Game Production: Opening Honkai Impact 3rd, The Knife Crying Players

Chapter 92 Fu Hua Hammered Otto To Death, The Players Cried With Excitement

Players have been waiting for this day for a long time.

As soon as the update was over, they picked up their mobile phones and started logging into the game.

Unlike before.

This time, the number of people watching the live broadcast is 40% less than before.

These players who haven't watched the live broadcast are naturally impatient, and have saved a lot of physical strength to wait for the update of the plot.

It's not...

Just finished the update and started playing.

Sister Zhou is the same.

Since the first meeting on the first day of the new year, Lin Yuhao looked at the words of the children, which lingered in her mind.

In the past few days, I played the previous plot as a whole, and experienced what Lin Yuhao wanted to express.

Now I can't wait to open the main line.

The barrage in the live broadcast room has been urging for a long time.

Click on the latest mainline.

At the beginning, it is explosion information.

In the boundless darkness, the deceased immortal became conscious...  

A lively voice appeared: "Hey! Wake up, you've slept too long.

with the appearance of sound.

There are also two options on the screen:...I...who.....?'"

Basically, when most players see this option, they will subconsciously choose the first one.

Sister Zhou is the same.

The lively voice reappeared: "Oh, don't do this! It's different now, your brain is not damaged at all. Hurry up and look through the memory bank to find out who you are, we still have a lot to ask."

next second.

The question arises again: "Who are you?"

The lively voice replied: "I'm your 'I', okay? It's the most original and true you.

Then an ethereal voice emerged: "I am the 'superego'. Don't worry, you are not schizophrenic or crazy, we are you."

The lively voice went on to say: The 'self' has not yet been born, because you do not yet know who you are. Go back quickly, without any one, "You are who you are.

The so-called 'id', 'ego' and 'superego' are the three major parts of the spirit. The "id" (completely subconscious) represents desire,11 which is repressed by the conscious mind; the "ego" (mostly conscious) is responsible for dealing with real-world affairs; the "superego" (partly conscious) is the conscience or inner moral judgment.

Only the coexistence of the three can be called a complete true soul.

"who I am?"

hold this question.

'She' began to recall...

Infinite memories came flooding in, instantly making 'she' feel like a solitary leaf floating in a piece of Wang Yang, glowing in the vast sea of ​​stars, so small...

Countless pictures flashed in my mind.

A girl standing alone in the cold wind, a warrior in armor and holding a golden sword, a ruthless killer, an independent immortal, a school's maverick squad leader...  

Self: "They are all you."

Superego: "They were you."


I also appeared.

"They're a part of you, understand? There's no time to delay, once your brain signal fluctuates, he'll soon find out about your..."


Ben explained at once: "Otto Apocalis. Read the memory, he's in the back."

Self: "He's the Bishop of Destiny, your old friend, the only one who knows you're alive..."

Superego: "A liar, a murderer..."

I: "Let's talk about it later, see where you are now!"

The story of this chapter begins.

It makes players feel very new.

Especially these three kinds of 'I' dialogues, each of which has a different personality, is really innovative and interesting.

Get everyone interested in an instant.

The plot continues.

You opened your eyes and saw that you were in a life-sustaining warehouse, with a cold, creamy liquid surrounding your body.

A few clumps of bubbles rise, past your line of sight, to the top of the water's forehead.

The narration of the narration makes players feel that this is what they are saying to themselves.

Sister Zhou also remembered what Lin Yuhao said about "VR Collapse III". Now the production here should be an attempt. Maybe after the device is released later, can you experience a different feeling again?

Thinking of her, she is looking forward to it, and then you must push the plot again (a real man, not afraid of tears, not afraid of knives!).

The plot is still developing.

Ego said, "This device is keeping you alive, and he seems to have healed all your wounds—including that one."

The superego said, "This may be his atonement."

Ben said, "It's more or less imprisoned."

What are you going to do?

The options appear again.

'View survival pods'

'Look out of the cabin'

'try to leave'

Sister Zhou thought about it and chose the first one.

According to his own memory, he recognized that this was the most advanced treatment cabin of NX-189 Destiny.

The superego also says: "Even by the standards of the above era, it is the most advanced."

The options resurfaced.

This time she wasted no time.

After all, I would love to see what happens next.

Just chose the third one.

Superego: "This pod can only be opened by entering commands from the terminal."

I: "Haha, this is not a problem in front of your fist!"

How to do?

The choice is yours.

Look at the last word that comes up.

And the options that appear: 'Destroy the pod' or 'Unlock the pod'.

Sister Zhou chose to unlock it first.

The ego says, "It can't be done. You're stuck inside and can't do anything outside. You have an easier way, don't you?"

Whether it is 'ego' or 'id', it basically implies that she chooses the first one.


The text reappeared on the screen: You feel your hands, clench your fists. The ten fingers and the bones of the hand send you solid and reliable greetings, you feel as if you have infinite power, and the condition of this body is so good.

Self: "Do you remember when and where such health was? Five hundred years ago? Maybe. Too long, really too long."

I: "This is the real you! Do it now!"

With the urging of 'I'.

A violent punch slammed forward.


The entire hatch was completely smashed, and the liquid that wrapped the body was quickly evacuated, taking away all the pressure, leaving only relaxation and comfort.

You gently step out of the pod and put your feet on the ground.

A familiar voice sounded, looking towards the door, only to see a blond man smiling.

A reminder to the ego: "He is Otto Apocalis.

Ben I also said: "The relationship between you and him is indescribable."

