Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 50 Blood Magic

"Khaleesi, you should kill or drive away the witches. They can do terrible witchcraft and make peace with demons." The maid Jhiqui whispered in Daenerys' ear.

Blood witch, no, she saved her star and sun. That day, Drogo was staggering on the horse all day. At night, she saw blood flies flying in their tent. They all said that blood flies only appeared on dead people. Even though the injury was so serious, Drogo insisted on riding a horse.

The person who saved her star and sun was Mirri Maz Duur, also known as the 'witch'. She claimed to be a healer. She wrapped a bunch of herbs wrapped in a sheepskin to cover Drogo's wound. Drogo had a big cut on his chest and an arrow wound.

Drogo tore the witch's medicine after only five days, and then his injuries worsened. The wound was wrapped with a wet sheepskin. His face was pale and bloodless. He rode the horse blankly all day, and did not respond to anyone's call.

Ser Jorah Mormont whispered to her on the horse that if Khal Drogo fell off the horse or could not ride the horse, then his khalasa would leave and follow the new khal, which was the bandits under Drogo now.

Some people said that the witch harmed the khal. Until the night of the eleventh day, Dany accidentally touched Drogo and his whole body was cold. She trembled and called him softly, but he did not move, and there was no sound at all. Blood flies buzzed around and even landed on them. Each one was as big as a bee, and the flapping of wings made a disgusting sound.

Dany kept calling for her Drogo with a crying voice. She felt like the sky was falling. In her helplessness, she thought of the dragon eggs. She quickly ran to the box of dragon eggs and took out three dragon eggs. Unfortunately, she forgot that she was pregnant, so she tripped and fell, and the dragon eggs fell to the ground. Blood also seeped out between her feet, and the blood dyed the dragon eggs red.

Dany picked up the dragon eggs while enduring the pain, lifted Drogo's hand, put the dragon eggs in her arms, and then leaned down to hug him. She kept comforting herself that she was the last true dragon, Daenerys born in the storm, and the gods would not take away her Drogo, nor her stars and suns.

Someone heard her crying and rushed in. When he saw her crying on Drogo's body, he instantly understood something.

Several blood guards came over after hearing the noise, and then they saw a scene that frightened them extremely. A bloody horse head was cut off horizontally, and large pieces of horse blood were smeared on Khal Drogo's body. The witch was smearing the blood while muttering devil's spells.

Heavy shadows were lingering, and those shadows were people, horses, and all kinds of strange shapes.

The blood guards saw the black shadows rushing into Drogo's body, and then his originally lifeless body began to jump, and the black air swirled, and suddenly rushed into the sky, and no one knew where it went, and the witch fainted after a high-pitched shout.

No one knew where the black air went. After the sounds of ghosts and wolves howling dissipated in the straw tent, they saw Drogo's chest began to float, and the sound of breathing gradually rose.

At this time, the silver-haired Khaleesi groaned in pain. Her belly was already swollen, and she was about to give birth, and her body was also red.

She screamed "Black Wings", and the maids rushed up, and the midwife was called, but the "horse riding the world" prophesied by the dosh khaleen did not come out.

Dany would not tell them that she dreamed of a real dragon that day, dreaming of her brother Rhaegar, who people said had beautiful long silver hair and an elven voice, and was the last real dragon.

But all Dany saw was a short silver hair, he was wearing black armor, riding a warhorse, and his red cloak fluttering in the wind. Below was a battlefield of blood and fire, with three rivers crossing and converging. His opponents were outnumbered, and he had only four guards around him, but he won, not losing to the usurper as people said.

His warhorse fell, and he fell off, and Dany saw him rolling far away on the slope covered with trees and thorns.

The sword in his hand was cold and shining, and it must be their family's ancestral sword "Dark Sister". Viserys told him about the two heirloom swords of the Targaryen family, one is the 'Dark Sister' and the other is the 'Blackfyre'. It is said that the Blackfyre is in Essos, and she must find it back.

Dany finally saw him standing in the center of a war. She walked over and took off his helmet, but it was blurry and she could only vaguely see his short hair. Suddenly, a pair of black wings flew down from the sky, surprising her.

When Dany opened her eyes, she found herself surrounded by a group of people, and Rhaegal in her belly was very calm and did not make any noise. She gently touched her belly and whispered in her heart, "You know what? Little Rhaegal. I dreamed of your uncle. You will be as tall and brave as him."

At this time, the maid Jhiqui told her with a complicated look that Khal Drogo had woken up.

For Dany, what happened was like a nightmare, and now she woke up.

She watched with joy as Drogo opened his eyes in a daze, and then his strong body once again mounted his horse, but his original horse was dead.

Horses are the faith of the Dothraki people, and Drogo was even angry about this, but Dany told him that it was the fierce horse that brought him back from the dark land, just because he was the father of the prophesied "horse riding the world".

Drogo did calm down after hearing this, and then rode another horse to patrol his Khalasar. Drogo did not tell anyone about his dream.

Only the witch was trembling. Only she knew what she had done, blood magic. She used blood magic to make people come alive. She couldn't help but think of the salvation prophecy spread by Char.

[After a long summer, when the stars weep blood, Azor Ahai will be reborn in the land of smoke and salt, and awaken the dragon in the stone. 】

That silver-haired woman is a descendant of the evil dragon. She must have the evil dragon in her belly, thinking of the Dothraki prophecy that "the prince will ride on the horse of the world and conquer to the end of the world."

They came to life, the child, and the man. Disaster, this will be a disaster that sweeps the world. It was she who released the dragon.

Cole didn't know how long he had been climbing. He kept climbing, but the scale disappeared and the Gate of Xuyan disappeared. Wherever he looked, there was only an iron chain, a section of iron chain going up, and underneath him was the piece of metal. Fire and Purgatory.

He was so tired from climbing, but he didn't dare to stop because the magma was rising rapidly, and the broken limbs beside him were constantly pulling him down.

He prayed, "If this is a dream, let him wake up soon, whether it is the new god or the old god."

And at the seaport in the distance, a raft that had been walking for an unknown length of time slowly floated into the trembling sea carrying a stone and a corpse.

(Let’s talk about the setting of blood magic. In the original work, the setting was to resurrect the Horse King by sacrificing Drogo’s mount and Dragon Mother’s child, but the blood magic only made him a vegetable. But here Because the dragon mother's blood was contaminated with the dragon egg, and the dragon egg was smeared on the body of the horse king, the evil god of blood magic focused on Cole. I set some causal elements here, because Cole. If you change the trajectory of the world, you will naturally have to accept some unreasonable disasters.)

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