They rode horses for a while in the wild.

Vilas has a lame leg. This was the injury he sustained when he was thrown off his horse by his opponent Oberon of Dorne when he participated in the first tourney. At that time, his feet were entangled in the stirrups, and when he fell, he was pinned down by his mount. Eventually, one of his knees was completely shattered and he became disabled.

So he could only ride on a horse with a special saddle.

He raised the finest falcons, hounds and horses in the Seven Kingdoms. It would be so sad if he could no longer ride on horseback.

Speaking of which, after Bran was disabled, when the princes of the north gathered at Winterfell for a banquet, people looked at him with discriminatory eyes, and many of them felt that he was better off dead.

The seven kingdoms are martial. From the barren north to the rich south, people discriminate against the disabled. Even though Vilas is the heir to Highgarden, some people still mock him as "Lame Vilas" in private. Perhaps it is for this reason that he still does not have a daughter of a high lord of the same level to marry.

They ran away from the guards behind them and stopped on a high hill.

From here, you can see the castle of Gaoting from a distance. It is built of white marble and has three circular walls built of white stones. The Gaoting inside the wall is like a green paradise, with flowers blooming everywhere, gardens, pools, and artificial waterfalls. Highgarden is considered by many to be the most beautiful castle in all of Westeros.

Willas looked at the castle from a distance, waiting for his brother Garlan Tyrell to come closer.

At this time, the guard was already some distance away from them, and the conversation between the two could no longer be heard.

"The Tyrells are about to have a queen," Willas said. "Should we be happy about this?"

Garland said distressedly: "Grandma is right, it is easier to ride a lion than to dismount. I am still the Earl of Liangshui City under the title of King's Landing, but if I want to lead troops to take Liangshui City, even my father will not agree."

Vilas asked: "You could have become a lord. Liangshui City is a rich castle. Don't you complain?"

Garland smiled: "Don't make fun of me. At first, only my grandmother objected, thinking that she should not get involved in Renly's fight for the king. Later, she was the only one who insisted on writing a letter after Renly's death to persuade his father to return to the army and not fight with Lannis. Special alliance, sit back and watch the success or failure. You were silent both times."

Vilas smiled bitterly: "What was the use of my opposition at that time? My father, you, and the princes in the territory, all were flushed and excited about the future prospects, especially Loras. I am the crippled heir, If I speak and raise objections, what prefix will be put in front of Lame Willas? Cowardly? The lords and lords of Redwyne, Rowan, Oakheart, Tully, and Fossoway all think it is possible, Florent even took sides early. I couldn’t stop him, not even my father could stop him.”

"What about now, we follow the Lannister and fight a 'Prairie of Rage' like the Gardener family and the Lannister once did?"

Willas looked at the green fields of the territory: "The more nervous the Lannister is and the more information is blocked, the stronger Dragonstone is. I have received information from the direction of Dorne. Dorne's envoys set off from Sunspear City and took a boat to go north. , counting the time, they are already halfway through their journey. Dorne is adjacent to the Reach, and intelligence shows that Dorne's troops have been redeployed at various border crossings. "

"Have the Dornish made their choice? Do you think Dragonstone will start in the South?"

"There are only two exits from Dorne, Highgarden and the Stormlands. You and I both know that the Stormlands cannot stop the Dornishmen who have not lost a single soldier so far. Garlan, it's time to put a stop to this folly. We are on the wrong side. ”

"How to stop it? Margaery and Joffrey will be getting married in King's Landing soon. My father and many lords in the South are also in King's Landing."

Willas said: "There is a reason why my father sent you back to Highgarden, otherwise you should attend Margaery's wedding. Garland, you are in Highgarden and can guard the territory of our Tyrell family."

"What? What do you want to do?"

"I want to go to Dragonstone in secret. If the dragon is indeed true, I will fight for us to have a seat with the Targaryen king in the name of the Heir of Highgarden. If the dragon is not a concern, Garlan, you have to fight for it." Tyrell holds the Reach."

