
When they arrived at the bathing room, seeing that the servant leading the way was about to take the two away separately, Dany could not help but call out to Viserys.

Viserys turned around: "What's wrong, Daenerys?"

Dany shrank her neck, but did not speak.

At this point in time, the "Mother of Dragons" was still just a timid and lacking self-confidence little girl, who was very dependent on her brother Viserys, even though her brother was cruel and abused her with violence.

In the original book, she gradually grew into a strong and confident woman after realizing that Viserys cruelly sold her and everything was irreversible and marrying Khal Drogo.

Viserys roughly knew that Daenerys was worried and afraid, but the current situation did not allow him to communicate deeply with Daenerys, nor could he immediately correct his brother's attitude.

Now Viserys needs Daenerys to continue to be timid and cowardly.

With Daenerys's beauty, if she wasn't timid and thin, she would be no less than a child carrying gold through the busy streets. Even Illyrio, who has seen and eaten and is shrewd, wants to take Dany for himself when he sees her.

"Don't embarrass me, Daenerys!" Viserys didn't comfort her, but had a tough attitude. He said to Dany in a cold voice, "Are you afraid of washing? Follow the maid."

So Dany lowered her head, didn't try to say anything, and went to another bathroom with the maid.

Viserys washed in the mansion bath provided by Illyrio without any psychological burden, and didn't even refuse the silk clothes provided by the servants.

After washing, he simply took care of himself, and the eunuchs and maids led Viserys and Daenerys to the dining room to sit down.

After washing and grooming, Daenerys showed her beauty more and more. Fortunately, Viserys maintained a cold attitude towards her, which made her submissive, frowning, and difficult to smile.

Although Dany was thirteen or fourteen years old and had not fully grown up, in this world, a girl was a woman after her first menstruation.

Viserys did not want Illyrio to be trapped by beauty and give up playing tricks with him.

At the main seat in the restaurant, Illyrio, who had changed into casual clothes, had already sat and waited.

Viserys took the lead in performing the Braavos guest ceremony: "Thank you for your hospitality, Magister Illyrio, your generosity and courtesy are impressive."

Illyrio smiled on his chubby face and tried to correct: "Your Majesty, you don't need to praise me, this is what I should do."

"Oh" Viserys' words seemed to be stuck, "I wonder when your banquet will start. My sister and I are looking forward to it."

Dany sat quietly in her seat with her head down, feeling very strange in her heart. She had seen Viserys fawning on the powerful, but didn't they call each other monarch and minister before?

The courtesy greeting used by Viserys came from the greetings of guests at the banquet between the nobles of the Free Cities. The reason for the stuck seemed to be that Illyrio did not respond according to the courtesy greetings of the host of the Free Cities banquet, and he still showed his demeanor and cleverly covered up the embarrassment.

At least it seemed so.

Dany felt very absurd. She was very aware that Viserys had changed something since he was struck by lightning, and his behavior became unpredictable to her.

"In fact, there is no banquet, Your Majesty Viserys." Illyrio's expression was serious. "Even if there was, it was a welcoming banquet for you and Her Majesty Daenerys. I thought we had made it very clear in Lys. Your Majesty, were all the words we said in front of the gods all lies?"

"Of course not," Viserys smiled and responded appropriately, "I understand your needs very well, I just hope..." He paused, as if he had just realized what Illyrio had said, and asked in shock, "Wait, you just said, there is no banquet?"

Dany quickly raised her head and glanced, then quickly lowered her head. She saw Viserys on the opposite side staring with wide eyes and showing an exaggerated expression of disbelief.

Illyrio's expression was solemn: "Your Majesty, I need an explanation."

"Oh" Viserys still had an expression of disbelief. He licked his lips, as if his mouth was dry and his mood was difficult to calm down.

"Oh, Seven Gods!" As if he couldn't organize the words, Viserys began to mutter randomly. "Governor Illyrio, what do you mean?" he asked cautiously, ".Do you mean that?" He asked repeatedly, ".Do you really mean that?!"

Illyrio tried to see something from Viserys's exaggerated performance. He narrowed his eyes and stared at him: "Excuse me, Your Majesty, did you think before?"

"Oh sorry," Viserys said subconsciously as if he was about to answer, "I thought before"

Then he stopped talking as if he thought of something, and began to keep chanting "Oh, Seven Gods!" to show that he was shocked and shocked at the moment, and was trying to calm down.

