Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 88: First Night on Dragonstone

At night, when Viserys went to the merchant ship to pick up "Daenerys" into the castle in the dark, he suddenly saw a cluster of blushes appearing on the deck of the Seduion.

He quickly saw clearly that standing in the bright red halo was a priestess wearing a red robe. Her flaming red sacrificial robe shone in the subtle light of the night.

It was the Red God priest who had been under house arrest in Astapor and wandered half the world with Viserys and his party. Viserys remembered her name, Fremi.

It seemed that after the Unsullied who were responsible for guarding her were sent to the battlefield, she used some unknown means to get out of the cabin where she was under house arrest.

She seemed to be waiting for Viserys to appear, until Viserys approached the merchant ship, and she used some magic to create a strange red halo on the deck.

"This war," Fremi said in a calm and melodious voice from the deck, like a prayer, "you are involved in it, you need me, you all need me. Although we don't know when, where, or even why. , but the Holy Fire guided me here to guide you to the truth."

Viserys ignored her nagging, flew straight into the room, and shouted to the Unsullied team who was always guarding the door: "Go and arrest the priest."

Flemy was still saying: "Dragon, Demon Dragon Knight, I know your true nature."

The priest's words frightened Daenerys, and she looked at Viserys nervously.

Viserys ordered coldly: "Bring her in."

Two Unsullied brought the Priestess into the room.

Viserys spoke: "Let her go, and everyone will guard outside the passage."

The priest of the Red God remained calm as usual, looking at Viserys in the dim room.

Viserys said calmly: "I thought you were all afraid of the darkness of the night, so the flames kept burning at night and you prayed for the dawn, but it doesn't seem to be the case."

The priest of the Red God did not answer Viserys's words, and just said to himself: "Everyone is involved in this war. The war between the two true gods. Not seven, not one, not a hundred, not a thousand, only two Bit! This war is not about who becomes the king of one country or one place. The war starts from the beginning of the world. Before the judgment comes, everyone must choose a side. One side is Allah R'hllor, the King of Light, the Heart of the Holy Flame. , the god of shadows and fire; on the other side is the ancient god who is incomprehensible to mortals, the god of darkness, the soul of black ice, the god of night and fear.”

Fremi's voice seemed to pulse rhythmically. "See clearly the nature of the world. The truth surrounds you. Everything is clear at a glance. The night is dark and everything is dangerous. The day is bright and prosperous. One black, one white. One ice, one fire. Hate and love, bitter and sweet, female and male. , pain and joy, winter and summer, evil and justice, our choice is life and death, our choice is light and darkness.”

"Are you done?"

The priest of the Red God's eyes were bright and he spoke piously and bluntly: "You don't believe me, and you still doubt R'hllor's will. But you are already in it. Please think carefully about my words."

Viserys asked: "What does your holy fire tell you about my essence?"

"The dragon has three heads." The priest of the Red God smiled, "Whether you were one before or not, you are now." She turned up her blood-red skirt and bowed slightly, then fell silent.

Viserys looked at the priestess and smiled indifferently: "If this is the way you interpret the holy fire and preach to me, then you still need to practice your words." He didn't give the priest time to answer, and faced the door. Shout, "Guards!"

The Unsullied guards in the passage approached and knocked on the door to enter the room. Viserys ordered: "Go and tell Captain Grolei that the room will be returned to him."

The voice came from a giant dragon, but no one doubted it and immediately obeyed. After guarding the door for so long, if he didn't guess the truth at all, then the mind of the Unsullied guard is questionable.

"The rest of the people, pack up the things in the room and put them on the deck. After packing, you don't need to be on duty tonight, and everyone can go back to the cabin to rest. Move the things to the castle early tomorrow morning." After saying that, Viserys looked at Daenerys, "Dany , release the baby dragon and let’s go home.”

No one paid any attention to the priests of the Red God.

When Daenerys released the baby dragon and led it to climb onto Viserys' back, Viserys said: "You guessed wrong, Flemy, I will not lock you up. I will give you freedom."

With that said, Viserys spread his wings and flew out of the window, heading straight for the castle.

Not long after, Viserys returned to the Drum Tower and the Table Hall.

Daenerys was shocked by the words that came out of the priestess's mouth, which seemed to be some kind of truth about the world. She couldn't help asking Viserys: "What was she just saying?"

Viserys said distressed: "She is saying that we are in a war between her god and another god, and she thinks we are important."

"What about us?" Daenerys didn't know what to say.

Viserys couldn't help but look at the young dragon that flew back with him, and said, "Don't take it too seriously. If someone tells us that the sky is going to fall, but doesn't tell us when the sky will fall or how, and is just throwing out riddles, is it possible? Do we just worry about whether the sky will fall every day and don’t do our own thing?”

This is actually what Viserys expected to happen. In a world where the true god exists, it is impossible to hide from the sight of the god forever. Eating the sugar coating and throwing away the shells is wishful thinking.

And it’s not like you can eat all the sugar coating.

The key is to know that God has made a bet on you, how can you mediate it and come up with the consciousness to be a chess piece?

The humblest chess piece also has its own desires, not to mention that the two chess pieces himself and Daenerys are not humble at present.

Daenerys nodded confusedly.


This is the first floor of a dark cell.

