Gao Wu: Everything Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 83: Civilization Protection Of The Galaxy Human Race! Get Cosmic Genius Certification! (25)


Above the arena, an earth-shattering roar spread throughout the integration space.

And in the middle of the roar, Qian Yu stood unscathed in a deep pit with a diameter of thousands of meters, while the deep pit under his feet was a copy of the gap between the eyebrows that had been pierced by a spear body.

The replica turned into a burst of light and rushed up to the sky completely, turning into bright spots in the sky.

"The seventh round of assessment is over, combat effectiveness assessment, SSS rank!!"

At the same time, a notification sound immediately reached Qian Yu's mind.

"Is it over? But having said that, isn't the score of SSS level a bit high!"

Qian Yu was a little helpless, but thinking about it, the video of him killing the school tutor seemed to have been sent to the headquarters of the Star Field Academy, maybe it had been seen by the superpowers at the Human Race headquarters of the Warrior Alliance, and even the leader. Therefore, Qian Yu reckoned , It may be normal to judge an SSS-level genius by myself.

"There is a good saying, others can do SSS level because they have this ability! And I am rated as SSS level, it seems that there is only SSS level at the top!"

Qian Yu felt it for a while and realized that he has not even used one-tenth of his strength now, which is simply too much talent.

But, also, at this time, just the bloodline level is not at the same level as the common human race.


However, just when Qian Yu thought he could leave after the assessment was over, something happened.

An earth-shattering roar spread throughout Qian Yu's space in an instant.

At the same time, Qian Yu felt the space start to vibrate crazily in the next instant.

In the next moment, endless brilliance poured down from the sky.

"Reminder, because there are game breakers in the local area network, the central mastermind of the universe has begun to take over this local area network!!"

"Reminder, because there are game breakers in the local area network, the central mastermind of the universe has begun to take over this local area network!!"

"Reminder, because there are game breakers in the local area network, the central mastermind of the universe has begun to take over this local area network!!"

However, at this very moment, a loud notification tone suddenly reached Qian Yu's mind.

And as the notification sound gradually disappeared, the surrounding vibrations also gradually subsided.

"The Central Mastermind of the Universe Takes Over the LAN!?"

Qian Yu was stunned for a moment.

"Hello! Dear Lord Qian Yu, you have passed the assessment of a game breaker, that is, a person who has reached the SSS genius level recognized by the current race! Therefore, your assessment this time will be taken over by the virtual universe! Next , the virtual hand universe will re-certify you as a true genius according to the division of geniuses in the universe!"

But at this moment, a respectful prompt sounded in Qian Yu's mind. 057

This sound is obviously more emotional than the previous electronic sound.

"The game breaker? There is such a thing?! Re-evaluate according to the genius level of the universe!?"

Qian Yu was a little puzzled.

"Yes, each local area network is a virtual universe company. After detecting that a certain civilization has reached the interstellar shuttle condition, it is secretly given to this civilization. The purpose is to make this civilization reach the stage of civilization in the big universe as soon as possible and integrate into the big universe as soon as possible. era.

At the same time, because this level of civilization is not enough, in order to protect these nascent civilizations, the local area network can only be used within the civilization. At the same time, if you want to break through this limit, you need to meet three standards!

The emergence of strong people above the star sea level in the civilization can guarantee the safety of the civilization, and the civilization of the galaxy human race has reached it!"

2. The footprint of civilization can spread all over a large galaxy! The same has been completed!

3. The assessment of civilization breakers, that is: in the final battle of SSS-level geniuses, you have reached the level of killing the clone in seconds, and you have passed this assessment so far!

In other words, the current civilization of the galaxy human race has completely met the three conditions, so as long as the breaker goes to the core part of this local area network for core upgrades [the civilization of the galaxy human race will enter the era of the big universe!

The local area network will instantly connect to the entire virtual universe, and contact all civilizations in the virtual universe!

At the same time, civilization protection will disappear. Other civilizations can carry out civilization aggression, trade, or slavery according to the law, and at the same time, the civilization coordinates of the galaxy human race will be displayed in the cosmic star map!"

Facing Qian Yu's question, a prompt sound from the sky came down immediately.

However, Qian Yu's pupils shrank slightly after hearing the beep.

Hearing the meaning of the prompt, Qian Yu understood, "You have to go to the core location of this local area network by yourself to upgrade the virtual communication platform of the human race, and then you can contact other civilizations.

This is definitely an extremely terrifying opportunity for a civilization.

Access to the countless technologies of the big universe, and the knowledge of high-tech civilization can be easily obtained.

The human race will enter an epoch-making leap.

But it is also a catastrophe.

The coordinates of civilization were displayed, which would be a devastating blow to the human race of the galaxy, which had just started for less than a hundred thousand years.

We must know that civilizations of millions of years, thousands of years or even billions of years abound in the universe.

For them, the galactic human race is definitely an ant-like existence.

