"My lord, his wounds are festering and he has a high fever." The monk kept shaking his head.

The white-haired boy was talking nonsense, and no one knew what language it was.

Since the knight found Cole, he has been unconscious, and the white hair made Kevan imagine. When he first saw him, his hair was just like stubble, and it was impossible to tell whether it was blonde or something else, but now it was silver.

"Silver hair and purple eyes, is he the bastard of the Targaryen family?" Kevan couldn't help thinking in his heart. In the battle of King's Landing, he followed Tywin and watched the soldiers of the Lannister family kill King's Landing and blood flowed into the river, and watched the Mountain bring two female corpses and a baby boy to them. That was Princess Elia Martell of Dorne, and the first wife of Prince Rhaegar. Her clothes were already in disarray. Some people said that the Mountain raped her before killing her, and the Mountain himself did not deny it.

He remembered that when he first met Elia, Tyrion had just been born, and she was full of joy and said that she would adopt this deformed child. At that time, she should be the same age as this silver-haired boy, just an innocent girl.

When he saw her again, this Martell princess had become a graceful and elegant crown princess.

The last time he saw her was a corpse. He remembered that Tywin's face was very bad at that time, the disheveled Princess Elia, and the little Princess Rhaenys Targaryen who was stabbed more than fifty times. She was only three years old at that time, not as tall as Kevan's legs. Kevan remembered that when he saw her in the Red Castle, she always held a black cat, which she called "Balerion". The most uncomfortable thing for Kevan among the three corpses was the baby with a festering head. It was said that the Mountain slapped the baby against the wall with one hand. In a pile of rotten meat, Kevan saw the bloody white-blond hair.

Kevan himself and his son were both blonde, and he could recognize them at a glance.

The monk told him that when the gods summoned back a heroic soul, they would make him pure and flawless, so the child's hair would turn white.

Kevan sighed and thought that it was the gods who wanted to do this. Half of the credit for this victory was due to this child, but if the gods really favored him, let him wake up.

After visiting Cole, Kevan left with his guards. After conquering Riverrun, he still had a lot to do.

In the tent, only Cole's servant Munda was busy at this time. Kevan told him to take good care of Cole and tell him if he woke up.

When he opened his eyes, this time it was no longer a pavilion with carved beams and painted rafters, but a vast white world.

In the white, he saw a virtual door, standing tall.

In front of the door was a balance.

Cole himself was standing on one side of the balance.

Where is this again? Is it a dream?

On the opposite side of him, there stood a group of horses.

The huge door frame that seemed like a vortex was flashing purple ripples. After Cole stood on the scale, the horse on the opposite side flew up. Cole saw a person riding on it. He could not look down at the face and could only see the long braids from a distance.

After the horse flew away, the scale began to sink slowly, shaking continuously, making Cole unable to stand at all. The knob of the scale creaked, and Cole lay on the plate.

The huge iron chain holding the tray above his head made a clanging friction sound. Cole lay on the edge of the scale and looked into the distance. The originally white world was instantly filled with blood and flames.

Pillars of fire gushed out from the cracks in the ground, and the magma emitted gurgling hot bubbles. And the scale was taking Cole closer and closer.

What made Cole's scalp numb was that the red and black blood rolling between the rock walls on both sides of the magma was oozing out from the cliffs, broken limbs, half-skull heads, and countless wails that seemed to come from the abyss.

Cole turned over in fear and grabbed the chain of the tray. Now he had only one belief, he had to keep climbing up, keep climbing up.

Kevan was stationed in Riverrun. He only left two thousand people to guard the castle with him. He asked people to lead the remaining soldiers to support Lannister's northern army. Cole was also taken away by his firemen. Kevan originally did not allow it, but the firemen did not listen at all and even drew swords.

Thinking that Tywin had a better maester, Kevan had no choice but to let them go.

Now it has been two days since the army set out. It is estimated that it has reached the intersection of the King's Road, which is also the convergence point of the Trident River.

Suddenly, the crow feeder brought a letter from the raven. The letter was from his brother Tywin. He praised Kevan generously and mentioned Cole at the end of the letter.

After capturing Riverrun, Kevan quickly sent a raven to deliver the news to Tywin. In fact, before the battle, Kevan wanted to ask Tywin for his opinion, but he thought that the raven might be caught by the enemy, so he held back.

The child did not survive the high fever, and he was escorted to the North End Camp by a dozen knights. Tywin said that the free folks were in trouble, saying that the flatlanders killed their king. Tywin personally presided over the child's funeral. They put him on the raft, asked the Silent Sisters to sew up the wound on his back, and dressed him in red and gold silk according to the requirements of the free folks.

He did not have a noble coat of arms, so Tywin wrapped him with his own lion banner, and placed all his property on the raft according to the custom of the free folks, except for a sword. The free folks also moved a broken stone and put it on it.

Kevan thought of the sword he was holding tightly in his hand when he was brought in that day. It seemed that it had not been taken away, and it should be in his tent now. Thinking that his property should be sent back to his family, Kevan sent people to Cole's tent to get his things, but he heard that all the things had been taken away by the servant Munda.

Kevan was furious about this, and he sent cavalry to hunt down the follower.

When the raft went down the river, Tywin personally shot a rocket with a bow and gave him the highest standard of etiquette, and the freemen stopped making trouble. They were led back to the Moon Mountains by a freeman named Timmet.

The eagle flew over the valley and stream. On the far river, a lonely raft was slowly going down the water. Suddenly, an old tree fell from the river bank, and a wave of waves covered the raft with a crash.

The flames went out, and even the ropes that bound the corpse were not burned.

The river was turbulent all the way, and the river was sometimes calm and sometimes impatient.

On the rolling river, someone saw a raft floating. When they saw the person lying on it, they all bowed their heads and prayed silently, saying a sentence of Gods have mercy.

A crow flew by and landed on the raft. It pecked at the white body, and suddenly seemed to be frightened by something, then flew away with a quack.

A towering waterfall appeared in front of the raft, and the raft flew down quickly, not afraid of the rolling waves under the cliff.

It flew down from the cliff, and was not overturned during the ups and downs, and then continued to rejoice, accompanied by the rolling river, and rushed into the sea.

ps: The protagonist died, and the play ended. (dog head saves life)

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