Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 70 Negotiation

The negotiation location was chosen on the outskirts of Bronze Gate City. The place was green and grassy, ​​and you couldn't feel the breath of winter at all. Considering that it was still autumn, I didn't know how long the gods would give the people of Westeros to prepare supplies for the winter.

The two seasons of spring and autumn are always in a hurry, mixed with the two long seasons of summer and winter, just like the opening and ending of a TV series, one announcing the beginning and the other ending.

Cole was holding a spear with a flag hanging on it. It was a tender yellow flag with a bright red pattern like the sun hanging in the sky. In the center was the crowned stag of the Baratheon family. The stag was surrounded by red hearts. The periphery of the red heart is wrapped with gold wire to form a flame. The color of the gold wire is darker than the flag surface.

He looked majestic in heavy armor, holding two long swords at his waist, but the swords looked plain and simple.

Cole followed Stannis. The king wore a red gold crown, a simple leather vest, a pair of well-worn shoes, and rough brown breeches. His sword was better than Cole's, at least it had a ruby ​​on the hilt.

At this time, the full sun was hanging in the sky, but it didn't feel hot. Shadows were scattered on the grass, and birds were flying randomly because of the sound of horse hooves.

A gust of wind blew, causing the shadows of the trees to rustle, and the flags to dance accordingly.

Encased in armor, Cole looked tall and strong, like a silver iron man. With the helmet covered, he could only barely see forward through the mask, but fortunately he still had a pair of eyes in the sky.

It seemed that someone had arrived before them, not Renly, but a direwolf banner.

They were looking at the people under the Wolf banner, and they were being looked at.

There was a beautiful woman and a dusty knight. Stannis obviously recognized them and said hello coldly, "Lady Stark."

"Lord Stannis." The red-haired Catelyn responded.

Stannis came up with only two people, a knight and a woman with the same red hair. A large group of cavalry surrounded the outside.

"I didn't expect to see you here. Your husband would be happy if he knew you were here."

This statement obviously surprised her, "Sir, did you say that Ed is here too?"

"He's at Storm's End, my lady. But I'm curious, why are you here? Do you represent House Stark, or?"

Caitlin calmed down the fluctuations in her heart. Although she was pleasantly surprised to hear the news about her husband, it was obviously not the time for them to get together as husband and wife. She came on behalf of her son.

"I come here on behalf of the Stark family. My son is fighting alone in the north to defend the kingdom. But you ignore the Lannister army, and you don't care that Cersei and her son occupy the Iron Throne and watch the kingdom helplessly. Bleeding.

"Sir, Dragonstone Island is obviously very close to you, but why are you here?"

"I need troops, Lady Stark. I only want what is within my rights. The law says that Renly and the lords of the south should be loyal to me. I am only here to get what is mine."

"Your own things, is this the reason why you rob Storm's End? Brother." A brisk voice came from one side. It was a handsome young man. He was wearing a green velvet jacket, a squirrel skin satin cloak, and was decorated with gold. A crown of roses and an emerald necklace on the chest. At his waist is a sword studded with precious stones. Riding on a beautiful horse.

His long black hair was combed straight and he had blue eyes.

Renly's flagbearer is a woman, wearing the same heavy armor. On the twelve-foot spear is a golden crowned stag banner, with a black stag leaping above the golden banner.

"Lord Renly," Stannis answered him.

"It's King Renly, brother. Look at that thing on your head. Your hair is almost gone. Why are you wearing it? And is this thing your banner?" He pointed at Cole Riding. The flag on the gun and the armor suddenly caught his attention for a moment. "This armor looks so familiar; brother, if you really don't have money to buy armor, just tell me. Why do you need to give the armor I use for practice to others?"

"This is a trophy, Your Majesty the Duke." Cole responded to him.

Renly shook his finger, "That doesn't count, unless you can beat me in the lance competition. But which company are you under the banner of?"

"My own," Stannis said.

"Your Majesty's badge is the flaming red heart of the Lord of Light," the red-robed woman continued.

"It's easy to distinguish on the battlefield, isn't it?" Renly looked at the flag curiously.

"It's better not to fight the war. The three of us should work together to discuss how to deal with the common enemy." Caitlin interrupted.

Stannis studied Catelyn's face, "Your husband said so too, but the heir to the Iron Throne should be me. To deny this is to be my enemy."

He turned to Renly expressionlessly, and he shrugged. "The whole nation denies you, brother. The old man denies it before he dies, the baby denies it kicking its mother in the belly, Dorne denies it, Highgarden denies it and the Stormlands deny it. No one wants you to be king, it's a shame."

