"Sir Florent." Baron Plum Dou called to the captain of the personal guard who was walking towards him. All the king's uniformed cavalry were under his command.

Geoffrey Florent, "Sir Plum Doo."

He had just come out of the tower feeling a little indignant.

"Sir, we have been staying in the castle for five days. I still remember the mission assigned to us by the king, but look." Baron Mei Dou looked into the tower. "My soldiers brought news that large numbers of people were walking across the river. But what is our general doing?"

"I have tried to persuade him, but our Lord Julius seems to be too busy." His eyes flashed with disdain, "He is busy with his paintings and wine making. I think he should not be a knight, but a painter. Be a winemaker.”

"Lord Florent." Mei Dou gave him a slight signal to move forward, and the two of them walked to a hidden corner of the castle.

"Do you think you can win this battle?" the baron asked the knight.

"Stannis gave him such trust, but what did he do? He occupied the castle and couldn't hold it out, and asked people to collect wine for him. You know the wine that even beggars don't drink. Our Lord Julius also He doesn't refuse anyone who comes, just like his low status," Baron Mei Dou continued.

Jeffrey seemed to understand the meaning of his words, frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Sir, you have three hundred men, and I have a hundred men. I think the silver-haired boy doesn't want to serve His Majesty Stannis at all. He is waiting for the army of Highgarden to come and then surrender to the enemy.

"If we tell our soldiers about this, what do you think they will do?" Baron Mei Dou smiled.

Jeffrey looked hesitant.

"We can do much more with these cavalry in our own hands, Ser Florent."

The two of them were walking and talking when suddenly there was a hurried figure in front of them, and the whole castle became restless.

Jeffrey stopped a person and asked, "What happened?"

"It's a rally order, sir." the man answered him.

Jeffrey and Mei Dou looked at each other, wondering why they would give the assembly order at this time.

They rushed to the tower and saw Cole coming out fully armed.

"So you are here," he said. "I just asked Camilo to summon all the knights, but he said he didn't see you. It happened that we were walking and talking."

Cole walked over, heading toward the castle's training ground. "Sir Geoffrey, I need you to gather the cavalry immediately."

"Yes, my lord."

"Sir Mei Dou." Cole glanced at him, "You should stay in the castle from now on."

"Sir, what do you mean by this?" Baron Mei Dou asked with a guilty conscience. "Do you think my numbers are too small to be useful?"

"No, you misunderstood, Sir. I have to rely on you for the rest of the battle."

Baron Plum Dou looked at Cole's back in confusion, but let's just defend the city. Renly's army didn't have the energy to take care of his castle anyway, and he was happy to have some time to relax. When the battle was about to end, he would look for it again. Wouldn't it be beautiful if the victorious party surrendered?

When he walked to the school grounds, Cole looked up at the sky and saw fish-scale clouds. It shouldn't rain tonight.

He turned his eyes towards the sky and turned to the school grounds. In this era of frequent wars, the school grounds were almost a necessary building in every castle. It was a wide open space filled with people.

Moving around, it looked chaotic, with the neighing of horses and the clash of armor.

Cole found his horse in the stable. His guards had been waiting here. Jose and his horses were placed with Cole. More horses were placed outside the city. Nine hundred people and horses gathered together. Inside the castle, this place must be packed tightly.

He walked over and stroked the horse's neck. It was a brown male horse with a quite docile temperament. He pulled the horse out of the stable and then got on it. Qiao Se and others quickly gathered around him.

"Master Cole." Jose greeted.

Cole nodded in response.

Jose led the way on horseback, and the cavalry slowly stepped out of the gate of Green Valley City and met up with the brigade outside the city.

A whole group of cavalry moved into action, kicking up smoke and chaos.

The young Baron Ewood Meadow watched the cavalry disappear at the end of his field of vision. Sir Julius, who kept silent about his plans, was known as the "Lanny" of the battlefield.

In the story, Lenny defrauded Casterly Rock from the Castelli family with only his wits and without using a sword.

But Mei Dou almost knew what he wanted to do. The purpose of leading the cavalry was to harass the enemy on the other side of the river. When he saw the pictures drawn by Cole, for a person who grew up on the Brann River, , it really couldn’t be more familiar.

You can't win a battle with blueprints alone, otherwise why use knights?

The person in charge stationed at Bitterbridge is Mace Tyrell, Duke of Highgarden. People jokingly call this Duke "Lord the Inflatable Fish". He is the father of Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers, and Margaery Tyrell, the Rose of Highgarden.

