Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 86 Reclaiming Dragonstone

"The dragon is coming to eat me!"

Princess Shireen hid in the corner of the room and shivered. She had had nightmares many times before, dreaming that the dragon was going to eat her.

When Master Cressen was alive, he told her that the dragon was dead and could never be resurrected.

After that day, although Princess Shireen still bothered the maids and her queen mother when they talked about the red comet in the sky and said it was 'dragon's breath', she gradually stopped having nightmares about being eaten by dragons.

But today, the dragon really appeared.

Just above the castle.

That huge body was bigger than any dragon statue carved on the castle, and his three heads were more ferocious than any dragon head statue carved on it.

The maid went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her, but she has not returned yet. Her mother does not know where she is. Princess Shireen is the only one in the princess's room at the moment.

After the dragon appeared in the castle, Princess Shireen was so frightened that she was at a loss and could only huddle in a corner and cry in panic.


The terrifying sound of wings flapping outside the tower reached her ears, and the scorching wind rushed into the room from the window. Princess Shireen covered her mouth in panic, but she had already seen the huge dragon outside her room. The stone arch bridge fell.

What frightened her even more was that the giant dragon shrank its body to four or five feet in size and entered her room through the door of the arch bridge.

The knight on the dragon's back asked her loudly: "Where is your mother?"

The sound sounded like the roar of a dragon to her ears.

Princess Shireen burst into tears.

"Ah! Protect Your Highness the Princess! The King of Light protects me!"

At this moment, several guards emerged from the door at the other end of the arch bridge. They were all panic-stricken, but they still drew their swords and charged towards Viserys.


Dragon flames erupted from the center of Viserys's head as he looked back. None of these armored guards were spared from being knocked away by the huge impact of the flame rays. Several of them were blown away and fell to the doorway on the other side of the arch bridge. It was difficult to tell whether they were alive or dead. Two of them tried to dodge, but were thrown away by the huge impact. They screamed and smashed into the short guardrail of the arch bridge, and fell from the arch bridge to the bottom of the tower.

A woman who looked like a maid appeared from the stairs going down from the tower with a cry. She was stared at by the right side of Viserys's head. She was frightened and fainted on the spot.

Viserys's three heads looked at the girl huddled in the corner again, and asked the same question: "Where is your mother?" A loud bell-like voice echoed inside and outside the tower.

"Stop!" A woman screamed outside, "Don't hurt my daughter! Don't touch her!"

Princess Shireen howled and screamed: "Mom, save me!"

A woman's voice came from the side, and her voice was distorted by fear: "Stop! Let her go!"

Viserys turned around, turned around and walked out of Princess Shireen's room, and came to the stone arch bridge.

On the stone arch bridge opposite, a tall and thin woman with a slender face, protruding ears, sharp nose, and a panicked face tried to remain calm and dignified after seeing Viserys. There stood the guard, accompanied by a young maester.

The woman wore a queen's crown with flame patterns on her head.

She should be Queen Celis Florent.

Viserys flapped his wings and flew into the air. His body swelled and he stood high. His voice was as loud as a bell: "Surrender to me, Queen Selyse."

Everyone was waiting for the queen's answer, and no one even fired a secret arrow.

"I" the queen said, her voice was trembling, her legs were trembling, and her body was shaking like chaff, "I"

Everyone was waiting for her answer.

Finally, the Queen spoke with quivering lips: "I, I can't." She screamed, her voice as sharp as a whip. "I can not!"

"So," Viserys said in disbelief, "you chose to die?!"

After the queen finished speaking, she collapsed on the arch bridge. The two guards beside her drew their swords towards Viserys. The young maester collapsed on the ground with a pale face.

Daenerys was so shocked by the sight that she sat up straight against Viserys.

The fire in Viserys's mouth was building and ready to be fired.

Princess Shireen didn't know where the courage came from. She ran out of the room, came to the arch bridge, and cried: "Mom! No!"

The drawn-out ending was Princess Shireen’s exclamation after she lost her footing and fell from the arch bridge.

"No!" The queen, who collapsed on the arch bridge, screamed and fainted immediately.


Princess Shireen felt like the sky was spinning. She could feel herself falling, and could hear her mother's screams in her ears.

At a certain moment, the fanatical wind suddenly blew up, and Princess Shireen felt herself falling on something, which was dark, soft, wet and hot.


Something was buzzing.

By the time she could be put down by something and could see, she had returned to the arched stone bridge.

The dragon was beside her, and the long-necked head on the right side was retracting from her body. Princess Shireen discovered that the middle head of the dragon was burning with a frightening red flame, and the rows of scales on its neck were shining orange-red. The other two heads looked extremely dim compared to the one in the middle.

The crazy wind blew on Princess Shireen, making her clothes rustle.

The dragon looked down at her, and the knight on the dragon's voice sounded as loud as a bell: "Surrender to me, Shireen Baratheon!"

The castle fell silent again.

Everyone was waiting for her answer.

Princess Shireen's face was full of tears, and she looked at another arched stone bridge in confusion. Her queen mother fainted there, and her two cousins, the knights and the Maester Pylos were all looking at her. She felt that everyone in the castle was looking at her at this moment.

What should she say? What should she do? No one told her.

"Make a choice, Princess Shireen," the dragon knight urged her, "outside the castle you can't see, there are countless people fighting desperately. Every moment you hesitate, countless lives are dying. Surrender, or let more people die. You are a princess, the only heir to Stannis Baratheon, now, make your choice!"

The ten-year-old girl still uses good and evil to distinguish between good and evil.

She didn't understand, if the three-headed dragon and the knight on the dragon's back were kind, why did they kill so many knights who had treated her kindly and were loyal to her parents in the past? If he was evil, why did he save her and urge her to surrender and save more people?

The wind whistled in her ears.

Princess Shireen looked up and saw the purple eyes of the knight on the dragon's helmet. The knight looked at her with such a complex look, with expectation, pity, and determination.

Princess Shireen gave an answer, and she said in a trembling voice: "Yes."

Viserys asked: "Surrender?"

"Yes." She said after a little stabilization.

"Order your castle guards to lower the flag."

"Yes." She found that she seemed to only know this word at this moment.

"Okay." Viserys flapped his wings and soared proudly. His huge voice like a bell resounded in the castle, "Princess Shireen Baratheon has surrendered to me, and the queen has also surrendered. Everyone, lay down your weapons and surrender to Targaryen! Castle guards, lower the flag!" At this time, no one actually cared whether the queen surrendered or not.

Viserys flew around the castle three times and shouted the same sentence several times.

Finally, all the flags of Stannis on the castle were lowered.

Then Viserys turned and flew out of the castle, shouting to the guards and Unsullied who were still fighting on the mountain road outside the castle: "Princess Shireen Baratheon has surrendered, the queen has surrendered, everyone, lay down your weapons and surrender to Targaryen!"

Viserys's huge voice resounded over Dragonstone.

At this time, a new sun was rising on the eastern sea level.

People will remember this day, because on this day, Dragonstone returned to the rule of the Targaryen Dragon King.

(The first volume "Beggar King" is over)

The next plot will enter the second volume, which will be called "The Dragon King of Dragonstone".

Now that Viserys finally has a base, let's see how he will ride the tide in the changing situation of Westeros.

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