eyes when he looked at Lin Mo were filled with shock.

The abyss is connected to another strange world. Although it is dangerous, there are endless opportunities!

But because there are so few abyss that have been opened so far, the opportunity to enter the abyss has become particularly rare!

Even those big families may not have the qualifications to enter the abyss, but Lin Mo can actually have three places at once, and the places are still at his disposal!

"Does Mr. Ye also want to go down?" Lin Mo looked at Mr. Ye, blinked his eyes, and said with a smile: "It's a pity that you are old and your eyes are dim, so you probably can't do it...

In my opinion, everyone in the Ye family can be said to be old-sighted, so let's forget it.

From now on, as long as I have some say, the children of your Ye family will have no chance of going into the abyss! "

Lin Mo said categorically, and after the words fell, Mr. Ye took the lead, and everyone's expressions changed.


At this time, a sneer sounded, and Ye An said calmly from the crowd: "What a loud tone, but you don't know what you are. At such a young age, it is ridiculous to try to get permission to enter the abyss! "

"Also, Qing'er, do you think entering the abyss is a good thing?

Hahaha, this is a joke!

The abyss is extremely dangerous, especially the newly opened abyss. There are too many unknown areas, and no one knows where these areas are ultimately connected!

If you are not careful, you will die!

The reason why Lin Mo called you is just because he wanted to have another stepping stone!

You wouldn't be stupid and secretly having fun, right? It's simply ridiculous to the extreme! "

His words were extremely hard to hear, and Ye Qing's face turned bitter.

She is an abandoned daughter of the Ye family, with a bleak future, and now she is being suppressed by the two people she once respected the most!

"Even if it's true as you said, what if I die?

If I stayed in the Ye family, my fate would probably be worse than death!

Besides, who can say for sure what will happen in the future? "

Ye Qing spoke softly. She usually looked soft and weak. Although she was powerful, she had never used it several times.

But now, she spoke, showing her strong side for the first time.

"Hahaha, good! Very good, in that case, I look forward to seeing your tragic end!"

Mr. Ye didn't speak, but Ye An shouted loudly at the side. He didn't know what to say, maybe he thought he was the head of the Ye family!

"Qing'er, don't be sad. In order to make it up to you, I decided to tell you good news...

I'm going to give you an extra recipe for refining a pill that improves your mental power. Although it's not very good, you should be able to make some money! "

Lin Mo took out the essence-enhancing pill recipe and placed it in front of Ye Qing: "The essence-improvement pill has the effect of permanently increasing mental power!

It’s just that the aftereffect of this elixir is that one person can only take it once! "

You can only take it once in your life. It can improve your mental power a little bit at a time, and it will be a permanent improvement!

Upon hearing the introduction of the elixir, the eyes of a group of people became hot.

Just as everyone was about to speak, they saw Lin Mo handing the pill formula directly to Ye Qing: "I'm giving it to you, don't dislike it, otherwise I will be sad!"

Seeing Lin Mo's exaggerated expression, even though Ye Qing was feeling a little heavy now, she was still amused.

"Thank you!" Ye Qing nodded to Lin Mo, with a grateful look on her face.

"Mr. Lin, can you sell this recipe to my Xue family!"

"My Han family is also willing to let the Gao family buy it! If the second recipe can be set as exclusive, I am willing to give Mr. Lin 60% of the profit from future sales!"

"The Han family has made a good calculation. Is 60% profit high?

You don't want to pay a penny, but want to take the recipe alone. This kind of despicable behavior, my Zheng family can't do it!"

"My Gao family can't do it either. Although there were some misunderstandings with Lin Xianshen, I am willing to turn hostility into friendship. Not only will I pay a high price to buy the recipe, but the future profit sharing will also be 60% and 40%. At that time, you will take 60%, and I will only take 40% of the profit!"


Everyone spoke up, their faces showed eager expressions, and the conditions they offered were better than one!

Many people are even willing to give up the recipe, just wanting to get an agent license from Lin Mo, as long as the elixir is sold exclusively at their place!

Such conditions can be said to be extremely generous!

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