
"Yes, just curious!"

Di Junlin seemed to convince himself.

With a curious look on his face, he took out the top-grade Dragon Spirit Tiger Pill from the system space.

The top-ranked Dragon Spirit Tiger Bold Pill has just been exposed to the air.

The aura is dozens of times stronger than that of the top-grade Dragon Spirit Tiger Pill.

Diffuse in Di Junlin's hands.

The pores in his body opened involuntarily.

The divine image within the body is even more rapidly revolving, greedily devouring these spiritual energy.

Begin to transform flesh particles into ancient giant elephants.


"Looks good?"

Di Junlin said nothing.

He stuffed the marble-sized Dragon Spirit Tiger Pill into his mouth.

The Dragon Essence Hu Meng Dan melted at the touch of his mouth, and turned into a warm current that rushed toward the kidneys throughout his body along his meridians!

Di Junlin only felt his two kidneys become extremely hot.

As if something was burning in it!

The blood in the whole body was flooded uncontrollably towards one place.

for a while.

Make Di Junlin feel that he has become extremely inflated!

The terrifying gun head seemed to pierce through the protective net and rush into the sky.

However, the most obvious change is the number of ancient giant elephants!

A dragon, spirit, tiger and fierce pill actually allowed him to instantly transform 210 ancient giant elephants!

"My giao!"

"The effect of this medicine pill is so much stronger than the previous one!"

"Why can't I control my blood to go from there???"


Di Junlin mobilized the power of the blood prison to control his own blood.

Want to disperse its swollen blood.

However, he was constantly affected by the power of the Dragon Spirit and Tiger Pill.

It simply cannot be done!

The powerful medicinal power continues to ferment.

next second.

A huge aura erupted in Di Junlin's body, and was madly absorbed by the gods and the bloodthirsty breastplate of doom!

Convert all these auras into Yuan Power and integrate them into Di Junlin's Yuan Power River!

Continue to improve his Yuan Li accumulation!

Elevate Di Junlin's breath.

A very high-quality dragon, spirit, tiger and fierce pill actually made Di Junlin's cultivation realm!

It has directly reached the peak of the four-star initial stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

It is only one step away from the mid-term of the four-star Heavenly Spirit Realm!

The only downside is that.

The blood in a certain place cannot be dissipated for a long time!

"It can really improve your cultivation!"

Di Junlin had an odd expression as he lay flat on the floor of the practice room.

A place full of blood.

Make his pose look like a "↑"!

Di Junlin hesitated for a while, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes!

"Meow, you won't die anyway!"

"You can still improve your cultivation! Then eat it to death!"

"Isn't it just swelling? What!"

"Anyway, Qianyuan is not here. When she comes back, I guess she will be fine!"

Di Junlin narrowed his eyes and kept giving himself psychological cues.

Gritting his teeth, the system space contains hundreds of top-grade dragon essence and tiger pills, Zhiyang tonifying kidney pills, and Guben Peiyuan pills...

I took them all out and put them next to me.

Pick up one of the jade bottles, and don't even look at what kind of medicine pill is in it.

Pour it straight into your mouth!

The medicinal pill melted at the touch of a mouth, turning into a stream of heat.

All towards Di Junlin's kidneys!

And the 100 pills he just swallowed like drinking water were the top-grade yang-tonifying kidney pills!

The medicinal power of these medicinal herbs began to erupt!


Di Junlin only felt his kidneys get hotter.

It was as if a scorching sun was burning between those two kidneys.

And the blood that has just started to disperse is under the action of these medicinal pills.

Crazy rush towards the same place!

Make it even scarier!

"My day!"

"No way, I feel like I'm going to explode!"

Di Junlin stood up a little in pain, and the power of the blood prison rushed towards him frantically.

Reluctantly control the blood that is rushing towards the place of the sun!

He found that he couldn't control the effect of the top-grade medicine pill.

