Gao Wu: Doppelgänger Practice Too Much, Was Reported As Cheat

Chapter 41 Reaching The Top Class? No... Absolutely More Than That! Xiao Xuan Created An Ancient Com

"Hiss... Brother Xiao's smile... I always feel that something is wrong..."

"Yeah, he seems to be determined by Hua Tianming."

"It's so strange, brother Xiao looks at Hua Tianming, why does it look like he is looking at someone who has taken advantage of him?"

In the low voices of the students.

Ahead, Xiao Xuan's momentum suddenly changed.

A look of disdain for the mountains and rivers came out instantly.

Xiao Xuan slowly raised his right fist, and when the right fist was about to be thrown out, the aura had already reached its peak.

The students couldn't help opening their mouths.

Instructor Li became excited, "That's right! That's right!!"

"Absolutely top-notch! I'm absolutely right!"

At the moment when everyone's brains are short-circuited.

Xiao Xuan moved suddenly.

The lower back and spine transport the whole body's Qi and blood, and rush up along the spine.

In an instant, all the energy and blood in the whole body poured into the right arm, and the right arm, driven by the muscles of the shoulder blade, waist and back, blasted out like lightning.


Punch like a dragon!

The strength of the fist exploded suddenly, and the trembling and humming of the fist target bombarded.

After a punch.

Xiao Xuan moved in a strange posture.

Almost in Setsuna room.

The arms are retracted at a perfect angle.

And in an instant, he regained his strength.

The old strength has not been recovered,

Xinli is already gaining momentum.


The second punch hit the target in the blink of an eye.

The fist target was superimposed by the two forces, and the trembling amplitude became larger and larger.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Hua Tianming's lips turned blue, and he began to tremble.

A cry of astonishment seemed to be stuck in his throat, making him feel stuck in his throat.

"Access to the hall..."

"Absolutely top notch..."

Instructor Li yelled out at the top of his voice.

All previous doubts were swept away!

That reason is too unbelievable,

The thought that caused him to be unsure has finally been confirmed!

"Is this kid on the hook... 13 days... to step into the top class?"

Liu Zhouguang and the others all stared wide-eyed, with unbelievable horror in their eyes.

"It's horrible...Is this still a human?"

"The monster... is simply a monster!"

When people screamed,

Xiao Xuan's follow-up three punches,

A punch is as heavy as a punch, and a punch is faster than a punch!

The wind of the fist burst, and the shadow of the fist was heavy.

The deafening roar of the boxing target being hit with wild force, like a giant hammer, slammed people's heartstrings.

People were shocked...even their thoughts were stiff and slow.

Dengtang, this is Dengtang level

It is the first class that no one will have the slightest doubt about!

When Xiao Xuan finished punching five punches happily.

The screen lights up.

Average combat power value: 140.

A terrifying increase of 40% is shocking to watch.

This is such a terrifying debut class!


Before everyone had time to digest the shock.

However, Xiao Xuan's momentum did not decrease at all, but continued to climb.

A hearty laugh resounded throughout the training room.

"Haha, Hua Tianming."

"Today, I will convince you to lose!"

The voice just fell.

Xiao Xuan raised his right arm again.

On the face of the fist, the power of Qi and blood crazily condensed, gathering an extremely dangerous aura.

"Isn't the five punches over? He still wants to punch??"

"Fuck...what's the matter?"

The students were all dumbfounded. Isn't it obvious that Dragon Tiger Boxing only has five moves, so is there a follow-up?

Liu Zhouguang and Director Chen lost their voices instantly.

"That aura on the face of the fist...Damn it! It's a magical power blended with blood and aura...!"

"How could this kind of power appear in a high school student?!"

But as the Wu Zong environment powerhouse.

They figured it out in the next instant.

Xiao Xuan not only practiced boxing to the top level in thirteen days.

Also... What the hell did he create a follow-up boxing technique? !


The sixth boxing hits the target,

The huge roar caused the students to have brief tinnitus.

Everyone stared at the front, dumbfounded, at that majestic figure.


The aftermath of the last bombardment has not dissipated,

A new loud noise suddenly exploded.

The target shook wildly, as if it was about to explode at any moment.

The deafening violent noise made everyone's ears buzzing,

In my heart, it was as if a nine-day thunder fell, and my heart trembled.


Hua Tianming, who was closest to Xiao Xuan, lost his legs and fell to the ground.

But he didn't realize it,

The whole person seemed to be out of his body, but his lips trembled tremblingly.

" forms...."

"At the top styles of boxing..."

" is this possible..."

When everyone was shocked to the point of loss of consciousness.

The big screen next to the boxing target,

Has been quietly lit.

'Average combat power: 150. '

Liu Zhouguang and Director Chen, who were the first to recover, couldn't help but widen their eyes again.

Qi and blood are sealed at 100 cards.

Even with the increase in combat skills at the top level, the combat power can only reach 140.

And the new moves created by Xiao Xuan.

It even reached a terrifying 150! !

Although it seems that there is only an increase of 10%,

But this one,

But it's the difference between cloud and mud!

What does this mean?

Director Chen pointed at the big screen with trembling fingers, his voice breaking.

"The last two styles of boxing...Although they were performed according to the dragon and tiger boxing, they far exceeded the level of the original combat skills!!"

"Increased from 50%!?"

"In other words... the two moves created by Xiao Xuan have already reached the level of ancient combat skills!"

Liu Zhouguang panted wildly,

The situation in front of him has exceeded his understanding and cognition.

Liu Zhouguang didn't know how to evaluate it.

But he knew that something big had happened!

The reason why ancient combat techniques are so powerful,

Because, those are the elite combat skills that have been handed down from the glorious age countless years ago.

And now.

Practitioners of the new era simply cannot create combat skills with that level of amplification.

Therefore, the moves that have been developed in the past century can only be called combat skills.

Only those that have been passed down from ancient times can be called ancient combat techniques!

but now...

This law has stood for hundreds of years,

It was actually broken by a high school senior? !


"This kid, what a pervert!"

Liu Zhouguang couldn't hold back his foul language.

He took out his mobile phone and strode out of the training ground.

Director Chen also figured out the key point,

Immediately panicked, holding the mobile phone, and ran away.

He knew that this matter must be reported as soon as possible!

He can also imagine it.

When those bigwigs learned about this.

It will definitely cause a sensation comparable to a magnitude 8 earthquake!


Ps: The first update, the little climax is here!

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