Stannis suppressed his anger, veins pulsing on his forehead, "I swore that as long as you still wear the crown of rebellion, I will never have anything to do with you. I should have kept my oath long ago."

"How ridiculous all this is, my lords. Now that the Lannister army is stationed at Harrenhal and Riverrun, and new armies are being gathered at Lannister Port and Casterly Rock, do you still want to fight to the death here? The Seven Kingdoms Children, women, and men are crying because their king is so busy killing his brothers that he forgets his duty." Catelyn's voice rang in everyone's ears.

"I will win all wars, madam. You don't have to worry." Renly said confidently. He had an army of 60,000. After taking care of Stannis, he would go to take care of Tywin.

"If you have any suggestions, please put them forward immediately." Stannis said to him, "or I will leave immediately."

"Very good." Renly said every word with emphasis, "I suggest you dismount immediately. Then kneel down on one knee and swear allegiance."

Stannis's face grew even more angry, "You'll never get it."

"You can serve Robert, why can't I?"

"Robert is my eldest brother, and you are my younger brother."

"Yes, I am younger than you, braver and more iconic. Look at your brother, what you look like now."

"Thief, usurper!" Stannis cursed.

Renly did not back down, "You are the thief, Stannis. Storm's End is my castle and my fiefdom, but look what you did?"

"He is mine as a right, and as a rebel I have the right to take back your territory."

"Really? See who the rebel is. Do you see those flags? The Seven Kingdoms support me just like they supported Robert. The Targaryens also call him the Usurper, but Robert doesn't mind, and so do I. Don't mind. I'll bring it back to Storm's End myself, just like the suit of armor your knight is wearing, and I'll have him stripped off."

"That's enough of you. If you were my son, I should bang your heads together and lock you in a room until you know who your brother is." Lady Catelyn said to them.

Stannis frowned, "Your assumption goes too far, Lady Stark. I am the legitimate king and have the right to execute all rebels. If the Stark family wants to side with him, I will give it to you personally." Bring about the end.”

Catelyn was furious when she heard Stannis' threats, but she suppressed her anger silently thinking that her husband might still be in their hands.

"After all, you just think you are more reasonable, Stannis. But I have more troops." Renly reached under his cloak.

Stannis turned to look at Cole, then the Silver Knight nodded and reached for his sword.

"Don't be nervous, brother. Do you want a peach?" Renly took out a peach, "It's from Highgarden. I guarantee you have never eaten anything so delicious."

He took a bite, and the juice flowed down his mouth, and everyone was stunned by him.

"I'm not here to eat fruit." Stannis was furious at him. This kid didn't take him seriously at all. Look at his arrogance.

"A person really shouldn't refuse a peach. Who knows if he will have a chance in the future. Life is short Stannis. What does the Stark family say? By the way, it's 'winter is coming'. To be honest, I don't like you at all, Stannis. You always put on that stinky face. Only you can bear to sleep with an ugly woman. Fortunately, my queen is beautiful enough.

"Do you know what the people of the Seven Kingdoms say about you? They say that your daughter was the result of an affair between your wife and that idiot jester."

Stannis drew his sword boldly, and a flame surged from the sword, "I will never allow anyone to insult me ​​face to face, do you hear me clearly?"

Renly sighed slightly and said to the female knight beside him, "What should I do with my brother? Brienne, he pointed at me with a flaming sword, but this sword is quite beautiful. ”

The female knight answered him, "I will not let anyone harm you in the slightest, Your Majesty."

"I am not a harsh and ungrateful person, and I do not want to tarnish the blade of the 'Lightbringer' with the blood of my brothers. Lower your traitorous flag, and then swear allegiance. I agree that you will retain the title of Duke of Storm's End, and I will There is a place for you in the Council.

"If you insist on being stubborn and don't regret it, then go ahead. Ten years ago I could defend Storm's End for Robert, and I can still do it now. I will personally defeat your army."

Renly laughed loudly, "Are you afraid? Brother. Bring your army to fight me, just like Robert defeated Rhaegar, don't you dare?"

"I will not be as stupid as you, Renly. If you can, bring those rebels to Storm's End. We will see." Stannis put his sword back into its sheath.

"I hope your new god brings you good luck, bro."

Stannis mounted his horse and turned around, Cole following him, and then Lady Catelyn came closer.

Renly asked doubtfully, "Mrs. Stark, are you going in the wrong direction?"

Catelyn shook her head, "I must go see my husband? Lord Renly."

"Really? Good luck to you, madam. But you'd better give Lord Stark some advice. He must make the right choice and stop being like King's Landing.

"By the way, you don't think that the Northern Army can help you again, do you?"

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