In my personal summary, Viserys thinks that being a riddle man is very useful in the process of intrigue, because those lies that you can't make up, smart or self-righteous people will fill in the missing parts by themselves, you just need to guide them to think in that direction.

Viserys's performance at this moment is very inconsistent with the intelligence obtained by Illyrio and the conclusions drawn from the observations of the past few days, but it seems to make sense.

Viserys and his sister have been wandering among the Free Cities as guests of powerful people over the years, seeking refuge and plotting to restore the country. But the enthusiasm of these powerful people soon faded. Over the years, the two descendants of Targaryen were starving and living in danger.

After Viserys gained the reputation of the "Beggar King", he was even treated as a clown and a joke by the big shots. Rumor has it that he would often yell at the clowns, jesters, and maids around the powerful at banquets because people called him "the Beggar King." Occasionally, he would be kicked out because of conflicts with the big shots, and then he would sell his property and eat. Unable to find the next shelter object in my heart.

If he has regarded this kind of life as a means of livelihood, then the performance he had shown in the past few days at Illyrio's invitation was a kind of performance, a tacit way of getting along with each other between a big shot looking for fun and a self-aware joker, and After arriving here, Viserys began to display an attitude that was willing to cooperate, just like an actor who was invited to make a living and was then shocked by Illyrio's 'unexpected' attitude.

But is this really the case?

Illyrio didn't believe it, at least Viserys's exaggerated performance was not enough to convince him. He asked: "Your Majesty, do you have any concerns about our previous exchanges, or do you have any new ideas? As you can see, I am a doer." As a businessman, why don't you speak up?"

"Your Majesty the Seven Gods!" Viserys seemed to have yet to wake up from the shock, "Governor Illyrio, let me confirm that you are indeed willing to be loyal to me?"

"No," Illyrio narrowed his eyes and looked at Viserys, "Your Majesty, it is to support you. We have talked about it before, under the witness of the gods."

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's funding." Viserys seemed to have just remembered it, and he soon became excited and said eagerly, "You are the most visionary businessman I have ever seen." Viserys seemed a little impatient, "Before I didn’t have time to ask, but I wonder how much money you are willing to give to support me, Governor Illyrio?”

It's funny to say that there was not a single word of political promise made by Illyrio and Viserys. Illyrio only said that he was willing to provide asylum and support Viserys's restoration of the country, on the condition that he would be granted the position of Lord Chancellor after the event was completed. Viserys was invited to Pentos and Illyrio Discuss important matters together.

Illyrio did not answer, but turned to look at Daenerys, who was sitting at the corner of the dining table with her head lowered and silent.

Viserys knew what he meant, but he was nonchalant and urged impatiently: "You can just pretend she doesn't exist, Governor Illyrio."

"Excuse me, Your Majesty," Illyrio saw this and directly guided him through words, "Do you think you can restore the country with money alone?"

Viserys pretended to think, then replied, "Well, couldn't it?"

"." Illyrio couldn't help but pause after hearing this. This was not the answer he wanted, but it didn't matter. "In my opinion, money alone cannot help you restore your country. Your Majesty, what you need is an army."

Hearing this, Viserys said excitedly: "Yes, the army. Do you have an army to support me?"

There was excitement on his face, but Viserys suddenly lost interest in his heart. The answer came too quickly. Although Illyrio's rhetoric was convoluted, it was not convoluted enough. It was a bit too straightforward, and Viserys failed to use many of the rhetorical tricks he had prepared.

"I don't have an army, but I know where there is one." Illyrio introduced with enthusiasm, "Has your majesty heard of Dothraki?"

The peace agreement between Pentos and Braavos stipulated that the Pentos could not own more than 20 warships, hire mercenaries, contract with free mercenary bands, or maintain any army beyond the city guard. So despite its massive walls, Pentos is still considered the most vulnerable of the Free Cities. For this reason, the governors of Pentos maintained a benign attitude toward the Dothraki horse-lords, cultivating relationships with a succession of powerful 'khals' (tribal chiefs) over the years, sending them gifts and gold and silver to ensure their The 'khalasar' (people) live east of the River Rhoyne, the natural boundary of Pentos.

In other words, the commercial city provided annual coins to the nomadic tribes to ensure peace.

Now, Illyrio, who is now a powerful man in the commercial city-state, seems to want to take the opportunity to become a political broker and connect with the descendants of the Targaryen family and the Dothraki Horse King.