"You are the heir of Highgarden, Vilas, this is too risky. And the princes in the territory are..."

"The princes within the territory, Redwyne? Tarly? Rowan? Florent?" These are the second-tier nobles of the River Bend, and they are very ambiguous about their submission to Tyrell, especially the Florentine family, which has no regard for Tyrell. To say it is like Bolton in the North and Frey in the Riverlands is a blatant betrayal. "Tyrell needs to set an example, and we can represent the Reach, shouldn't we?"

"But how do you go there secretly?"

"Yes, the Eight-clawed Spider's eyes are everywhere. And I am a cripple and easily exposed. But the risk is worth taking. I announced to the outside world that I would study astrological works behind closed doors in the castle tower, and secretly take a boat out to sea along the Mander River. You’re in the boat the whole time, no need to move around.”

Garland was worried: "There are many storms on the sea in autumn, and without fleet escort, the journey is very dangerous. It is faster to go to King's Landing by land, but the Lannister patrols at King's Landing port are very strict, unless they can cross King's Landing to Duskendale or Raven's Roost. , but there is a Lannister garrison there now, and it may be more dangerous."

Originally, the town of Duskendale was recaptured and garrisoned by Randyll Tarly, but later the Tyrell army was ordered to move inland by King's Landing.

"There is a 'magician' who promises to protect me, and I choose to believe him."


"Yes, he believed that the Targaryen dragon was real from the moment there were rumors of coming to Old Town. He originally planned to take the land route to King's Landing and then transfer to the water route to Dragonstone Island. But on the way, bandits attacked where he was. Caravan, he 'died', I found him."

"If he can't even stop the robbers, how can he ensure your safety?"

“No, Garland, you don’t understand, he’s ‘dead’.

Leo Tyrell, do you remember that boy, the one from the Citadel, the son of Morin? The boy was an apprentice accompanying me. He survived and went to the castle to ask for help. He claimed that he originally wanted to go see the dragon with the doctor, but now he was scared by the bandits on the road and dared not go out. I sent a guard to escort him, so he dared to return to the school city.

I went to the scene where they were attacked and found the whereabouts of the 'magician' who faked his death and escaped, and followed his tracks to find him. It was a man named Marwin, who called himself Doctor of the Citadel, and he said he knew magic. "

"Is he a liar?"

"No, he is a 'magician'."


When Master Aemon got up early in the morning, he woke up his old steward: "Clydas, go to the crow's nest and see if there is any new letter from the south?"

Clydas is a short, bald, small-eyed, hunched-over sixty-year-old man with poor eyesight, but even so, he is responsible for taking care of Maester Aemon and the messenger crows in Castle Black. Samwell Tarly was originally another Steward responsible for looking after Maester Aemon.

The Commander-in-Chief led the rangers north. Maester Aemon was unable to accompany the patrol due to his age. The responsibility of sending and receiving messages with the rangers and leading the messenger raven fell to Sam on behalf of the maester.

Clydas had been taking care of the old maester for many years and worked hard without complaint. He immediately got up and put on black clothes and came to the crow's nest: "No, Master Aemon." He was only sixty years old and was not qualified to compete with Aemon who was more than a hundred years old. Look old in front of the master.

"Ah, yes, not so fast." Maester Aemon stretched out his bony, wrinkled fingers and stroked his heavy collar. "And Robb Stark may not come. He may not listen to Frank. The words of King Gerion. He is also a king, the king of the North and the River. He leads all the troops south to fight the Lannister. There are still ironmen in the north. Even if he goes north, he has no time to take on the responsibility of guarding the north. Not even a letter. Their armies are rushing to attack each other. It's a shame that the only king who responds doesn't have a Guardian of the North who can take responsibility for him."

The corners of his mouth curved involuntarily when he spoke. Unfortunately, Clydas's eyesight was also very poor and he couldn't see Master Aemon's slightly proud smile.