The voice just said that slavery and aggression are all legal.

It can be predicted that if the human race does not meet the three conditions, or does not upgrade, it will not be invaded, because it is in the protection period of civilization.

"It's a headache, don't worry about it, anyway, the higher-ups of the human race should already know (bfde) about this matter, if you want me to upgrade the core, I will upgrade, "I don't bother to care if I don't upgrade!"

Qian Yu thought about it, and felt that this thing seemed far away to him.

Or wait for others to take the initiative to find themselves to talk about it.

However, he didn't know at this time, all of this, those high-level human races didn't know anything at this time.

They even doubt whether there are other civilized human races in the outside world, because civilization protection, what is civilization protection.

Naturally, the people in the protection center are not aware of it, so any current detectors of the human race, any super telescopes, etc. cannot see anything outside the Milky Way.

What you see is also an illusion.

Even if there are many Advanced civilizations around the Milky Way, those civilizations cannot detect the existence of the Milky Way, and at the same time, the Galactic Terrans cannot find any civilization outside.

And this is also a kind of civilization blockade.

Of course, the most important thing is to protect the human race.

Qian Yu thinks about it carefully, no matter what their purpose is, this approach of the virtual universe is definitely good for the human race, after all, if there is no such protection

The human race was probably destroyed or enslaved just after leaving the solar system.

"By the way, you said, divide according to the genius division standard of the virtual universe? How is that divided!?"

Qian Yu suddenly looked into the sky and asked curiously.

"The genius division in the virtual universe is based on the bloodline level of the examiners, but the local area network is different. In the local area network, the bloodline level of the main civilization is used as the standard.

For example, if your bloodline level is now at the top of the ninth rank, it is naturally very easy to break through the human civilization of the tenth rank Advanced bloodline.

But this kind of game-breaker is generally in the genius certification of the virtual universe. To a large extent, it is just commonplace, and it can't even meet the standard of genius!

Not including you though!

And the genius level of the virtual universe is the same as the genius level of your human race because this level is introduced from the virtual universe, but after the SSS level, there is a higher level, the battle emperor level, and this level of talent is divided into For, low-level, Intermediate, Advanced, and top-level, four realms.

Even if it is only the lowest level, it is the top genius of a civilization. Because the low-level talent of the war emperor can at least face an S-level genius before the god-level genius, leapfrog a level and fight in a big realm. That is to say, the basic combat power can reach more than ten times that of an S-level genius.

The voice in the sky calmly spoke to Qian Yu.

And Qian Yu nodded slightly after hearing this.

"So that's the case, then I want to see how far my current talent can go!!"

Qian Yu's eyes suddenly brightened.

It's just that the battle emperor can reach ten times the combat power of an S-level genius of the same level.

You must know that if the basic strength of S-level is based on the calculation of the human race, it can directly obliterate a strong man at the peak of the Blood Sea Realm with the second or third sky-high realm of the Blood Sea Realm.

If the low-level battle emperor level can have ten times the combat power, doesn't that mean that it can kill a supernatural realm with the second level of the blood sea realm!?

This combat power is not much worse than Qian Yu's level in the Second Heaven without using the power of the Emperor.

That is to say, without the blessing of the race's strongest talent, the power of the human emperor, Qian Yu's combat power is actually a low-level war emperor!?

One must know that when Qian Yu was at the peak of the Body Forging Realm, he was able to kill the mentor of the first level of the God Realm, not because his combat power surpassed the lower level of the War Emperor, but because of the crushing of blood.

After all, if the bloodline level is the same, Qian Yu's base strength at the peak of the Body Forging Realm is only 72000, and it is impossible to cross the twenty-fold gap to kill an opponent in the first level of the Divine Realm without using the power of the Human Sovereign.

All of this is the premise that Qian Yu has no human emperor power.

But the truth, Qian Yu he has!!

"The certification assessment for the low-level genius of the Emperor of War is about to begin, please get ready!!"

And at this moment, a notification sound in the sky immediately reached Qian Yu's mind.

The next moment, on the opposite side of the ring in front of him, a duplicate body that was exactly the same as before was condensed in an instant.


However, the instant it appeared, a terrifying aura erupted from the replica body.

The earth began to collapse crazily.

This aura made Qian Yu's pupils shrink slightly, because just the basic power has reached a terrifying 960,000!!

At the same time, the opponent is also the sixth heaven of the Blood Sea Realm.

That is, according to calculations, when the opponent was in the Body Forging Realm, he raised his whole body strength to 160,000 before advancing to the Blood Sea Realm.

Although it was a full 40,000 less than the 200,000 of Qian Yu's ninth-grade bloodline, the gap was really not that big.

Compared with the 60,000 difference of SSS-level geniuses, the difference in basic attributes is more than three times.


And the next moment, the opponent's long spear shook slightly into the void, and in an instant, a top-notch gun intent burst out from his body directly.