But there is absolutely no problem with the congestion caused by the top-grade Lingjie Zhiyang Kidney-tonifying Pill.


Di Junlin activates the power of the source.

The blood in the body is rushing to other places.

Let that thing of the sun gradually return to its previous state!

While the blood gradually returned to normal, a terrifying aura erupted in his divine body.

The God Elephant Suppressing Prison Force began to run wildly again, swallowing the spiritual energy together with the Bloodthirsty Breastplate of Doom.

Transformed into pure Yuanli, and merged into the great river of Yuanli in Di Junlin's dantian.

Di Junlin's breath starts to climb!

The cultivation base is also under the blessing of huge energy!

Sudden rise!

Reached the mid-term of the four-star Heavenly Spirit Realm!

It's not over yet!

The powerful spiritual power of one hundred top-grade spiritual pills is still constantly being transformed into Yuan power.

Di Junlin's breath continues to rise!

In half a minute!

The cultivation base has been improved again!

Suddenly rushed to the late stage of the four-star Heavenly Spirit Realm!


Di Junlin frantically picked up another bottle of the top-grade spiritual elixir beside him, Guben Peiyuan Dan!

Pour it all into your mouth, transforming into a warm current that melts into Di Junlin's Chaos God.

It is different from Zhiyang Bushen Dan.

The medicinal power of Guben Peiyuan Dan is extremely mild.

It is not just rushing towards the kidneys, but flowing around the whole body.


The god-like prison-suppressing strength and the bloodthirsty breastplate of doom are constantly devouring the aura rich in Guben Peiyuan Dan.

Insanely transform into Yuan force into Di Junlin's dantian!

He just reached the late stage of the four-star Heavenly Spirit Realm!

Pushed by powerful energy again!

In half a minute!

A sudden climb!

Reaching the four-star consummation of the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

However, this time, the energy transformed by one hundred Guben Peiyuan Dan had been used up.

With the continuous improvement of Di Junlin's cultivation realm!

The Yuan Force he needs is also increasing!

"not enough!"

"Come again!"

This time, Di Junlin directly poured all the top-grade spiritual pills beside him into his mouth!

Nearly 300 top-grade spiritual pills from Qi Jing Zhi Kui Pill, Tian Yin Gu Shen Pill, and Hui Yuan Wu Zang Pill were transformed into a huge torrent of spiritual energy the moment they entered his mouth.

The huge spiritual energy rushed towards all parts of the body.

Wash and refine all the organs, meridians, bones of Di Junlin!

Most of them go towards the kidneys!

The blood just returned to normal, and the riot started again!

Insanely contained by Di Junlin's Blood Prison Force!

With the medicinal power of three hundred spirit-level top-grade medicinal pills flooded, I am afraid that place is really going to explode!

Never let it go!

at the same time!

The Bloodthirsty Breastplate of Doom and Illustrious Infernal Force devour these aura energies frantically.

The initial flesh particles in the body are constantly transformed into ancient giant elephants.

More and more powerful blood fills Di Junlin's Chaos God!

Drive the Chaos Divine Body to improve together.

Di Junlin's breath broke through the shackles of the four-star Heavenly Spirit Realm at this moment!

An even more powerful aura filled the entire training room!

His cultivation level improved in an instant!

Reach the early stage of the five-star Tianling realm!

"It's still not enough!"

"I'm going to be stronger!"

"People are not cruel, and their roots are unstable!"

With a hint of madness, Di Junlin's blood-colored pupils swallowed the remaining dozens of top-grade elixir in his mouth.

Only the delay elongation elixir and seven times a night elixir are not used!

The cultivation base that has just begun to slow down the promotion!

Under the action of dozens of high-grade top-grade medicinal pills!

The boost is even crazier!

In a second!

Heavenly Spirit Realm five-star mid-term...

Heavenly Spirit Realm Five-Star Late Stage...

Heavenly Spirit Realm Five-Star Consummation......


"No! It's going to explode!"


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