Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 65 Cole Julius


"Even rat meat has become a luxury product in the city." Tyrell rode his horse through the streets of King's Landing, and there were confused people everywhere on the roadside. "Every bite you eat now is more than five or six times that of the past. You know the golden dragon doesn't work at this time. Those merchants really deserve to die."

He was cursing, flanked by a dozen Lannister red lion guards. There is also a carefree golden robe guard. Now Bronn is the commander-in-chief of the capital guard. The entire King's Landing guard should be about 6,000.

Slynt, the previous captain of the City Guard, tripled the number of people during his tenure, which resulted in such a scale. However, in Tyrion's view, these so-called golden robes are not even as good as the hundreds of barbarians he brought. .

Zira and Shagga from the Black Ears and Stonecrow tribes came to King's Landing with him, and are now placed in a tavern by him. Most of the free people are either still fighting with Dad in the north, or have returned to the Mingyue Mountains.

When he thought of the free people, he would remember the boy, something he didn't know until he arrived in King's Landing.

"What an idiot. You haven't even slept with me. Why are you trying to be so strong? Come to King's Landing with me." Sometimes when he was drunk, he would curse in a certain direction.

"Go away, don't block my master's way." The captain of the guard leading the way was yelling at a woman holding a child.

"Villar, stop your rudeness, you are talking to a defenseless lady."

The captain of the guard paused, then lowered his head.

Tyrion got off the horse, his legs still twitching when his feet landed on the ground. He walked up to the woman who was taller than him, with ragged clothes, gray face, and messy hair, "Madam, I am the king's agent. Prime Minister, if you have any grievances, please tell me and I will seek justice for you.”

The woman knelt down, tears bursting from her eyes, and kept saying, "Prime Minister, please save my child, please save my child."

He looked at the swaddle in the woman's arms. A thin baby under one year old was sleeping soundly.

"Is someone trying to hurt you? Or..."

Before he could finish his words, the woman interrupted him. She was crying and her words were unclear, but Tyrion still understood her request. She needed food.

Tyrion looked around, his eyes full of hunger, like wild beasts. He knew that as long as he gave a golden dragon or a mouthful of bread, those people would flock to him.

Even sanity cannot endure hunger.

"Vilal, bring this lady and her child." Their destination was a tavern next to the Gate of the Gods, where the free people were placed, and of course his lover "Shae" .

At the tavern, Tyrion asked the cook to make a meal for the woman and gave her some silver deer.

"I thought you were attracted to her and were going to kiss her flea-filled hair tonight." Bronn said as Tyrion sent the person away. "This woman probably came from Flea Bottom. I heard that cannibalism has started over there."

"This is your dereliction of duty, Bronn. I made you the commander-in-chief of the City Guard not to sleep with prostitutes all day long, but to protect the order of King's Landing."

The mercenary stopped and said, "You should let your little knight be the one. He seems to be more eager to become a knight."

"He is already a knight and a viscount."

In fact, Bronn has done a good job, and Tyrion also knows what kind of mess they inherited.

"People are so hungry that they don't care about order. They just want to eat. Now the whole King's Landing looks like a flea bottom," Bronn said.

"How much food is coming in today?" Tyrion asked.

"Not much. Although the merchants all know that there is money to be made in King's Landing now, the other two kings have blocked all the roads."

The sea route has been blocked by Stannis, while the west and south are blocked by Renly, preventing any caravans from transporting food into King's Landing. The two brothers have cut off all King's Landing's supply lines.

The riverlands in the north are now in chaos, let alone where to get food.

"Keep your men in order, Bronn. I don't want King's Landing to fall to the mob before Renly and Stannis's troops arrive."

"That would require a lot of manpower, and just these few people can't manage such a big city."

"Slynt has tripled the number of the Goldcloaks, Ser Bronn."

"There are millions of people in King's Landing."

"That's just minstrel nonsense that only a few years old would actually believe."

Tyrion walked into the best room in the tavern. A graceful figure was lying on the velvet mattress. Under her silk flowing skirt pajamas, she brought bursts of temptation. Under the candlelight, Shae slowly turned around. , she rested her arm on her side, wrapped her tall legs around her, and her shadow was visible under her skirt.

Tyrion only felt a little dry in his throat.

Shae stretched out her hand to smooth the wrinkled mattress beside her and said in a soft voice, "My dear Lannister giant, why don't you rest?"

There was a continuous sound in the room, rising and falling.

After a while, the movement in the house subsided.

Tyrion sat on the soft pillow and heard the man next to him say, "I don't want to stay with these barbarians all day."