The next moment, with a loud noise, the duplicate body on the opposite side moved, and the whole person turned into a stream of light and came to the sky above Qian Yu in an instant.

"Fourth Meteor Spear Technique! Meteor Falling!!!!"

However, the next moment, a voice without the slightest emotion came directly from the sky.

Then the marksmanship that had turned into bright spots shot down towards Qian Yu.

“Well done!!!”

Qian Yu's eyes suddenly lit up. It was the first time he had seen such marksmanship skills. Immediately, the spear in his hand frantically swept towards the sky.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!!"

in an instant

Qian Yu's spear directly collided with the opponent's spear, and a sound that resounded throughout the ring echoed directly above the ring.

At the same time, endless flames burst out from Qian Yu's and the opponent's spear points.

Not only their long spears, but dozens of throwing knives collided crazily in the void.

Although Qian Yu's thirty throwing knives were not as many as the opponent's, they were directly crushed by the opponent's fifty throwing knives because of the crushing power.

Of course, Qian Yu could also burst out fifty throwing knives, but that might kill the opponent in seconds.

And the earth also fell crazily during the battle between the two.


The arena completely disappeared during the battle, and the land that fell was getting deeper and deeper.


But at this moment, Qian Yu suddenly shouted violently, he saw the flaws exposed by the other party because he couldn't keep up with the rhythm, and the next moment he moved.

The spear in his hand stabbed out in an instant.


The irresistible clone was pierced between his eyebrows in an instant.


The next moment between the two, the duplicant exploded and instantly turned into a sky full of light spots.

And Qian Yu also took a deep breath.

Is this the low-level genius of the war emperor? Without using the power of the emperor himself, he actually used 70% of his combat power to kill the opponent.

That's right, seventy percent. After all, all Qian Yu's statistics at this time are either the same as the opponent's, such as the power of skills, or crush the opponent.

However, although the opponent's attribute is slightly lower than his own, his skills are the same as his own, and the martial arts he uses are only slightly inferior to his own in terms of level and proficiency.

Therefore, it can be predicted that in the next assessment, if he does not use the power of the emperor, he will definitely lose.

The genius of the Emperor of War Intermediate may be able to break out Qian Yu's full strength without using the power of the Emperor, and it may be a tie, but if he reaches the Advanced of the Emperor of War, Qian Yu will definitely be killed in an instant.

"Alright, it's time to upgrade my skills."

Qian Yu took a look at his skill value, which can only be upgraded once at 1 million, and heaved a helpless sigh.

Fortunately, the speed at which I can obtain upgrade points is terrifying.

Tier 2 source crystals can get more than two million upgrade points in one day.

It doesn't take much to upgrade the skill value.

"Since you want to upgrade, let's upgrade to the micro-level at one time. As it happens, there are still two million upgrade points to be used! System upgrade!"

Qian Yu thought for a moment and spoke directly to the system.

"Ding.....Accept the instruction and start upgrading the skill value of the host!!"

Following a system beep, Qian Yu's consciousness was pulled into the cultivation space in an instant.

As I said before, in the cultivation space, whether Qian Yu practiced for one year, ten years, or 100 million years, he would never grow up to a day's age time.

After all, the time difference between inside and outside is not the same.

But this time, it took Qian Yu a lot of time to upgrade his skills.

Enough time to pick up.

And to upgrade to the perfect level above the micro level cost a terrifying two million! 11

In total, all the attribute points of 2.6 million Qianxi are directly consumed.

No, there are more than 700,000 yuan, but for Qian Yu now, more than 700,000 yuan seems to be really useless!

However, as Qian Yu's eyes suddenly opened, he also felt that the connection between his body and the spear in his hand was getting closer and closer.

"System, open my property sheet!!!"

Attribute table:

Name: Qian Yu

Bloodline level: Ninth grade (0/1 million)

Bloodline Talent: Power of the Emperor (Behind: 300%, Master: 500%)

Martial Dao Realm: Blood Sea Realm Sixth Heaven

Spiritual Realm: Blood Sea Realm Sixth Heaven

Occupation: Alchemist (Low Level, 0/300,000) Refiner (Low Level, 0/300,000)

Strength: 1.2 million

Speed: 120,000m/s

Constitution: 1.2 million

Soul: 1.2 million

Weapons: Thundering Spear (Ultimate Level, 0/10 million) Hundred Blade Flash (Ultimate Level, 0/10 million) Titanium Battlesuit (Ultimate Level, 0/10 million)

Skills: marksmanship skills (perfect low-level! 0/3 million, 700%) mental skills (perfect low-level! 0/3 million, 700%)

Martial Skills: Meteor Spear (Earth Rank, 0/800,000, 1400%) Gale Step (Earth Rank, 0/800,000, 1400%) Flash Knife Array (Earth Rank, 0/800,000, 1400%) Titanium Rank Golden Body (Earth-level Top Grade, 0/800,000, 1400%)

Upgrade points: 780,000

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