Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 92: Marquis of Summer Hall

The hall of Storm's End was crowded with people. One after another, nobles led their knights to come and were led by servants to sit in the hall.

The hall was arranged with seats from top to bottom. There was a long table on the high platform. The center of the long table was high and above everyone.

There were various hanging flags on both sides. They were from various families in the Storm Land. Their positions were under the flags.

Looking straight up from the main gate, there was a crowned stag wrapped in a heart of fire.

The family sitting at the long table with the king was the red and gold fox Florent family of Brightwater City.

The people of this family often had a pair of protruding ears. It was said that their bloodline could be traced back to the Supreme King of the ancestors, "Garth Greenhand". Of course, this person was almost the ancestor of most nobles in the Reach.

All nobles or knights in the Reach liked to claim that their blood came from here. Some people even studied that even the blood of the Stark family came from here. As for whether it was true or not, only people in the Heroic Age knew.

Lord Alister Florent was the first to surrender to Stannis, and his family was honored to sit at the king's long table. Of course, Selyse Florent, who was also from their family, was Stannis's queen.

Next on one side was a maester and a red-robed witch.

At this time, a silver-haired knight came into the hall. He was more handsome than everyone present, with a Dornish look on his face. As soon as he stepped in, he attracted the attention of all the ladies.

With a knight's sword on his waist and several serious armored soldiers behind him, he walked straight through the hall to the main seat and sat down on the side of the maester. Behind him was the white bird flag.

The family emblem of the fire-breathing white bird has been heard by every noble in the Stormlands and the Reach. Cole Julius, the most capable knight under Stannis.

Some people say that he brought a white raven that could breathe fire from the Great Wall, and Renly was killed by this raven. Others say that he has magic and can summon an army of white ghosts, and Renly was killed by white ghosts. Anyway, this is a legendary knight.

Cole naturally didn't know the story of himself in other people's mouths. As for Renly's death, he could only say "I have nothing to do with it".

The king was the last to arrive, accompanied by the maester, the witch, and Lord Alister Florent. When Stannis, wearing the red gold crown, sat in the main seat.

Ser Axell Florent sat with his brother Lord Florent, and he shouted, "Silence!"

Instantly, everyone was silent and looked up.

Axell Florent stood up and said loudly: "Kings and lords, let us all pay the highest respect to 'His Majesty Stannis Baratheon, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the "First Men", Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm'. Long live the king!"

"Long live the king!!"

"Long live the king!!!"

The shouts rang out all day long, like waves rising and falling, but it was unknown how many people were sincere.

Stannis sat on the bench with no change in his expression, and he raised his hand to signal to stop.

"Silence!" Axell Florent shouted again.

"I summoned you all here for the sake of orthodoxy and etiquette. I know that you fought for Renly before and became my enemy, but I promise that as long as you are willing to work hard to regain the Iron Throne for me, I can forgive your previous behavior. I will reward the meritorious person with a castle and a title, and I will send people to take care of his castle and train his heir until he comes of age." Stannis said to everyone.

"As everyone knows, you are the legitimate and noble Majesty of the Iron Throne, the last blood of the Baratheon bloodline, and our legitimate monarch, so my Florent family is willing to serve you." Lord Alister Florent was the first to stand up, and at the same time stretched out the long sword at his waist, pointing directly at the gods.

Sword-drawers one after another.

Cole also stood up, but did not draw his sword, but saluted slightly.

When everyone sat down again.

Someone suggested, "Your Majesty, I think we should sail directly from the sea and reach King's Landing in less than three days."

"Although our fleet has become larger, it can't carry 20,000 soldiers at once." As the naval commander, Cole said.

"Then I wonder, Lord Julius, what do you think?" Earl Alister Florent asked him.

"It's better not to mention my humble opinion, but if we have to go by water, our ships will have to go at least three times and make a big detour."

"Then why not go by water and go directly from here to the Blackwater River, and the army will set out from the Rose Avenue." Earl Bryce Carron said, he was once Renly's Rainbow Guard, but was defeated and humiliated by Celtigar's knights, and later simply declared his allegiance to Stannis.

Stannis nodded, and this was exactly what he thought.

Seeing the king nod, a group of nobles responded and began to express their opinions on the strategy of dividing the troops. Many people volunteered to be the vanguard or the king's iron guard.

After a messy discussion, the final strategy was that Stannis would personally lead the army under Storm's End through the Kingswood to King's Landing, and then Imry Florent would lead the fleet from Shipbreaker Bay, bypass Cape Marseille, enter the Blackwater River from Blackwater Bay, and attack King's Landing.

Cole lowered his head and glanced at his Admiral's badge, but said nothing.

The next person to be appointed was Sir Goodmorrigan, who would lead 5,000 vanguards first, and at the same time send Sir Parmen Cline and Sir Aeron Florent to Bitterbridge to receive the soldiers from Highgarden.

The last order finally came to Cole Julius. Bachelor Pylos read, "Cole of the Julius family, Marquis of Summer Hall and Green Valley City, will serve as the acting lord of Storm's End."

This order was very abrupt, and even Cole was caught off guard. Marquis of Summer Hall and Green Valley City, does it mean that all the territories from Summer Hall to Green Valley City will be granted to him?

"This meeting is over. Please abide by your duties. If anyone violates the law, I will punish him severely." The bachelor read the contents of the parchment roll loudly.

Then the king stood up and left, leaving a group of nobles noisy in the place.

Cole also stood up and walked to the back of the hall.

The Onion Knight also came over, smiled, and said, "Congratulations, Lord of Summerhall."

Cole smiled bitterly and shook his head, "It's just a ruin."

Summerhall is located at the intersection of three realms, connecting the Reach, Dorne and Stormlands, and the Kings Road also passes through here.

"What are you going to do next?" Davos asked him.

"Go to see the king."

Outside the king's corridor, Melisandre, dressed in red, had been waiting. When she saw them, she whispered, "Ser Seaworth, Ser Julius."

Seeing the Red Witch, Cole seemed to understand something.

"The king is not seeing anyone now." She stared at Cole with indifferent eyes.

Cole shook his head and smiled, then took off the badge on his chest, "Please help me return it to the king."

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