He thought about it and realized that it would not be good to put a beautiful girl like Xue Yi with Xia Ga and the others.

"I'll find a house for you," he promised.

As if something satisfied this girl, Tyrion only felt a pair of tender hands moving in the dark night.

Tyrion took people back to the Red Keep early the next morning. He could have stayed here directly. He even had the room in the Prime Minister's Tower cleaned. Of course, the place seemed a bit ominous. The recent Hands of the King had not done anything good. fate.

Jon Arryn of the Eyrie seemed to have been killed, and he even took the blame for no reason. And Eddard Stark of Winterfell, now a wanted criminal, might have died in some ditch.

As soon as he entered the inner city, someone came to him and said, "Sir, the queen invites you to go to the conference hall."

Tyrion came to the meeting hall with a confused look on his face. All the ministers of the kingdom were already present, and he was the last one to come.

He sat down at the long table and said, "Good morning, gentlemen."

He looked at Cersei, "Good morning sister, I was wondering if I could use breakfast. I think I'd like some pork bacon, and a glass of wine would be even better."

Cersei just looked at him indifferently, and then said to everyone, "Now that everyone is here, Lord Varys, tell them the news."

The eight-clawed spider had his hands wrapped in a silk gown and his face was covered with powder. He stood up slowly, then took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it to the nearest Finance Minister, Lord Petyr Baelish.

People call him "Littlefinger", but he is not tall enough and has a slim build. He is handsome, with gray-green eyes and a beard on his chin.

He took the letter and looked at it before passing it to Tyrion.

The little devil, who was still a little undisciplined at first, opened the letter and took a quick look, then sat upright with a look of shock on his face.

"Now that Stannis has captured Storm's End, he will direct his army to King's Landing." Cersei seemed to have read the letter a long time ago, she said to everyone.

"This does not seem to be bad news, Your Highness." Grand Master Pycelle said in a low voice.

Yes, originally they thought Renly and Stannis would join forces to attack King's Landing, but now they are fighting on their own, and King's Landing only needs to watch the fire from the other side.

"Lord Renly, it seems that he has led many people towards Storm's End," Varys said.

Tyrion put down the letter. He had just lost his composure. But even now, his heart was still in turmoil, because he saw a name in the letter that he had never thought of.

"No matter who wins, the finger will be pointed at King's Landing soon," Tyrion analyzed.

"Lord Tywin must have brought troops to help by then." Grand Maester Pycelle said.

"The problem in King's Landing now is not Renly and Stannis, but food, my Grand Maester. If you can create enough food for the whole city of King's Landing, then even ten Stannis and Renly can attack it." No lower than the walls of King's Landing."

"Renly has an army of sixty thousand, and all the nobles in the South are under his command."

Cersei seemed a little impatient, "My lords, I did not call you here to hear how strong Renly and Stannis are, or how many people they have."

"Sister, do you want us to take people to join their family war? We only have six thousand golden-robed guards, and we are already exhausted just managing the riots in the city."

"Lord Lannister, I have to remind you that Stannis's army only has six thousand." Varys said from one side.

"They can't defeat Renly. It's only a matter of time before Renly takes back Storm's End, and we should try to make this time long enough." Littlefinger suggested.

That's not necessarily the case. Tyrion said silently in his heart, he actually knew that this was almost impossible.

This group of people had been working together for a long time, but they couldn't come up with any solution. Tyrion was not surprised by this result. His father, Tywin, didn't like these ministers, and Tyrion also hated them from the bottom of his heart. He was even willing to let his subordinates A group of barbarians is like a royal council, and they don't want to listen to a few foxes chirping and talking nonsense here.

After the meeting dispersed, he stopped Varys and didn't even bother with breakfast.

"Dear Sir, you are going to miss your breakfast." Varys stopped walking. He walked lightly and made no sound, just like his nickname "Eight-clawed Spider".

"The chef in King's Landing is never short of food. I don't think my old sister will let his prime minister go hungry." Tyrion handed over the parchment roll, "How much do you know about Cole? "

Varys pretended to be confused and asked, "Sir, you should know this knight better than I do."

"But he is already dead. My father burned him himself."

Varys shook his head, "Then you are making things too difficult for me. I have never seen it personally. But people say that he holds two swords, and he calls himself Cole Julius. This is really a mouthful. His surname was only given to him after he captured Storm's End, and Stannis personally knighted him. His family is a fire-breathing white bird."

Varys pondered for a moment, "Maybe he and Lord Cole who captured Riverrun are not the same person, but the troubadours seem to be more interested in singing them as one person."

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