"There is no Heiyou Swamp!"

"Those evil spirits outside the plateau settlement have lost their original power!"

"At that time, not only will the strength plummet, but even survival will be a problem!"

Lin Yijian said quickly.

The scene around the two was changing rapidly, in just two seconds.

They have already crossed a small plateau settlement.

Lin Yijian's speed was no slower than Yuan Zishan's.

"Elder Jian, what exactly is the Black Nether Swamp?"

"Why does it become the source supply of the evil clan?"

"And what do you mean by the nightmare training ground you said earlier?"

"In the black secluded swamp, are all the nightmare-level evil spirits?"

In Di Junlin's blood-red eyes, the fighting spirit began to burn.

asked curiously.

"That's right!"

"Heiyou Swamp used to be a special natural secret realm, and the resources in it are extremely rich."

"Twenty years ago, an inexplicable space crack opened in the Black Nether Swamp."

"Countless evil spirits poured out from that space crack, killing all the strong human beings who guarded the Black Nether Swamp in our Daxia Kingdom."

"They seem to be able to control the power of the secluded swamp in the black secluded swamp and devour and dissolve the primordial energy in humans!"

"Fighting in the black secluded swamp, the loss of Yuan energy from the body will be ten times that of the outside world!"

"Besides that, there are six major races in it!"

"They are: Evil Marsh Otter, Evil Marsh Shrew, Evil Marsh Spider, Evil Poison Toad, Evil Nematode, Evil Marsh Hull!"

"These six evil races can exert extraordinary power in the black secluded swamp, King's Landing boy, you must be careful!"

"Give me the serial number of your watch, and I will transfer the specific information to your smart watch now."

"Okay!" Di Junlin responded immediately.

Lin Yijian released a soul power to light up the black smart watch on his wrist.

The five fingers of the right hand have already squeezed the cyan long sword in his hand.

The whole body is surging.

The aura of the Four Stars of the Earth Emperor Realm rose to the sky.

Sword qi spreads all over his body.

He just doesn't know why, he always feels like he forgot something.

never mind.

The Black Swamp is here!

Lin Yijian and Di Junlin's bodies instantly passed through the energy barrier covering the plateau settlement.

Plateau settlements outside.

Di Junlin looked up, and it was pitch black before his eyes.

The originally clear sky was engulfed by a touch of extreme darkness.

The entrance of the black secluded swamp is like a huge mouth opened by a man-devouring beast.

Devouring everything that spreads between heaven and earth.

That touch of extreme darkness is spreading towards the plateau settlement.

The human powerhouses who had no time to return to the plateau settlements outside the city were swallowed up by the darkness.


"Get out of here and kill them!"

The roar of human beings, the sound of Yuan force bursting and exploding.

Evil chewing, human screams, and wailing became the "background music" under the darkness.



A gigantic bird with swamp gas permeating its entire body and merging with evil fluttered its wings.

The fleshy wings turned into steel blades in an instant, and the wind roared in the ears of Di Junlin and Lin Yijian.

If it is hit by its fleshy wings, even Lin Yijian, the emperor of the earth, will not feel well.

This evil spirit who suddenly attacked Di Junlin and Lin Yijian was also in the realm of Earth Emperor!

The violent and vicious evil spirit on his body enveloped Di Junlin and Lin Yijian.

Want to erode their body and soul.

"court death!"

Lin Yijian shouted angrily.

The vitality in the body swayed, and the two fingers of the left hand waved at the head of the evil swamp scorpion.

The azure sword energy radiating all over the body lit up in the boundless darkness.

These sword qi instantly smashed the surrounding evil qi.

It didn't stop, but continued to pierce towards the Evil Swamp Hu in the Earth Emperor Realm.

"Clang clang clang!"

Hundreds of cyan sword qi fell on the huge fleshy wings of this evil swamp eagle, and sparks flew everywhere.

The power of the Earth Emperor Realm not only condensed the power of their own source domain, but also used the power of artistic conception to an extraordinary degree.

And Lin Yijian's artistic conception is the same as his name!

Named a sword!

"Sword! Condensate!"

Lin Yijian's eyes were like reality, and two sword lights shot out from it.

The cyan sword energy in the mid-air was dotted with his sword fingers.

Fusion directly!

It condensed into a ten-meter-long giant sword, and the blue light penetrated the darkness.

Sharp, gusty, and irresistible momentum burst out from above that green sword.


A terrified scream suddenly resounded through the space.

The cyan giant sword left a cyan afterimage on the spot, and the blade turned into a cyan light in the air.


The cyan sword tip penetrated the black fleshy wings of the Evil Swamp Hu in the Emperor Realm.

Cut off this half of the fleshy wings of the Evil Swamp Hu in the Emperor Realm!

The blue-black blood spurted out, and the evil spirit spread everywhere.


"Other land emperors are coming here, I'll take you in first!"

"Among the information sent to you, there is a map in the Black Secluded Swamp."

"I leave a sword mark on your body now, which can sense the position of my stupid apprentice."

"If she's still alive, you kid can take her out as much as possible."

"If she dies, she can only blame herself."

Lin Yijian did not pursue the victory, and the outside of the plateau settlement was engulfed by darkness.

It made his own energy consumption more than five times faster than usual.

The sword just now was only the power to motivate the mood.

Not only did it cost him half of his soul power, but it also consumed one-sixth of the primordial energy in his dantian.

If it is dragged, even if it is to kill the Evil Swamp Hu of the Earth Emperor Realm just now.

It will also make him and Di Junlin both besieged by other evil spirits.

Lin Yijian squeezed the sword in his hand, and the brand of the original skill tree in his palm flashed wildly.

A cyan sword-shaped brand was condensed out by it and slapped directly on the back of Di Junlin's left hand.

Then pulled Di Junlin and quickly changed positions.

Approaching the giant mouth of the Black Nether Swamp.


"Want to run?"

The Earth Emperor Realm Evil Swamp Hu, who was hit hard by Lin Yijian just now, let out a roar.

The only one left wing swept the wind, and the methane drove the power of heaven and earth in the space.

A small hurricane formed in the dark.

I want to delay the speed of Lin Yijian and Di Junlin.

Other powerhouses of the same clan, temporarily get rid of the locks of those human powerhouses.

Coming as fast as possible.

As long as he dragged Di Junlin and Lin Yijian for two seconds, he would be able to devour these two damned humans.

Even if he himself can't directly shoot at the weak weather realm.

It can also call out the same clan in the Heavenly King Realm in the Black Nether Swamp.

Under his own pressure, this human being is still impossible to resist.

"Dare to come?"

"Today, kill you!"

Lin Yijian didn't pay any attention to the hurricane that was rushing wildly not far away.

Countless cyan sword shadows gathered behind him.

Is it really easy to bully me?

"King's Landing, here we come!"

"You go in first, these evil spirits are handed over to me!"


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