"Do you know what they called me?" Edmure complained angrily to the butler beside him, "Scared Edmure."

"What do they know? We only have 1,300 people. If we send everyone out, who will defend the city?"

"Master Edmure," the maester came over at this time, holding two injured ravens in his hands, "These are two ravens flying from the North."

Hearing that it was the North, Edmure was overjoyed. He saw with his own eyes that his nephew brought his army and almost defeated the Lannisters.

"Is it my nephew Robb?"

He took the letter and found that it was indeed sealed with direwolf wax, so he opened the letter excitedly, and then couldn't help laughing, "Those stupid Lannisters dared to divide their troops."

He turned to the butler and ordered, "Call all the knights in the city to the hall and tell them that Lord Edmure summoned them to discuss important matters."

When a group of river nobles gathered in the hall, they were terribly silent. After all, the current situation was not optimistic. Edmure walked into the high chair of the lord's seat with a happy face, and the lords just thought he was sleeping with the maid of a castle again.

Unexpectedly, he took out a letter with a proud face. The emblem of the direwolf on it was naturally recognized by everyone. He just heard him say loudly: "The brave raven brought us good news."

Someone secretly sent in his heart, "Black wings bring black news."

"Two days later, my nephew Robb Stark will lead the Northern cavalry to attack Lannister's camp again. I know some people secretly call me 'cowardly Edmure', but the day after tomorrow I will personally lead the warriors of Riverrun to go out to meet the enemy, and I will personally cut off Jaime Lannister's head." He said loudly and angrily.

"Will the letter be written by the cunning Lannister?" Someone questioned.

"I recognize my nephew's handwriting, Earl Janos." He said to the man very confidently. In fact, he had not even seen his nephew a few times, but he still recognized the arrow wound on the raven.

And whether it was a conspiracy would naturally be revealed on that day. They were high above and could see the situation under the city clearly.

In the next two days, Edmure was actively preparing for the battle. He ordered his soldiers to train and practiced every day. He must show his bravery in this battle so that they would never call him "cowardly Edmure" again.

And his nephew Robb was leading his army across Luanhe City at this moment. They were defeated and deceived. There was no Lannister reinforcement at all, just a cavalry that came from nowhere. When Robb reacted and prepared to counterattack, Lannister had gathered all the people and erected spikes, giving them no chance to attack.

He could only fight back in anger. The Northern Army led by Roose Bolton was also defeated by Tywin Lannister. It was heard that Tywin had led his army north and was about to approach Luanhe City. Old Earl Frey wrote a letter urging him to lead the army to stop Tywin's army.

When entering Luanhe City, Earl Frey's face was indeed not very good.

He assured old Frey that he would lead his army to defend the gorge of Luanhe City and prevent Tywin's army from advancing northward. This made the old earl look a little better. Then the old guy urged Robb to marry his daughter. Robb could only postpone it with the excuse of their original contract. After all, the original promise was to marry his daughter after the war.

The main force of the Northern Army is still there. Now the situation is not so one-sided to Lannister. They have Jinze and Cailin Bay behind them, so they don't have to worry about having no way out. And important figures such as Jaime Lannister, William Lannister, and Tyn Frey are still in their hands.

Two days later, Kevan was staring at the sky nervously as it gradually darkened. At this time, there was a drizzle in the sky and mist rising from the water. Today's weather was extremely gloomy and depressing. The guards stood outside the tent listlessly. He set up his flag on the North Camp, and now he was using the flag of a noble under him.

Kevan led the army in the South Camp. Cole swore to him that there would be no moonlight tonight. He was still skeptical at first, but now he believed it eight points when he saw the river shrouded in fog. At the same time, he was also wondering where Tyrion found this monster, how could he even predict the weather.

Cole couldn't help coughing when the night wind blew. He led a thousand cavalrymen, dressed like Starks and hiding in the mountains and forests, and the barracks of Lannister were in the valley.

Those people didn't know there was such a play, and Cole didn't intend to let them know. As bait, they didn't need to know too much.

At this moment, Cole felt that he was a heart of stone, but in order to make the play more realistic, he had to sacrifice something.

"Ahem~" He couldn't help but cover his lips tightly, and felt his hands sticky. The armor on his body also became very heavy.

Edmure was standing on the city wall and looking around, but he couldn't see anything below except a piece of fire. He was thinking in his heart, is it really a conspiracy of Lannister?

Impossible, how could the Lannisters know that today was a foggy day without a moon, unless they were gods descending to earth.

In fact, Cole could not have imagined a foggy day. He could only guess that today was very likely to be a waning moon, which was almost equivalent to no moon.

"My lord, the lights on the north bank of the Tengshi River seem to be in chaos."

Edmure's eyebrows fluttered. Here they come, as expected. There were faint shouts and screams from the other side, and then the fire became huge, and they could finally see the dancing direwolf flag on the wall.

"Quickly gather people." Edmure hurriedly ordered those around him.

The knights of Riverrun gathered at the foot of the wall in an instant. They had been preparing for this moment for a long time. Edmure simply said a few words to encourage them, and then asked them to open the iron gate, lift the bolt of the bronze wooden door, and slowly lower the drawbridge.


When the drawbridge hit the bank of the moat heavily, he led a large group of cavalry to charge out and directly into the Lannister camp. Sure enough, those Lannister soldiers fled in panic and were easily killed by them like cutting leeks.

Seeing the expressions of those Lannister soldiers, some knights gradually put down their worries. It seems that they are really reinforcements from the North.

Cole looked from the hilltop. He did not go down. At this time, his entire right arm was numb and he could not hold the sword at all. He could only stand on the top with a stern face to command, and there were several Lannister knights guarding him.

At this time, if you look from the wall, although the lights in the Lannister South Camp and the Central Camp are still on, there are already few people.

Edmure was in the mood to kill. After seeing the armor and flags of the Northerners, he completely let go of himself and led his cavalry to chase the remnants of Lannister.

A Northern cavalryman who had fallen off his horse happened to pass by him, and he hurriedly asked, "Where is your Lord Stark?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and suddenly pointed to a hill.

Edmure looked and saw that there was indeed a small group of cavalry there, so he led his guards and ran towards the hill happily.

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