Gao Wu: After Being Expelled, Start To Upgrade Infinitely!

Chapter 67 Continue The Deduction, A0Yuan Cells

The female staff looked at the combat power index that kept appearing on the screen of the precise combat power detection machine.

There were various changes in shock, consternation, and sluggishness on her face!

Although she knew that Fang Yu was already a junior grandmaster, she couldn't help but stunned when she saw Fang Yu's battle strength test.

"Is it alright?"

Fang Yu stopped punching the precision combat power detection machine, he said to the female staff member.

The female staff member listened to Fang Yu's words, she reacted and looked at Fang Yu in horror.

"But... that's fine, Master Fang Yu."

The female staff member nodded at Fang Yu immediately.

Immediately, the female staff member hurriedly took Fang Yu to change the realm information, and Fang Yu also obtained the golden one-star Jiaolong badge that only junior masters can have.

I did not continue to stay too much in the Martial Arts Alliance.

In addition to detecting combat power and changing information, he also remembered other things.

After deducing the Star Gathering Yuan Technique, one hundred Yuan cells appeared in his body.

But he knew that 100 metacells was not the limit, and he could continue to deduce.

It's just that his talent doesn't allow him to continue playing.

Now that the Jiaolong battle body has been upgraded to the real dragon battle body, it is natural to continue to deduce the original cell.

After returning to Villa 36, ​​Fang Yu got into the room and began to deduce meta cells.

After the Jiaolong battle body was upgraded to the real dragon battle body, his brain capacity expanded a lot.

Continuing to deduce meta-cells is not a problem at all!

Time passed by!

Sweat also rolled down Fang Yu's forehead one by one.


After more than an hour, Fang Yu let out a long breath.

The meta cell has been successfully deduced by him!

After the deduction, the meta-cells can directly understand that there are many meta-cells in his body.

A full 1,000 yuan cells!

Fang Yu was secretly excited. One hundred primordial cells were in the sss-level training room, and the speed at which they absorbed primal qi was already so terrifying.

Now that there are a thousand primordial cells in his body, the speed of absorbing primal qi can be imagined.

Go and experience it.

Fang Yu did not stay in Villa No. 36, but headed towards the training area of ​​Tenglong Martial Arts Hall.

It didn't take long for Fang Yu to arrive at the training area of ​​the Tenglong Martial Arts Hall, which was still the sss-level training room.

The staff guarding the sss-class training room watched Fang Yu come again, and were almost scared apart.

At such an early time, Grandmaster Fang Yu came to absorb the vitality, so the vitality in this sss-level training room will undoubtedly be absorbed and exhausted again.

"Master Fang Yu, you are here again."

The staff greeted Fang Yu respectfully.

Fang Yu nodded.

Then, he walked into the sss-level training room in front of him.

After arriving at the sss-level training room, he sat cross-legged on the ground and began to operate the thousand yuan cells in his body.

A primordial cell was running wildly, and the primordial qi in this sss-level training room began to continuously enter his body.

"Energy + 100,000!"

"Energy + 100,000!"

"Energy + 100,000!"

Looking at the data on the increase in vitality in his mind, Fang Yu's face became very exciting.

Whether it is the value or speed of absorbing vitality, a thousand meta cells are much stronger than a hundred meta cells.

He closed his eyes, stopped thinking about other things, and continued to absorb the vitality in the sss-level training room.

One hour!

That's right, one hour!

Fang Yu absorbed the vitality of this sss-level training room.

The sss-level vitality that was originally full of vitality has become bleak at this time, as if it has lost its life.

Absorbing vitality at such a speed and such a numerical value will also increase the combat power very quickly.

Fang Yu didn't want to practice only in the secret realm derived from the system.

He came out of the sss-class training room!

The staff guarding the sss-level training room were thinking, when Grandmaster Fang Yu will absorb and deplete the vitality in the sss-level training room a few times today...

Fang Yu appeared before his eyes.

"Master Fang Yu...!"

When the staff member saw Fang Yu coming out of the sss-class training room, he secretly let out a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of relief.

He originally thought that Fang Yu would absorb the vitality in the sss-level training room for a long time today, but it does not seem to be the case now.

It's only been an hour in the past!

Judging from the speed at which Fang Yu absorbed the vitality in the sss-level training room several times, Fang Yu did not completely absorb the vitality in the sss-level training room this time.

In this way, he will be much more relaxed!

He is just a small staff member who just wants to rotten every day, salted fish life!

You must know that the primeval stone looks small, but its quality is terrifying. An ordinary primeval stone can weigh more than two hundred kilograms.

"Master Fang Yu, it won't be absorbed after an hour, is there something wrong with you?"

The staff are smiling.

"It's all right."

Fang Yu looked at the staff member in front of him inexplicably, he didn't understand why the staff member asked this question.


The staff were surprised.

But since there is nothing to do, why come out of the sss-level training room.

Is it simply that you don't want to absorb vitality?

"The vitality of this sss-level training room is gone."

Fang Yu pointed to the sss-level training room and said.

As soon as this word comes out.

If the staff member was struck by lightning, his pupils shrank quickly.

Then he waved his hand at Fang Yu and said with a smile:

"Impossible Master Fang Yu, I changed the primeval stone after you left yesterday. The vitality in the sss-level training room is very sufficient."

Fang Yu listened to the staff member, and he understood why he asked him if he was okay just now.

With a thousand primordial cells in the body, the speed and value of absorbing primordial qi have undergone great changes.

The vitality in an SSSS-level training room was completely absorbed within an hour, which was indeed incredible.

"Go in and have a look."

Fang Yu knew that he had to let the staff member experience it for himself before he could be convinced.

The staff member listened to Fang Yu's words, and a bad premonition appeared in his body.

After entering this sss-level training room, the staff urged the vitality technique.

I go! ! !

The staff member found that there was no vitality at all in the sss-level training room.

"This this this..."

The staff were horrified and had no idea what was going on.

He didn't understand either.

How fast is Fang Yu absorbing vitality?

This is an SSSS-level training room.

In just one hour, all the vitality in an sss-level training room was absorbed and exhausted?

Does this world really exist?

Although the staff did not believe it, he also knew that he had to believe it.

Because it's true!


The staff member's mentality collapsed, and it seems that Xianyu's life will be gone from now on.

After he came out of the training room, facing Fang Yu, he didn't dare to show any slights, and immediately went to move the primeval stone.

After a while, the vitality of this sss-level training room returned to its peak!

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