Superego: "He claimed to be your friend and lied to you."

Otto didn't know what was going on in her mind.

With the same attitude as always, he said: "Don't you say hello? Well, it's okay. After all, you have just Su Xing, and you still need continuous observation and treatment."

"Although the test results show that you have fully recovered, you have never regained consciousness. I am always worried that something is wrong."

"You don't blame me, old friend? Are you... alright? Do you recognize me?"

hear him.

The id immediately became active in my mind: "You know him even if you turn into ashes, so just tell him that.

The superego is more stable: "Let's see what his plans are, we can't attack people without weapons.

I: "Huh?? This person can change weapons at any time!"

I finally said: "Ask him why you are here."

Sister Zhou follows her own words.

chose to ask this question.

Otto answered truthfully: "Because I don't want you to die."

He laughed to himself: "We've known each other for a long time, old friend. I know you won't die from a brain injury, but I don't want to delay another twenty years.

"At the end of the day, you don't owe me anything, and I shot you. So I brought you back and healed your wounds."

The superego couldn't help but sigh: "How good at whitewashing his own evil this person is."

The ego also said: "He is a viper, but..."

The more evasive id interrupted: "There is no but! He killed you, he caused Honkai, and killed everyone in St. Freya, he has no regrets!"

Otto had no idea what was going on in her mind.

Just said: "Okay, old friend, this is not the place to talk..."

I interrupted again: "Do you still dare to trust him? He will betray you without hesitation! Think carefully about how he treated you at that time."

in memory.

That golden gun, that voice: "Immortal Chiyuan, I'm not lying!"

Gunshots sounded.

Memories are interrupted.

Unbelievably, I clearly remembered that there was no pain at the time, but now I recall it, I just feel heartbroken.

I also continued to support the fire: "That's it! It's this kind of pain.... Let him taste the pain you have suffered too!!"

The superego also came out to agree: "He is the most dangerous man on earth, and his evil plots must be stopped.

Self: "Now is the best chance, right?"


Sister Zhou did not look at the second option at all.

Seeing that she could kill Otto now, she didn't hesitate even for half a second.

Because she felt that as long as there was a half-point of hesitation, she would be sorry for the plots she re-posted, Qiyana, and fans.

Ben also immediately shouted: "Kill him!!!"

Driven by this scream in my head.

You walk towards Otto Apocalis.

"Wait a minute, old friend, I..."

As soon as Otto opened his mouth, before he could finish speaking, he saw a ruthless iron hand, stubbornly grabbed his head, sealed his mouth, and slammed him against the wall.

even so.

That hand didn't even want to let go, and pressed him firmly against the wall.

Otto Apocalis looked at you, and he seemed to want to say something, but from the mouth that you had firmly grasped, only a few meaningless notes floated out, and it was impossible to determine what it meant.

Superego: "How sad!"

Self: "He deserves it."

I: "Hey hey hey~ la la la la~"

Accompanying me humming a relaxed and pleasant tune, you slapped that handsome face hard... slapped it down.

see here.

The players were so excited that they almost cried.

Sister Zhou even covered her face and cried.

Do not!

Weeping with joy, she shouted: "Cool! It's really cool, I've finally waited for this day, Otto! Damn Otto! Beat me hard, and hammer this Otto to death.

Players are also crazy barrage.

"I'm so excited to cry, Lehayou I love you 773, killing Alto in such an immersive way is my wish!"

"It really made me take revenge, Otto! I can finally hammer you to death."

Nice job! Afu, hammer harder!"

"The sound of Otto's soulsteel body crunching under my fist is really beautiful."

"This wave......... This wave is the coolest plot I've ever played!"

"Ahahahaha! I like this main line, and I like this plot!"

"Otto's son, it's finally in my hands, I won't hammer you to death!"

"When I go to play in a while, I will repeat this section a dozen times!"

Countless barrages poured out.

Sister Zhou couldn't see what was posted at all, so she was immediately brushed up.

The number of such barrages is simply the most in her live broadcast career.

It can be seen from this.

The player's resentment and hatred for Otto have reached to what extent.

Especially...In the previous Lei Lu's plot, Lin Yuhao also specially released the picture of Otto at the end, frantically superimposing the player's anger against Otto.

And now in the plot.

It seems to allow players to vent their anger better.

Even though the screen was black, the sound of the punch and the sound of the soul steel being smashed, kept ringing.

Know after ten seconds.

I don't know how many punches were thrown.

The screen gradually cooled down.

In the picture, the entire Destiny Headquarters had turned into a sea of ​​fire, countless buildings were destroyed, countless gunpowder smoke filled the air, and countless alarms sounded.

The entire Destiny headquarters seems to be in chaos.

at last.

The screen came to Otto's side.

Here in the pod.

Hollander has already rushed over.

But there is no flashy figure here, only the body of Otto Apocalis, who is lying on the ground, twisted and dented with soul steel.

The pupils that have lost their high light and the twisted neck have proved that this body has completely lost its life and soul, and it is a complete household body.

see this scene.

No one is sad.

Players only feel extremely excited, extremely excited.

Someone laughed out loud...

Some people cry with joy...  

Some people go crazy with joy...  

Someone is applauding...  

Almost...everything is celebrating, and it's all joyful because the negative emotions that have accumulated in my heart for many months have dissipated.

Also, the person who made the move.

It also makes them like it very much.

In my heart, I also have a slight affection for Le Hayou.

After all... this beginning specifically uses 'you' to refer to the player, to increase the player's sense of substitution and better vent their emotions. .

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