When the men were gone, Ser Kevan summoned him to his tent.

"Please take a seat." Kevan reached out to the seat on one side. "Tywin greatly praised you. He asked me to lead the entire army, so I want to ask for your advice."

Kevan looked at this young man with short white hair. He didn't know what happened, but he had a patch of white hair at a young age.

Cole didn't pay much attention to his hair. After all, it didn't grow much and he had been wearing a helmet recently.

"I think Lord Tywin's intention is not to let us capture Riverrun, but to tie up the Tully family's army so that they and Stark's army cannot gather to cause chaos in our rear and ensure the normal operation of our supply lines. "He expressed his guess.

Kevan nodded in approval. The more he looked at the child, the more he felt like the young Tywin. Of course, it wasn't the appearance, but the demeanor.

"Then what do you mean, you want us to besiege but not attack?"

"We can't capture it. Almost half of our siege equipment has been destroyed, and our number has been reduced by half. We can no longer divide our forces to encircle them. Now we can't even trap Tully's army. Maybe one day they will come through other gates. Suddenly came out."

Kevan was lost in thought. His personality was nothing like his brother Tywin. It took him a long time to figure out what his brother meant. And now Cole has made it clear in one word.

Tywin must continue to put pressure on the North. They have won two battles and their morale is now strong. In order to gain more initiative in the subsequent negotiations, he must not retreat.

Now all they have is Sansa Stark.

"Can't we take Riverrun?" Kevan suddenly sighed. He had been his brother Tywin's deputy all his life, and even if he led the battle, he would leave it to his son Jaime.

"Didn't I remember that Edmure Tully of Riverrun is in our hands? What if we let him persuade the defenders of Riverrun to surrender?" Cole thought of James' approach to taking Riverrun.

"Those people took advantage of the chaos to rescue him. Now the person in charge in Riverrun is Edmure Tully."

Both of them fell silent. It seemed that they had won the battle, but in the end they did nothing. Instead, a large number of important personnel were captured.

Although they also have prisoners on their hands, they are definitely not equal to those in the north.

Only if one of the two Lannister armies makes progress can the stalemate be broken. It is definitely not easy for Tywin Lannister to lead the army north. Cole himself is fully aware of the dangers of the Neck, let alone the pass "Cailin Bay". Tywin is not smart enough to plunge into it. , he should try his best to lure the enemy out for a decisive battle.

The army in the north has not completely collapsed, and the two armies are bound to fight a protracted war.

As for Riverrun, it goes without saying that there is no need to talk about the siege. There are at least close to a thousand people in the city. Although Cole and the others are several times more powerful than the enemy, it is impossible to attack such a dangerous city by force and the uncertainty is too great. It would be okay if these were united soldiers who had fought hundreds of battles, but the vast majority of them were just farmers and horsemen recruited temporarily. It would be okay for them to fight against the wind. But if the war is in a stalemate or they fall into a passive position, don't expect them to. Resist desperately.

Of course, this kind of problem is also shared by both sides, and the defender will not feel comfortable either.

Cole stared at the map in particular trance, and suddenly thought of something.

The guard outside the main tent only knew that the Sir named Cole left the main tent very late that day, and he coughed a few times after he went out.

Cole's tent stood in the center of the Flame People's camp. When Cole brought them the full set of armor and horse armor, the Flame People completely obeyed him. They confirmed that this man could bring them benefits. , then Cole can firmly sit in the position of King of Fire.

But the barbarian's character was eventually developed into a habit, and the camp was in chaos. Fortunately, Cole's tent was relatively quiet. The surrounding flame people saluted him, and he nodded in response. Now he just wants to get some sleep.

He lay tiredly on the mat, feeling like he could barely lift his eyelids, and fell into a deep sleep as soon as he fell down.

"Where is this?" He looked up and saw the many pavilions standing there. He looked around carefully and realized that this was the world in his previous life, but hadn't he already traveled through it?

As he walked around, little memories began to flow into his mind. It was only a year ago, and he could barely remember how he got home.

Is that world a dream of its own?

Cole suddenly heard a girl crying. He followed the sound and saw a huge mirror standing in front of him.

Like an image projected onto a virtual screen, he could vaguely see a girl crying in despair. Countless pairs of dark hands were pulling around her. Cole suddenly felt sad. For some reason, he was also sad for this girl. .

A thread of blood actually poured out from the girl's body. Cole could clearly see the blood droplets floating in the thread. The blood thread was tied directly to his body. Suddenly, a black shadow emerged from the mirror and turned into a The overwhelming black wings.

Drogo opened his eyes in confusion, and he saw his "moon" Dany, with her big belly. She was the "steed riding the world" and "the Khal among the Khals" predicted by the prophet Doshkarin. .

His face was so pale that there was no blood at all, and his lips were also a dark purple.

He dreamed that the horse came from the sky, and Drogo got on the horse's back. It took him across the Dothraki Sea, the city-state of the Milkman, and the black sea. He saw the throne. , and a pair of eyes burning with fire.

He is Khal Drogo, the most powerful Dothraki. He will ride a wooden horse to cross the black salt water and fetch the iron chair for his son, "the horse riding the world" - Rhaegal. He will take his own khalasa to conquer the world across the sea.

Suddenly, his almond eyes widened, blood rushed to his eyes and face, and the bells in his hair rang.

Drogo touched the wound on his chest that had been festering. It scarred overnight, and his body seemed to become lighter.

Walking out of the straw tent, his eyes were bright. The slaves had gotten up early and were busy. His brothers and blood guards also came to his side. Seeing that Drogo was in good condition, they all showed joy.

Recently, there were rumors among the bandits that Khal Drogo was about to die, so they began to move. (Khal is the horse king, and the bandits are equivalent to the vassal of the horse king.)

Because the new horse king will be born from among them, but this will be a bloody competition.

When Kao rode his steed majestically through the various "Kas" (small tribes under the big tribe "Karasa"), all the rumors were broken, and he would continue to travel west with Karas.

When the fierce horse galloped across the continent of Essos, everyone was trembling and crying. Their children would become slaves and their women would become playthings under the crotch of wild horses.

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