At first, the Great Wall received a letter from the Targaryen Dragon King of Dragonstone urging the princes of the country to coexist peacefully. When Clydas read the letter to Master Aemon, both of them felt incredible and thought it belonged to someone. mischief.

But after a while, the Great Wall received a reply from Dragonstone. The letter explained that the Targaryens on Dragonstone did not have extra manpower to support the Great Wall, but they could provide a batch of supplies, and the Great Wall needed to send people south to Dragonstone. Island receives.

This reply still bore the mark of Targaryen's three-headed dragon, and they believed that Dragonstone was now in the hands of King Targaryen. Even Bowen Marsh, the acting commander of Castle Black, takes this matter very seriously. Of course, the reason why he takes it seriously is because Dragonstone is willing to provide a batch of supplies.

Master Aemon really wanted to use the messenger crow to talk to King Targaryen on Dragonstone and ask about the situation there, but right now the Great Wall was in urgent need of all kinds of things, both manpower and materials were very important, so he did not use the messenger crow, but only In the letter, he explained the shortage of supplies and hoped to get help.

After that, another letter crow came back and forth, bringing a letter from King Targaryen ordering Robb Stark to serve as Warden of the North, or to appoint another Warden of the North to support the Great Wall. Although this letter can be interpreted as a plot with ulterior motives to disrupt the northern border, having a king willing to turn his attention to the north has given the Great Wall defenders a lot of spiritual encouragement.

There is a fleet of the Night's Watch in Eastwatch, which includes larger ships that can cross the Narrow Sea. The fleet there is mainly used to patrol Seal Bay to capture smugglers who sell weapons to the wildlings.

Now that there is a mission to go south to receive supplies, of course a ship will go there. Master Aemon had been looking forward to the people who came back to tell him about the situation on Dragonstone. Although it stands to reason that they had only set off not long ago. They had probably just left Seal Bay and were still far away from Widow's Hope and the Five Fingers Peninsula.

"Master Aemon, even if King Targaryen is willing to donate supplies, our problem of shortage of troops has not changed." Clydas said, "There has been no news from the Fist of the First Men for a long time. Sam will not send the Messenger Crow Lost it?"

The situation outside the Great Wall is not optimistic.

The information brought by the last reply was that many villages outside the Great Wall were completely abandoned. At night, they said that they could see fire in the mountains, and there were huge flames burning from dusk to dawn. It is said that Mance Rayder summoned all his subjects and gathered almost all the wildlings outside the Great Wall in the North at the Fangs of Frost and Snow. As for his purpose, only the gods in the sky know.

If you say Xin Crow, Xin Crow will arrive.

The cry of the messenger crow came from the letter nest.

Master Aemon urged: "Go and see where it comes from, Clydas."

Clydas took down the raven and looked at it carefully. The bamboo letter tube on its ankle was engraved with the source: "It's Bear Island. Great, they are close enough." He took down the letter on the raven's foot and read the letter to the old maester in the sunlight. The letter said something else, "'Sorry, we can't help the Wall's request for help. But please tell Commander Jeor Mormont that his son Jorah brought a letter through Dorne's raven, claiming that he has been pardoned by the real king and will swear allegiance to him until death.' Oh, the commander's exiled son was pardoned?"

Maester Aemon commented on this: "Although this is a good thing for Commander Mormont, I say that with so many kings now, it is really a loss of honor for someone to pardon such a bad criminal. He should be required to wear black clothes."

As he was speaking, another raven flew over.

Clydas took the raven closer and looked at it: "It's the raven that Sam took away. It's a letter from the Lord Commander from the Fist of the First Men." The letter only had a short sentence, "'We were attacked on the Fist of the First Men.'"

The letter was written by Sam in advance. The Lord Commander gave him the only task to deliver the letter. For this only task, Sam secretly wrote the content of the letter in advance and put it on the raven, otherwise it might not be delivered. And when the letter was received, it meant that the Rangers' encounter with the White Walkers had happened and ended.

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