During the Usurper's War, he led an army to besiege Storm's End for a year, which was the battle that made Stannis famous.

And now history has followed the same trajectory, with Highgarden again, the Tyrell family again, and the siege of Storm's End Castle again. Did the gods want him to wash away his shame and win for once?

But their King Renly didn't seem to want to give him the honor of capturing Storm's End. He was very familiar with that castle. After all, he could vaguely recall that after a year of siege, he clearly saw that the castle was about to be destroyed. The attack was broken, but Stannis was as stubborn as his temper and held on time and time again.

He had replayed the battle countless times and had already broken through Storm's End countless times in his mind. He believed that this time he would succeed, but Renly actually asked him to transport food to the rear.

The Duke of Mace was no longer the willful age, and the order was given by his son-in-law, the king. He had led the army in battle and knew the importance of food to the army. When they besieged Storm's End, they wanted to wait for Stannis to run out of food and then surrender.

"My lord, isn't it too risky for us to transport the baggage and siege equipment together?" Sir Foltimo Crane said to the Duke.

"Now the army in the south is here, where can the enemy come from?" The Duke of Mace looked unconcerned.

He led 5,000 people to escort the convoy, of which 2,000 were Highgarden cavalry.

"Foltimo, after Renly takes down Storm's End and King's Landing, I will nominate you as the commander of the garrison of King's Landing." This knight had been with him for so many years and had been a coach in Highgarden. He was a person Mace trusted very much.

His son is the king's Rainbow Guard, who is deeply trusted by the king, and his daughter is the king's queen. It is not difficult to imagine that Westeros will enter the era of the Tyrell family.

"Where are we?" Mace suddenly asked.

"We are almost at the Royal Forest, my lord." Fotimo looked at the green forest in the distance.

Mace suddenly laughed, "Randal Tarly suggested that we use ships to transport food from the Lambroon River to prevent enemy cavalry from attacking our convoy on the road, thereby reducing our losses."

"Maybe, Lord Tarly"

"I know he is always good at leading troops. He wants to drive the fleet from the Lambroon River into the Wender River and then into the Blackwater Bay. When we attack King's Landing, we can directly enter the Blackwater River from the Blackwater Bend and reach King's Landing.

"But he doesn't see what season it is now. There are many shallow sections in the Wender River that can even be ridden directly. How can we sail?"

Fotimo nodded silently, "It seems that Lord Tarly will also have unexpected places. "

"People like to exaggerate things. They only remember that Randyll Tarly defeated Robert, but they forget my achievements. Just like the "Double Sword Knight Kole" that the minstrels are talking about now, right? This name sounds like a horseman.

"I can guarantee that he is just a teenager. I guess he doesn't know how to hold a sword correctly. Any knight under my command can beat him and make him cry and go to his mother."

Foltimo laughed, "Stannis let a teenager lead the city defense. It seems that he has few useful people under his command."

"Haha, I heard that he believes in a new god and leaves his fate to a child and a foreign god. Eh? Do you think the sunset light is a bit dazzling?" Mace turned his eyes to the back.

MD, there is no sunset, it's dark now, it's a fire.

"My Lord Duke, it seems that something happened in the back!" Fotimo reminded him.

"Damn it, what's going on." Mace cursed, and he asked the knight beside him, "Who is in charge of patrol?"

"It's Sir Mark Mullendal." The knight answered him.

"The guy who trains monkeys?"

"The one who trains monkeys is Sir Mark Mullendal, sir."

"I don't care which Mullendal he is, I just want to know what happened behind?" Mace said angrily.

Soon someone brought the answer to the Duke of Highgarden, their convoy was attacked.

Mace asked Sir Fortimo to lead the cavalry to support, but when they arrived there, they saw only a mess, countless baggage scattered all over the ground, the bodies of slaves and soldiers everywhere, and burning carriages.

"What? The people have escaped?" When Mace led the team to help, he heard that the enemy had already fled far away. According to the surviving soldiers and slaves, it was a large group of cavalrymen holding torches and some strange bags in their hands. After they rushed into the caravan, they not only hacked and killed, but also threw bags and torches on the caravan.

Someone picked up a bag for the Duke of Metz, and he found that it was filled with liquid. He smelled it and only felt a strange fermentation smell.

"What is this?" he asked.

"This is wine, sir." Someone answered.

Metz frowned, "Is this wine?"

"It's bad, sir. The patrol soldiers reported that there is an enemy attack in the rear." Before anyone could answer him, the news of the enemy attack came again.

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