Viserys answered: "I've heard a little bit."

Illyrio was very confident: "Your Majesty, you may be able to use the help of the Dothraki to counterattack Westeros and regain the throne."

Viserys asked: "Those tribesmen in the Dothraki grasslands are also willing to sponsor me?"

"It's borrowing troops, Your Majesty, borrowing troops. I'm familiar with several powerful Dothraki Khals. If Your Majesty is willing, you may be able to borrow tens of thousands of troops." Illyrio drew a big pie for Viserys. , don’t forget to sprinkle on the delicious sauce, “Cavalry!”

Unfortunately, unexpectedly, Viserys did not respond directly to Illyrio, and did not ask what the "price" needed to be paid. Instead, he asked strangely: "My Lord Governor, with all due respect, what do you think of Westeros?" How much do you know?"

Illyrio was confused for a moment: "Huh?"

Viserys gave him a more specific description: "That is to say, except that the continent is called Westeros and the king there is now named Robert Baratheon, you have some idea of ​​the political situation there. ?"

At first Illyrio felt that Viserys was ridiculing him, but seeing that Viserys looked serious, it was hard to tell. He just thought that the topic was diverted and was about to bring it back: "Uh."

But Viserys did not give Illyrio a chance to continue to dominate the conversation: "For now, even if I borrow soldiers, Governor Illyrio, if, I mean if, I borrow soldiers and horses, how will I transport them to West?" Luo, where should I land?”

"Uh," Illyrio wanted to say, we are discussing borrowing troops, but we haven't borrowed them yet!

But Viserys was still asking: "Even if I land, I will fight and capture the city, but the people of Westeros do not recognize the army I brought, or the Dothraki conquer the town and want to massacre it, how can I survive?" Where?”

"." Illyrio wanted to say, are these all things that disappear? Can we first discuss whether we have soldiers?

But Viserys still kept talking: "Even if I regain the throne with the help of the Dothraki, what will happen to these people then?"

Seeing that Viserys seemed to be still struggling, Illyrio quickly interrupted his chatter: "Your Majesty, your considerations are too specific. You don't even have soldiers and horses now, not to mention that these may not happen."

"No, no, no," Viserys shook his head and said solemnly, "These are very serious questions, Lord Governor. The situation in Westeros is a thousand times more complicated than imagined. Restoring the country is not easy. I work every day. I spend every night thinking about how to restore my country, return to my homeland, and ascend to the Iron Throne. Believe me, these are very serious questions.”

[Co-author: Do you think about this every day if you want to restore the country? 】

Illyrio was speechless for a while.


Wesselis wanted to continue saying something, but his stomach growled, so he had to sit up and apologized with a serious show of embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Mr. Governor, for making you laugh."

Fortunately, Illyrio didn't want to hear him continue to dwell on those meaningless questions, so he quickly took over the topic: "I am the one who is negligent. In that case, let's eat first."

Viserys stopped talking: "As you wish, Lord Governor."

Judging from the appearance, Illyrio knew that today he would definitely not be able to convince Viserys, who was entangled in the so-called issue - Viserys was clearly using excuses to object. So there was no further discussion.

Viserys didn't know what he wanted. His strategy was simple. No matter what Illyrio said, he just had to refuse to agree.

I have prepared a lot of words.

for example:

When discussing plans, talk about specific issues.

This strategy may work, but there are some problems

You're right, but...

This is a good strategy, but consider.

Well, this strategy is very good, but there are still some details that need to be perfected. Why don't we go back and think more about it? There must be a better way.

What if I do this and something like this happens?

And so on.

Before Illyrio figures out Viserys' current thoughts, Viserys can use various words to frustrate him as long as Illyrio tells him a plan.

Despite this, it has to be said that Illyrio is still a bit tricky. He did not fall into the trap of rhetoric and answered Viserys's questions that had no actual meaning.

Since we couldn't talk about serious business, we could only chat after the meal. Viserys did not hesitate to praise the various dishes. While chatting and laughing with Illyrio, he kept eating in his mouth, almost eating alone. enough for three people.

Of the three people at the table, the one who felt the most strange was naturally Daenerys. She didn't participate in a single word of the discussion, but she could also feel that the Viserys at the table was completely different from before.

In the past, Viserys would have given anything in exchange for such a plan.

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