The underground prison on Dragonstone is very dark and cannot see the light of day. The back half of the cell was still immersed in darkness, although there were torches set into ledges on the corridor walls and a faint, flickering orange light shone through the ancient iron bars. It was also humid, which was to be expected in a place like Dragonstone, since the sea was so close. It also had rats in it, just like any dark cell, if not more.

But this new group of people were lucky, and all the rats ran away today.

It's usually warm in the flat rock passages under Dragonstone, and it's said that the farther down you go, the hotter it gets.

Count Gunther was imprisoned here last time, but his status this time is completely different.

"Can His Majesty the King defeat the dragon when he comes back?" Someone was talking in the prison. "The dragon is actually not that big, right? The three heads look scary, but only the middle one can breathe fire. To be honest, that dragon Looks really weird."

"The Targaryen crest looks like that, but no one told me that it was true."

"Velaryon's seahorse is also real, and Celtigar's crab is also real. It can be seen that their family crests from Valyria all have something in common, that is, they are genuine. It's just that you didn't realize it, idiot."

"Hahaha." They laughed, as if laughter could cover up the shock that had lasted from morning until now.

Some people speculated: "The dragon must not have reached adulthood yet. His Majesty the King has two hundred warships and Ms. Melisandre, so he should be able to defeat it."

Someone shouted: "Then why should we surrender?"

"It will change, sometimes it will be bigger and sometimes it will be smaller. Damn, who knows what kind of magic it has. You know?"

Someone said: "Ser Axell, you saw the future in the holy fire and saw His Majesty Stannis sitting on the Iron Throne, didn't you?"

"One country, one God, one king! Queen Selyse said no! But you! You swore allegiance to King Stannis -" This voice is very familiar to Earl Gunther, it is Ser Axel, he often threatens others, Discourteous and irritable.

"—and his heir, Princess Shireen."

Someone ridiculed: "If you had drawn your sword at the dragon on the stone arch bridge, Sir Axel, I would have been the first to follow you. But where were you at that time? It's a pity that I didn't see you swing your sword at the dragon. , otherwise we must be lighting a bonfire next to the dragon's corpse and chanting blessings to the Lord of Light. The minstrel will write a song for you: The Song of Yaser the Dragon Slayer." He hummed a tuneless tune.


Someone's tone was indifferent and desperate: "If you had been on the mountain road at that time, you wouldn't have thought this way, Uncle Yaser. King Targaryen suddenly appeared on a giant dragon. Its roar was terrifying, and it flew over before everyone could react. Above us, flames fell from the sky like rain, and the twenty or so people in the front were burned to death by the fire. The commander you sent, Sir Foss, was killed by the dragon's first breath. I should think about myself. Shameful, but that's what I thought. In front of me was Old Ser Griever, who technically took command of the team. I really hoped that he would listen to the Targaryen king and lead us to surrender. For God's sake! Wasn't the Florent family a member of the royalist party more than ten years ago? Wasn't old Sir Griffith also at Storm's End when he was besieging the castle? But what he shouted was 'disperse', and I was confused at that time. He yelled 'disperse' after him."

Ser Axel yelled angrily: "Do you know what you are talking about? You kissed the king's hand in the main hall and swore allegiance to King Stannis! Traitor! I knew Alister would take you to change gods like boots. Whatever, no honor—"

This Florentine, who was born in the Florentine branch, had previously followed Lord Alister and Renly, and later switched to Stannis, interrupting Axel's scolding: "Traitor? Do you want me to remind you, the people on the mountain road The battle ended later than in the castle! When you surrendered, I was still fighting the Targaryens. Two of my squires gave their lives for King Stannis, and I was wounded for him. , Do you want me to show you the wound? I am stating the fact that King Targaryen has a dragon, three dragons, you know what this means! Even a fleet of a thousand ships cannot defeat a dragon. of Dragonstone, and as long as King Targaryen is here"

He did not continue.


The prison fell into a brief silence as the quarrel between the two Florens ended.

"Hey, let me tell you, you don't know how lucky that kid Misuo is." Someone sighed and broke the silence and said, "I saw with my own eyes that Misuo was sprayed out by a giant dragon from the city wall tower. The flames rushed down the cliff and just happened to hang on the tree trunk on the edge of the cliff. Ah, that boy has always been very lucky. I have always envied him. King Targaryen will definitely try his best to protect his armor. Get his body up. Maybe the dragon will fly over and get it himself. He's so lucky!"


"Ahem." Count Gunther coughed lightly.

"Look, who is here." Everyone in the prison looked at him.

Someone asked him: "Lord Gunther, have you kissed King Targaryen's hand? How do his hands smell? Have they been washed? Do they smell of blood or fire?"

A few dry laughs sounded in the prison.

Count Gunther said: "Sir Arniel, the king asked me to find Sir Arniel, the quartermaster."

Someone joked: "Which king?" But no one in the prison answered him.

The honest Lord Gunther still gave the answer: "King Viserys Targaryen."

Someone in a prison responded: "The King of Targaryen is looking for me?"

"My king wants you to identify the bodies, Ser Arnell. Tomorrow, His Majesty will hold a funeral for the dead on both sides in the cemetery. The king hopes that their names will be engraved on their tombstones so that his relatives and friends can find him in the cemetery in the future."

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